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'Christ in You...'

    by Dale Krebbs

Righteous Anger
Date Posted: November 6, 2016

Is there such a thing?

Even among Christians?

If so, is there ever an occasion when we can be angry without sinning? If in some way we deny or restrict others from receiving the Gospel, Jesus could become very displeased - even to the point of becoming angry. On at least two occasions, He became angry. There was on one occasion when Jesus and His followers encountered a situation that provoked Jesus's anger.

Also, on one occasion He became aggressively angry to the point of what some would consider violent angry. Somehow, it doesn't seem like Jesus to get angry. But He did on at least two occasions. Someone was a stumbling block to someone else. It seemed such a small thing to the disciples...but not so to Jesus:

" And they kept bringing young children to Him that He might touch them, and the disciples were reproving them [for it]. But when Jesus saw [it], He was indignant and [a]pained and said to them, Allow the children to come to Me—do not forbid or prevent or hinder them—for to such belongs the kingdom of God." - Mark 10:12-14

On an entirely different circumstance, Jesus became perhaps even more angry than on the occasion of His blessing of the little children:

"Now the Passover of the Jews was approaching, so Jesus went up to Jerusalem. There He found in the temple [[enclosure] those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers sitting there [also at their stands]. And having made a lash (a whip) of cords, He drove them all out of the temple [[c]enclosure]—both the sheep and the oxen—spilling and scattering the brokers’ money and upsetting and tossing around their trays (their stands). Then to those who sold the doves He said, Take these things away (out of here)! Make not My Father’s house a house of merchandise (a marketplace, a sales shop)! - John 2:13-16

In observing these occasion of Jesus's anger, we need to differentiate between anger and hatred. Jesus did not "hate" the children, His disciples, or the money changers in the temple. There can be a righteous anger on some occasions.

But hatred is restricted to God, who alone can be justified and righteous in directing His hatred. Jesus was God in the flesh with perfect control of that part of Him that was like us. He had God's nature, and human nature. His God nature was always perfect and always under control.

The greatest anger that God has is toward sin and the sin principle.

Sin is the source of all evil and ungodliness in the all the universe. Human anger is most often generated by human nature, which is often misguided, misdirected, and grossly over justified. Without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, human anger changes and bends the human mind and spirit toward evil and reduced control of human nature.

With the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in a believer in Jesus Christ, there can be a "righteous anger", controlled anger, at the proper time, in a righteous way, that works toward Christ's likeness.

There is a time and a place for Christian anger - an anger that is always under the control of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and manifested on those rare occasions when it is wise and righteous, and beneficial to all those involved. And, because of these safeguards, human anger can be labeled human indignation, because it does not last long, and is measured by the new nature in the converted believer led by the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, rejecting all falsity and being done now with it, let everyone express the truth with his neighbor, for we are all parts of one body and members of one Lord and Savior.

"When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath (your exasperation, your fury or indignation) last until the sun goes down. Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him]". - Ephesians 4:25-27

"Refreshment in Refuge" from Gina Burgess

What's to be thankful for in this?

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Biography Information:
Dale Krebbs served as an Elder, preaching, counseling, and conducting Bible studies for over 25 years in Texas, California, and Arizona. He is now retired, lives in Arizona, and continues the study and research of Gods Word.
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