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'Christ in You...'

    by Dale Krebbs

Thanks For The Memory
Date Posted: September 24, 2023

There was

once a network show in which the MC ended the broadcast by singing "thanks for the memory...".is faculty of what is called memory is a marvelous thing. It is one of God's miiracles of our being. a mixed bag of memories. Some good, some bad. Some filled with joy and pleasantness. Some with deep sorrow and an aching heart. Memories of each of us are utterly unique. Some of us have similiar memories in one way or another, but none are the same. Memories prove the uniqeness of each human - and of every Christian. tiple billions of humans each completely different. Not even one man or woman would be exactly like another from the past or into the future. How wonderful is our God! , looks, size, with similiar capacities and abilities. But NOT ONE is exactly like another! God loves variety. This is the reason each and every begotten child of His is so valuable. A soul, uknlike any other, that can live with Him, forever. is the reason God can love so much - so much as to send Jesus Christ to save everyone who will. Those whom God has called to preach,, or to serve in some way, must have this deep down conviction that no matter how many may respond - even just one - out of all the effort and sacrafice - it is worth it. Even with all that Jesus did and His horrible price to buy back even one. I would be worth it. That illustrates and proves the wonder of uniqeness. If Jesus could save even one, that one out of all who are not alike - it would all be worth the price. ? God knew if He could save even one, who is so unique and valuable, it would be worth it all. So it should be as we value each other. Each of us is so unimaginably valuable! To God, and to each other. is so very different - infinitely different. How valuable we should be to each other! God already values us as infinitely unique. Should not each of us, as His children, so value each other? , there will be no more unpleasant memories for you. Your bad memories will be no more.They will all be blotted out, your mind will be filled with good ones. ing and collecting wonderful and greater and greater memories for eternity. Good memories, piled higher and higher, filled with joy, and thankfulness to Jesus Christ and the Father. Forever we will all be saying to Jesus Christ, the Father, and to each other.. !God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more, neither shall there be anguish (sorrow and mourning) nor grief nor pain any more, for the old conditions and the former order of things have passed away." - Revelation 21:4


Most of us have

Think about it.

When God created the first human, He enabled within every decendent of Adam and Eve the law of uniqueness. From their uniqueness came mil

And in His plan to save mankind through His first-born Son Jesus, those who accept Him and believe in Him are completely different; similiar yes, in shape


All of us now have both good and bad memories. Some are so bad that they affect the lives of those who have them to the point of dispair, heartache, and even desperation because there is no way to change them into pleasant memories. But God understands, and the oneness of each of us and our unique memories proves the love of God for each one of us. It also proves how valuable you are individually, if you truly belong to Jesus Christ.

You are a one-and-only.

There has never been, and there will never be another exactly like you. That is how valuable you are to Him.

Something of such value as you, how could He not love you beyond imagination

If you have children, you know how different each can be. But each is loved for their uniqeness. There will never be another just like each one. Yes, each of us has memories that are completely different from anyone else. That is because each of us

If you belong to Jesus, your memories will finally be all good, and last for all eternity. Some day

Forever we will be build

Thanks for the memories


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Biography Information:
Dale Krebbs served as an Elder, preaching, counseling, and conducting Bible studies for over 25 years in Texas, California, and Arizona. He is now retired, lives in Arizona, and continues the study and research of Gods Word.
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