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'Christ in You...'

    by Dale Krebbs

The Love Of God
Date Posted: July 22, 2018

Most of those of us who confess to be Christians are familiar with the following:

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” - Luke 10:27

There is a peculiar irony concerning us as humans - and especially so of those of us who are believers in Jesus Christ as our Savior.

Why is it seemingly much easier to love God (who we cannot see), than it is to love another human being? Of course there is “romantic love” between man and woman, which is usually a delicate blend of physical desire and admiration of one of the opposite gender.

A husband and wife know that they love each other… but they like to be told. “You shall love your AS your self”. How can we love God (who we cannot see) and not love our neighbor who we can see. Some will “love” a good person (or someone who seems to be a “good person”), but even then it is difficult to love as we love ourselves. And the most difficult of all…could we TELL them that we love them?

We are not only commanded to love our mate, and a fellow Christian, but also anyone - and everyone. Why is this so difficult - especially for the Christian who has at least heard of the command quoted above?

Why is it so difficult for some to simply say to someone they have a close relationship with the three simply words: “I love you”, and really mean it from the heart?

When we say genuinely the words “I love you”, its like we are giving part of ourselves away… to the other. We feel that we have emptied ourselves of something so personal that we feel down deep have sacrificed part of ourselves that we no longer possess.

And…we do. If it is honest and genuine. However, often it is not genuine. And since there is much in the human species that has manifested one way and down deep is something else.

This brings forth the question: Since we cannot see God, and yet we are commanded to love Him, how can the bridge be crossed?

The answer: We must be enabled by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit whom Jesus said He would request the Father to send to those who are His disciples.

Thus, it is impossible to truly genuinely love another person, or another Christian unless one has received the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised that the Father would send, who would act (among many other things) as a Helper to enable us to live a life of genuine love for others…even our enemies, It is very difficult to love our enemy without the en-dwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Since Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to be our helper, we can now love in every area of our relationships…because, when we are enabled to love God as quoted above, we will be enabled to love all others as the Holy Spirit enables us. We will now have God's love living in us.

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Biography Information:
Dale Krebbs served as an Elder, preaching, counseling, and conducting Bible studies for over 25 years in Texas, California, and Arizona. He is now retired, lives in Arizona, and continues the study and research of Gods Word.
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