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God's Words For US

    by Cecelia Lester

A Lesson About Life
Date Posted: February 23, 2018

"But seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness. . . ."

Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

I had an issue bothering me. I tried to pray about it. As I went out to get some supper, I realized I could go to the golden arches, drive through, and then travel down the east artery of our city and go pray at church.

One section of the church parking lot faces a large expanse of grass. In one area of the verdant yard is a playground and an open shelter house- a beautiful peaceful scene. As I ascended the hill, I noticed geese-yes, geese- all over the yard to the west of the playground area.

Our pastor has joked about how the church might deal with these visitors. We believe they might belong across the street to the south. Or they have migrated from a nearby city park.

I saw a vast number of the feathered fowl in one huge pack. A while later, I noticed they had divided into smaller groups.

Then, it dawned on me. God was teaching me about life and people. When things go well, people are united and work together. But something happens that causes dissention and people split into groups, each one going off by itself.

What I saw next amazed me. One of the groups of geese seemed to either hunker down or go into a valley in the yard. I then noticed all the ones I could see had followed suit. I thought about this for a short time. Those foul were settling in for protection from something they sensed.

When we have times of uncertainty, our anxiety levels rise- sometimes we resemble chickens with their heads cut off. It takes us a while to get our bearings. But when we look to God first, all things work out according to how He wants.

The lesson I learned that evening may be something I live out. Most of what I encounter in study I get to experience very soon after.

Sometimes, we get to re-learn a lesson because we didn’t actually master the concept the other time or times. God is a God of grace and of multiple chances for us to get things right. He is the model of patience.

He instructs us using various methods. Sometimes God can set us in time outs or He sends someone into our lives who might say the right something in passing. God directs us to His Word where we find answers through His inspired words. Once in a great while, God chooses to speak to us audibly.

The very next day, I helped deliver food boxes to a few families. At this one house I met this man who talked to us about his background and his outlook on life. I went away thinking that this had been a God-moment.

At an earlier stop, the caregiver showed me a receipt for her granddaughter’s school uniforms. Our organization helped this family purchase them. I sponsor this young lady, so I also helped with meeting the cost. This lady felt she needed to show me this document. She also told me she had said she would send a copy of it to the board. We still have people in this world who are trying to do the right thing. For this, I say, “Praise the Lord”.

We are never too old to learn lessons from God. As long as we are this side of Heaven, He wants us to discover things about Him and His ways.

Dear Lord:

We thank You for each lesson You have taught us. Without Your guidance we would flounder through our lives, not understanding Your will for our lives. Without Your forgiveness, we would never feel absolved from our sins. You teach Your children out of your store of grace for each of us Your children. We give You praise. We pray in the name of Jesus. AMEN

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Biography Information:

Cecelia Lester has been serious about her writing for over two decades..

She composes Christian essays and posts them to her blog

She has  served in a faith-based organization, Grace In Action  by writing two newsletters and searching for possible grants.

In July 2017, she published her first book, 'Times of Trouble Bring Rays of Joy.'

She and her husband of 54 years live in central Indiana. They have one grown son.

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