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God's Words For US
by Cecelia Lester
Thoughts about Peter
Journal Entry- February 26,2004
Mark 14:27-31
Do you have a favorite disciple? Have you ever thought about how human they were?
Peter boasted to Jesus, “The others might leave you but I will follow you even to your death.” Jesus replied, “Peter, you are wrong about this, in fact you will deny me today three times before the cock crows twice.” Mark 14:29-30
This man Peter is a very interesting person to modern day readers. He is best described as impetuous. William Barclay describes him as “having ( Click for more )
"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ,
if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit,
if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete
by being like-minded, having the same love,
being one in spirit and purpose.”
Philippians 2:1-2 (NIV)
Paul writes to the Philippians; he encourages them to look into their hearts and consider their stance with Christ. He points out that they should receive a building up, an empowerment, from being in His presence. The apostle then spells ( Click for more )
Make My Joy Complete. . .
‘If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ,
if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Holy Spirit,
if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete
by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.
Philippians 2:1 (NIV)
Paul writes to the Philippians; he encourages them to look into their hearts and consider their stance with Christ. He points out that they should receive a building up, an empowerment, from being in His presence. The apostle then spells ( Click for more )
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord.
‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
The Israelites were in exile, God told them to build houses and settle into the life of Babylon. God instructed them to give their children in marriage to those in that foreign land. He also told the exiles they would be there 70 years. This had to dishearten the Israelite people. (It would me.) Then He speaks the words of the verse shown above.
The spring of 1996 ( Click for more )
Jesus released Mary Magdalene from the torture of seven demons. She was completely controlled by them. Before Jesus drove those demons out, we get a picture of Mary. “. . . bereft of will and reason, with vacuous eyes, screaming and tearing at her clothes.'1
After Jesus healed her, “She is thought to been beautiful and gracious. Her love was warm and glowing.”2She felt so grateful to her Lord that she, like other women who had received healing, became one of His followers. Mary exuded warmth and love. Her thankfulness was as noticeable to others as her ( Click for more )
Charity is an old word. In the King James Bible, the word means love. 1 Corinthians 13 uses the word charity several times. In the beginning verses, Paul paints a word picture to the church at Corinth about what people are like without it—a gong or a clanging symbol.
Paul further describes charity as being:
“. . . long-suffering and kind,” Is not short tempered and is gentle.
“. . . does not envy,” Respects the property of others. Returns borrowed items in better shape than when they were borrowed. ( Click for more )
“Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured in your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38
“Give . . .” What we do for someone in the name of the Lord, whether devoting our time, talents, treasure, or telling, God notices it. No matter in what form we give, God honors our effort.
“. . . it will be given . . .” God sees what we do and he returns our deed through others. We might not receive back what we gave but in ways that we ( Click for more )
“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,
may have power, with all the saints, to grasp how wide
and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and
to know this love that surpasses all knowledge—
that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Ephesians 3:17b-19 (NIV)
“And I pray. . .” Paul talked to the Lord about the people who were in the Ephesian church. As Christians we have an obligation to pray for those on the front line in spiritual warfare- the pastors, the missionaries, the church ( Click for more )
Hannah: A Woman of Faith
Hannah was married to Elkanah. He loved her but she was barren. Elkanah took a second wife who gave him several children. In spite of Hannah’s state, Elkanah adored her.
In Old Testament times, the people measured their worth on having sons. Society looked down on a woman who hadn’t produced children, especially sons. Although it wasn’t God’s intent, the men of the time took a second wife for at least one of the following reasons:
1.) If they had no sons from the first wife, having a second wife gave them the possibility ( Click for more )
Faith: confidence in the testimony of another.1
“Without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6 (NIV)
As children of God, we believe that He watches over us as we go through each of our days. We know He stands alongside us as we go through the mundane tasks of living: caring for our children, doing the laundry, shopping for necessities-food, clothing, and paying bills. When God orders our days, we trust Him to allow us to do the important ( Click for more )
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
God told Jeremiah to deliver a letter to those Judeans exiled in Babylon. God has told them they would be in bondage for 70 years. The exiles were to establish themselves in Babylon, raise families, and work in the marketplace He told them that He had plans–good ones–for them. Two verses later the Lord speaks of what the Judean people would have to do in order to seek Him. Those exiled could seek Him only if they sought God with all their hearts. How else can we ( Click for more )
Praising God
“Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord.”
Psalm 89:15 (NIV)
The act of praising God is a learned response. As we learn of his goodness, we feel the need to give back to God. We don’t say “praise the Lord” to impress those around us. We say it because we feel thankful to Him for what He has done for us in our time of stress- emotional, as well as financial- a need, or physical illness.
As we go through life, we walk paths assigned to us. We are not alone as we ( Click for more )
Daniel –A godly man: Daniel wanted to obey God even during his exiled in Babylon. The person who had charge of the young men being trained for the king’s service told the entire group to eat from the king’s table. Daniel thought about it and requested that he not be made to do it. He suggested that he and his friends be allowed to eat vegetables and drink water for ten days and then be compared to the others being trained.
Daniel and his three friends were given Babylonian names. Each of the group had names that had special meaning to the Jews. Their new ( Click for more )
The Bible, God’s Word, promises us hope. Through the words of those inspired by God, we learn of God’s desire for us, his children. Hope is defined as the reliance on God’s blessing and provision; the expectation of future good.1It is hope in the Lord that keeps His children going during times of financial strain, loss of occupation, health crises of ourselves and our families, and emergencies that enter our lives.
Biblical Views about Hope
In his first letter to the Corinthian believers, The Apostle Paul speaks of the qualities that remain in morally ( Click for more )
“Abide with Me”
“Abide in me and I will abide in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” John 15:4-5
“Remain in me and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain on the vine. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit.” John 15:4-5
This conversation takes place in the upper room, shortly after Jesus Christ and His disciples ate their last supper together. ( Click for more )
Two days ago we celebrated Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus. Historically, however, it has been a time of depression for some people. Life events seem to carry more weight during this time. When we hear of a person’s demise, we say something about how hard it is to lose someone especially at this time of the year.
We hear of people being diagnosed with illnesses that can bring a person’s mortality to the minds of those who love them. Having experienced some dark times in life, I find it best to follow the advice of Paul:
“Be ( Click for more )
God’s requirements of Us
“He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
And to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 (NIV)
This message from the prophet Micah gives us a very succinct template to form our Christian lives. We humans always try to make things more complex. Consider the number of rules the Old Testament people had to adhere to. The impact of the words of our focus passage makes us stop and think on them.
Act Justly
Micah relates God’s thought ( Click for more )
“This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 (NIV)
Each day is a gift from God. He designs every one specifically for us. Sometimes he allows circumstances into our lives that are not easy. At times, he brings us events that cause us to settle ourselves down to rest.
As I write this I am resting on our living room sofa. I am dealing with a sinus infection. Last week I was preparing for a Christmas play, practicing Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Dress Rehearsal was Thursday. Performances were Friday night, Saturday ( Click for more )
We have now entered the Advent season. Across the U. S. as well as the Christian world, people spend time getting ready to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Why do we go through this time of advance work?
Church choirs work to make themselves ready to sing Christmas cantatas. Children’s ministries departments prepare a children’s play to present to their churches. Churches decorate for the season. Some plan a special service-Hanging of the Greens- in order to accomplish the task. Other churches have committees that work to make their churches beautiful for the season ( Click for more )
“He restores my soul” Psalm 23:3a
I read Psalm 23 recently and found myself focusing on this phrase. King David penned these as a testimony to the greatness of God.
My husband and I live in what is called an economically depressed town. Two divisions of an automobile corporation closed down in the early part of this 21Century. These two divisions were mainstays of our city’s economy. As we drive through town we see houses empty due to foreclosure, and vacant business buildings. A lot of these businesses are closed because their clientele has had ( Click for more )
Christians are people who believe in Jesus Christ; and yet, they also can be people in great need. Our first and foremost need is a vital relationship with the Lord. People of Jesus are not from any walk of life; they come from all parts of society. I met a gentleman at our church who had been homeless. He was diagnosed with Cancer and lived in a nursing facility. He was faithful to be in church on Sunday and on Wednesday nights. As the congregation ministered to him, the people learned from him.
We need to learn to learn that all we can do is nothing in the eyes of ( Click for more )
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus, the Father of mercy and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NKJV)
This past summer, I learned a new term-Eucharisteo. It means He gives thanks and comes to us from the Greek and has as its root word-charis, meaning grace1. This goes along with my choosing the word grace as my word for 2013.I have learned things about praise and about God’s ( Click for more )
“But when time had fully come, God sent his son, born of a woman,” Galatians 4:4 (NIV)
Sometimes we, as children of God go through times of trial that seem to hang on forever. We want the tough times to go away but they don’t. We pray and ask God to take them away from us. But this might be the wrong thing to do.
From time to time, God allows hard events to happen to us because He uses those trials to foster our spiritual growth. When we ask Him to take that issue away from us, we might impede some work He wants to do in our lives.
Likewise, ( Click for more )
Back in the 1960’s, a comedian on television had a sort of a trademark line he used in his monologues; he’d look into the camera and say, “What you see is what you get.” When he uttered his phrase the audience, those in the studio and the TV watchers, would laugh.
In our present day world, we hear preachers speak of authenticity. One of the associate pastors we had spoke of our need to be ‘the real deal.’ In living the life God desires for us, He spells out how we are to live our lives. God gave us Ten Commandments to try to shape our ( Click for more )
What kind of faith is mustard seed faith? Mustard seeds are very small but Jesus tells us those tiny seeds grow into trees.
What does the mustard seed have to do with our faith? Our faith sometimes is small. Jesus tells us that even the smallest amount of faith will become stronger if we obey the Father.
What does faith involve? We have to trust the Lord with everything we have, we are or we want. In order to learn to trust, we have to learn to surrender our wants to the Lord.
When the rich young ruler came to Jesus and asked Him, “What must I do to inherit ( Click for more )
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