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God's Words For US
by Cecelia Lester
Hannah: A Woman of Faith
Hannah was married to Elkanah. He loved her but she was barren. Elkanah took a second wife who gave him several children. In spite of Hannah’s state, Elkanah adored her.
In Old Testament times, the people measured their worth on having sons. Society looked down on a woman who hadn’t produced children, especially sons. Although it wasn’t God’s intent, the men of the time took a second wife for at least one of the following reasons:
1.) If they had no sons from the first wife, having a second wife gave them the possibility of having sons and daughters to help with the family’s work.
2.) A single adult woman was doomed to be destitute. Even widows could fall to this fate. There was no room in society for single adult women.
When the feast days occurred, three times a year, Elkanah, Hannah, Peninnah-the second wife- and her children traveled to Shiloh to sacrifice to God. During one visit, Peninnah provoked Hannah, taunting over the fact that she hadn’t produced children for Elkanah. This particular trip Hannah had enough of Peninnah’s barbs and taunting. She wouldn’t eat; all she would do was cry. Elkanah pleaded with her to stop. He gave her double portion of food because he loved her.
With each disparaging remark, Peninnah took away a little more of Hannah’s self-esteem. Elkanah, as much as he loved her, didn’t realize what happened right before his eyes.
Hannah began to pray from her heart. Her lips kept moving but no sound came out. Eli, the priest, thought she was drunk and talked to her as if she were. Hannah took the time to explain. “I am a woman who is deeply troubled. . . I was pouring out my soul to God. . . I have been praying here out of anguish and grief.” (1 Samuel 1:15-16)
Hannah chose to pray to God for her deliverance from this situation. Even Eli didn’t realize what took place before his eyes.
She made a vow to God; if He would give her a son, she would give him back to Him for the child’s entire life. She promised this son would be a Nazarite, one set apart and consecrated to the Lord.
Hannah did something her that tells us she was serious about her request. When we make promises to God, we have to be willing to follow through on our promises because God may grant what we ask for, which means we may have to keep our word.
God honored Hannah’s request. After her son Samuel (meaning heard of God or asked of God1) was weaned. She took the young boy to the temple at Shiloh, gave sacrifice to God. She told Eli she had prayed to the Lord and He answered her prayer.
God granted Hannah’s request. She kept her word; God honored her faith and blessed her with three other sons and two daughters.
I have times when I long to have a stronger faith. During these times, I always return to the story of Hannah. Each time I read these chapters, I learn something new and refreshing about her. I wish I had faith like hers.
1.) Guideposts Family Concordance, Thomas Nelson Inc., Publishers © 1982 page 606
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Cecelia Lester has been serious about her writing for over two decades..
She composes Christian essays and posts them to her blog
She has served in a faith-based organization, Grace In Action by writing two newsletters and searching for possible grants.
In July 2017, she published her first book, 'Times of Trouble Bring Rays of Joy.'
She and her husband of 54 years live in central Indiana. They have one grown son.
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