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God's Words For US

    by Cecelia Lester

Date Posted: December 16, 2022

“He gives his king great victories; he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed, to David and his descendants forever.” Psalm 18:50 (NIV)

What does God’s kindness look like? We can see it every day, if we look for it. Have we ever experienced God’s kindness? Of course we have. Does it show itself in what He does for us at the time we ask or does it come into view when we later reflect on a time when He withheld one our requests? Did you recognize it when it happens? With practice, we can.

How can we, as God’s people, convey His kindness to those around us? We stay in communication with Him and follow what He tells us. We can see His kindness as we read His Word. When we give testimony of God in our lives, we tell others of His grace and mercy in our lives; we tell others of His kindness to us.

We sometimes have to look at our lives through God’s eyes. The ability to do this comes from seeking Him and allowing Him to rule in our hearts.

This past Monday, my husband and I were on our way to the grocery store. He saw flashing red lights up ahead. It was a fire truck parked at the edge of the street facing what had been a fast food restaurant that specialized in fish. When we passed the spot on our way back home, I noticed that the place was close to being completely destroyed.

Having a penchant for mysteries, I wondered what caused the fire. Being a Christian, I felt sad for those who have no job because of this fire. When I later watched the television news, I thought I heard one of the newscasters say it could take three to six months to rebuild. Several years ago, a fast food hamburger restaurant caught fire during business hours. That chain never rebuilt at that location.

I walked into a local pharmacy early this week. The first thing I saw was a table with items reduced in price- drastically reduced. Some of the items were valentine stickers. I made a call on my phone to one of our church secretaries. Last Sunday, it was announced we would have an emphasis on children the month of February. On the last Sunday of February, the children present in church that day would get a treat bag. The congregation would have a chance to help by donating treats or prizes for the treat bags. I called to find out how many bags the office planned on having. I purchased a quantity of the packages. I consider finding these a kindness from God.

Every time we feel God’s presence we believe we experience God’s kindness. Each time we hear of a healing, we consider it a kindness of the Lord.

Because of a chronic health issue, I sometimes can’t go to sleep right away. So, when I do get good night’s sleep, I count it as a kindness from God.

Sometimes I do something that causes me not to sleep or to receive very little sleep. When this happens, I have to take responsibility for the outcome. I have not extended kindness to myself.

In trying to stay healthy, my husband and I are eating fresh oranges at least once a day. The oranges are tasty and full of juice-another kindness we are enjoying.

Last year, I kept a blessing log to see how long it would take me to record 1000 of them. Blessings are kindnesses from God. We all should remember that it’s always His decision to bestow His blessings on us.

As we meet people in our daily walk, we strive to convey His kindness to them.

# The person who takes your insurance payments.

# The check-out clerk at the grocery store and the pharmacy.

# The person who works in the grocery’s deli department or the customer service counter.

# The pharmacy tech who checks on your prescription refill.

# The server who waits on you when you go out to eat.

# The cashier where you get gasoline.

Let's all watch for God's kindnesses as we go about our daily lives.

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Biography Information:

Cecelia Lester has been serious about her writing for over two decades..

She composes Christian essays and posts them to her blog

She has  served in a faith-based organization, Grace In Action  by writing two newsletters and searching for possible grants.

In July 2017, she published her first book, 'Times of Trouble Bring Rays of Joy.'

She and her husband of 54 years live in central Indiana. They have one grown son.

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