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God's Words For US
by Cecelia Lester
Thoughts about Peter
Journal Entry- February 26,2004
Do you have a favorite disciple? Have you ever thought about how human they were?
Peter boasted to Jesus, “The others might leave you but I will follow you even to your death.” Jesus replied, “Peter, you are wrong about this, in fact you will deny me today three times before the cock crows twice.” Mark 14:29-30
This man Peter is a very interesting person to modern day readers. He is best described as impetuous. William Barclay describes him as “having a quick temper and given to quarrelling, a typical Galilean. But Peter, like the Galilean, had a tender chivalrous side.” Barclay describes him further as “emotional, easily roused by an appeal to adventure and loyal to the end.”*
Tonight, I went to see “The Passion of the Christ”, depicting the last 12 hours of Jesus’ life. The movie showed Peter boasting that he would follow Jesus to the end. In the depiction of the three denials I saw Peter as he, Simon Peter, in our make-up. We say things that sound great, eve admirable. But then reality sets in and we have to face our humanity. And wait for an opportunity to try to do better. Peter does get to tell Jesus that he loves Him. Peter is restored, actually commissioned to carry Christ’s message and Christianity to others.
Yes, there is a bit of Peter in each of us, especially me. I find myself thinking about doing this or that and the project doesn’t get done, doesn’t even get beyond the mental planning stage. Or I abandon said project when, I don’t see it going anywhere or to a place I like.
Maybe, the things I think about are not what Jesus wants me to do. Maybe He has something else in mind for me at that time. Yes, I have been impetuous and put my foot in my mouth several times over the years. Just this past Wednesday, I waited for our pastor to arrive at the church office. The secretary received a phone call from a parishioner. Another parishioner, a reasonably young woman, had a repair procedure to her second knee replacement. The news was not good. I immediately had a bad thought go through my mind. My reaction stemmed from the fact that we have another lady who has been down for nine months from her surgery going wrong .I admitted my having a bad thought to the secretary.
I am human . . . so was Peter. Of the principles in the story of Holy Week, I identify with Peter. We read of the good things about Peter: his faith, his desire to keep Jesus from being taken, and His exuberance when he saw Jesus on the mount of transfiguration; then we see his vulnerable side. I definitely identify with Peter. With whom do you identify?
1. William Barclay, The Master’s Men. I quote this from memory. I have misplaced the book.
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Cecelia Lester has been serious about her writing for over two decades..
She composes Christian essays and posts them to her blog
She has served in a faith-based organization, Grace In Action by writing two newsletters and searching for possible grants.
In July 2017, she published her first book, 'Times of Trouble Bring Rays of Joy.'
She and her husband of 54 years live in central Indiana. They have one grown son.
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