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God's Words For US

    by Cecelia Lester

Through His Guidance
Date Posted: November 4, 2022

In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined to the

purpose of Him who works all things to the counsel of His will.

Ephesians 1:11 (NKJV)

In Jesus, we have received a gift from God, a gift determined by the LORD’s aim for us. God works all things in accordance to His will.

Our heavenly Father knows what He plans for each of His children. We learn His purpose for our lives through the experiences we have as we grow in Him, the spiritual gifts He gives us and through His guidance through our days.

Over the years, I have taken at least three Spiritual Gifts surveys. The results have guided me as I walk with Jesus. Some people find that those gifts change over time. Some of mine went from strong gifts that I could use and to waiting gifts that I could use if I could develop them.

Have you done a Spiritual Gifts survey?

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Biography Information:

Cecelia Lester has been serious about her writing for over two decades..

She composes Christian essays and posts them to her blog

She has  served in a faith-based organization, Grace In Action  by writing two newsletters and searching for possible grants.

In July 2017, she published her first book, 'Times of Trouble Bring Rays of Joy.'

She and her husband of 54 years live in central Indiana. They have one grown son.

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