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Inspiration For You

    by Randy Mitchell

The Art of Communication
Date Posted: December 28, 2024

Learning to write, speak, express, and socialize well are some of the most valuable items a person can conquer. They aren’t easily learned, oftentimes taking lots of time and pain to master, but once properly accomplished, they can benefit both your personal and professional life in so many ways.

Let’s start with writing. Since I began learning the art of creating stories, I’ve been enduring a crash course in grammar, language, punctuation, and dialogue. Anytime I sit down to place together a series of words, I make a repetitive, conscious effort to spell check, re-read, re-examine, and hear out loud the expressions I see. Almost everything I write, including these articles, are probably evaluated several times before hitting the publish button. I’ve become extremely meticulous with what I let others view, knowing full well how competitive the literary community has become. And although, believe me, I still make plenty of mistakes, I’m continually trying to become better in order to give readers the best I can produce. So, do I place the same standards on the e-mails, texts, social media posts, and correspondence I write? Absolutely, mainly because I want to make my practice of writing well an ongoing education.

I remember when I gave the rough draft of, Sons In The Clouds to my editor. I knew that corrections would be needed and a re-write definitely necessary. But, oh my, did it ever come back with a long to-do list. Those 400+ pages looked like they’d been through a war. At first, I was pretty amazed at what a true professional could point out, seeing as though I’d never attempted writing a book to begin with. But, after much time, work, and careful examination, everything made sense: the grammar, word placement on the page, flow of dialect, deleting non-relevant text, ability to say with two words what I would’ve normally said with five or more. In other words, in my mind, the pieces of the literary puzzle slowly started coming together. It all made sense. And that first draft is really where my literary education began. It’s served me well, opening up an entirely new way of seeing the art of communication.

Speaking well with others also requires lots of practice. And even though we all like to kick back at times and let the slang commence, if you’re in a professional field, you just never know who could be listening, therefore judging. It can make the difference between getting that next promotion, contact, business deal, or personal relationship. Everyone wants to be seen in the best light possible, and it all begins with how effectively we deliver our words.

I remember having a relationship with a certain lady years ago. She and I had our ups and downs and I wish her well, but one positive area she always pointed out was my oftentimes, unsharpened verbal communication skills. As examples, often I would say, “She and me,” instead of “She and I” or “I don’t have no,” instead of, “I don’t have any,” or “I haven’t any.” Some simple corrections brought to my attention. Back then, I didn’t think of this as any big deal, but I now realize the value of speaking words correctly therefore improving your image among those around you.

Proper communication, both written and spoken, helps us to appear professional, educated, well-rounded, and seasoned. It makes others take us more seriously, and places us ahead in the super-competitive world we live in. After all, God wants us to be the best we can be.

During my youth, I was a tennis player. And something I was coached on was to always practice with better competitors. The process made sense, because by doing so you could only improve your skills while learning from superior talent. The same can be said for writing, which is why I always read the best. I enjoy studying their different styles and receiving answers as to why they’re at the top of their game. It has helped me tremendously. After all, publishers are more selective than ever, and learning that certain quality they cherish is something every writer should take notice of.

Not many of us will receive an English degree from Harvard, the benefits of a one-on-one writing session with James Patterson or Nicholas Sparks, or some social etiquette lessons with many of New York’s finest, but presenting ourselves in the highest image possible can propel us to wonderful new heights.


To read more of Randy Mitchell's writing, visit his website @

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Biography Information:
Randy Mitchell

Inspirational Writer and Author of

"Sons In The Clouds"

As a writer and avid movie fan, I love the powerful energy behind words. Words capture and cling to people in a dramatic, poignant way - and live deep inside us all. It doesn't matter if those words are written or spoken; all of us have tales yearning to be shared with each other.

A few years ago, I drove past my childhood home in Texas: a nostalgic place where tender childhood memories still reside deep inside me. I remember those hot Texas summer nights hanging out with my sister, friends, spirited pets and my girlfriend who lived across the street. This happy snapshot transported me back in time to endless, steamy nights as we watched July 4th fireworks, ate homemade ice cream on the front porch, and cooled off at the local lake.

My childhood feels like it happened just yesterday -- innocent moments taken from my carefree youth. These memories comforted me and carried me to a place where I longed to stay – a peaceful haven where I could escape my hectic ‘adult’ life. These idyllic, cherished memories were the inspiration for my first novel, "Sons In The Clouds". My long-time career as a pilot and love of aviation are seen through my main characters, Andy and Wade, who serve as Navy pilots in the Vietnam War.

"Sons In The Clouds" exposes emotional drama that showcases the vulnerable fragility of human nature. The belief in God serves as the problem-solver -- a pathway to the truth -- a light to be used when the problems of man cannot be solved, and becomes a way to expose weaknesses in those appearing to be strong.  I breathe life into my characters in believable, exceptionally REAL ways. A strong theme interwoven throughout the pages is that “love conquers all” – as seen through the unfaltering, devoted commitment between my male characters and the women they leave behind.

My female characters show courage and strength in the face of adversity. Despite the fact that she doesn’t know whether her husband is alive or dead behind enemy lines, Rebecca (Andy’s wife) remains strong and never falters in her devotion to Andy.

Rebecca’s character represents war-time brides (both past and present). I wanted to show the strength, love and courage of these brave women whose loved ones were sent off to the Vietnam War. They faced harrowing fear on a daily basis, and relied on their faith and love to get them through their darkest days–- hoping and praying that their husbands returned home safely.

Most inspirational fiction readers today aren’t interested in G-rated books. "Sons In The Clouds" is a modern inspirational story that encompass spiritual themes where faith and love triumph over the brutal ugliness of war. My characters instill a hope-filled message to my readers long after the last page is read.

To purchase your copy, go to Amazon

For media inquiries about Randy Mitchell and "Sons In The Clouds", please visit or email

Book video available here:
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