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Inspiration For You

    by Randy Mitchell

July 20, 2024

All of us experience challenges, along with moments of pain, stress, and tension. It's just part of what makes us human as we travel through our individual journeys. However, one thing I've noticed is that those who carry the ability to laugh and allow humor to always be at the forefront of their demeanor are some of the happiest people I know. When life gives them lemons they make lemonade, when problems or struggles try and come up against them, they shrug them off and quickly pull a joke from their basket of endless humor. As they face obstacles which would cause…  ( Click for more )

The recent death of actor, Michael Clarke Duncan at such an early age made me stop, and remember all the memorable roles he played during his short time on the silver screen. For instance, I loved him as accused murderer, John Coffey in The Green Mile. He was a huge, extremely powerful-looking man upon first glance. Then, as the storyline unfolded, you couldn’t help but see him in a completely different light—loving, caring, a gentle giant, a person I found wishing I had as a buddy, friend, or next door neighbor. He was actually an angel living inside an extremely intimidating…  ( Click for more )

July 6, 2024

Do you know the amount of our National Debt? If you’re like a surprising number of Americans, you don’t.

Our National Debt is quickly spinning toward the out-of-control figure of sixteen trillion dollars. That’s sixteen trillion dollars—in other words, sixteen thousand billion George Washington’s! An astonishing number and one that’s simply in-comprehendible by people like me. It represents the sins of both, Republican and Democratic managers who are responsible for putting our country in such a predicament, severely hurting our economic power…  ( Click for more )

Have you ever been to a party, or other form of social gathering, drinking, talking, laughing, even dancing when all of a sudden, in a blink of an eye, the mood suddenly pauses, even swings to a deafening silence? The cause? Someone, somewhere, decided to say something inappropriate causing everyone to take notice, clearing the room, looking for the nearest exit to run toward. And they didn’t need to be spoken words. It could be something written, an expression you gave at just the wrong time, or a thumbs up or down you clicked in social media land. No matter what, and no…  ( Click for more )

June 22, 2024

When you think about your personal heroes, what names come to mind: a parent, sibling, action figure, military veteran, or stranger you witness saving a life? Maybe it’s the elderly lady selflessly serving free Thanksgiving meals inside the homeless shelter, an ER Doctor working exhaustively for three days straight, or just someone that reaches out their car window at an intersection handing over a dollar bill to a stranger in need. No matter who they are, we all want, and wish for someone who’s larger than life.

Heroes come in many shapes, forms and patterns,…  ( Click for more )

Months ago, I was listening to an interview with then Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump who was discussing his business, lifestyle, and overall viewpoints on how he came to be who he was. His father had been a big time influence on him, and his mother, and those of past generations of his family. When asked about why some in his field of expertise do so poorly in comparison to his success, his answer was simple: “You can have the most creative, gifted mind in the world, but luck definitely plays a role in your overall success.” He admitted he’s one who’s…  ( Click for more )

June 8, 2024

I’m turning the big 50 this week, a milestone in a person’s existence, and more than likely the halfway point in a human beings life. Surprisingly to me, it seems pretty pleasant because I feel good, appear well, and am looking forward to the next 50 if I’m blessed to do so. I’ve become one who believes life can get better as we age because by this time we’ve all learned a few things, experienced much, hopefully loved and cared for others, and been a friend to many. Fifty years doesn’t seem possible because I remember certain events from my childhood…  ( Click for more )

I was sitting at home this past Saturday morning, thinking of several ways to spend the day. I needed to do some things: a grocery run, dry cleaners, write, lay by the pool and soak up some rays, catch up on correspondence. But, rather than making the day about me, I decided instead to drive across town and visit someone who I’ve known my entire life. A man whose approaching ninety five years old, one of my dad’s best friends, a gentleman who showed interest in me ever since I was able to walk, a guy whose given far more to the world than it’s given him, a person…  ( Click for more )

Most have experienced it: staying with the same person no matter how bad and unhealthy a relationship becomes, hoping against the odds that things will eventually get better allowing love to prevail. Some look to God, wish upon a star, or seek out and counsel with every psychologist around to heal the broken seams, replace bad with good, take another drink of love potion which brought bodies together in the first place, and inflame the sparks both felt while first meeting. But realistically, sometimes the right thing to do is walk away early on before you wake up one morning,…  ( Click for more )

The question above is one we’ve all asked ourselves while making that occasional, sizzling eye contact. And it’s also the oldest both men and women have contemplated every time their heart skips that irreversible beat. God made us equipped to love another, to share that certain bond we feel with no one else. But is it love we have while stroking the others hand, or simply an infatuation, a physical response that goes no further than living in the moment when it happens?

Let’s start with some definitions:

Love is a strong feeling for another which lasts…  ( Click for more )

I woke up feeling sick today; nauseated at the decision recently handed down by once conservative Supreme Court Justice, John Roberts. Last week, with a stroke of a pen, America’s financial landscape was drastically changed and placed on the spiraling pathway toward a socialistic republic. It was exactly what our idealistic, anti-business, pro-entitlement, ultra-liberal President wanted. He got his wish (for now). And currently, the fate and future of our beloved country is solely being placed in the hands of November’s elections.

Once again, I’m sick and can’t…  ( Click for more )

Are you successful in your career, home life, love life, and being in general? Were you always this way, or did you have circumstances and people which helped make you who you are?

No matter our positions in life, all of us have had others to help, nurture, support, and pay for our success along the road regardless of achievement. From giving birth to a child to our daily work as being loyal, caring, sympathetic, and encouraging to those we love, the devotion should never end on both sides of the equation. But, do we pull them along with us as we grow and surge forward, or conveniently…  ( Click for more )

I’m the proud uncle of two outstanding teenage boys. Both are heavily involved in sports, school activities, church groups, and scholastic organizations. They’ve been raised well, and are both on their way to positive futures with nothing but full lives ahead. One recently achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, an honor within the Boy Scouts of America organization carrying with it a super-high level of honor and achievement. It’s something that only a small percentage of young people ever reach within that establishment, and it required a huge dedication of time,…  ( Click for more )

April 20, 2024

In the spirit of Father’s Day, I’ve decided to begin by telling the tale of one of the best.

My father was born in the early 1930’s among the rolling hills of Arkansas, went to that state’s great university, served in the U.S. Air Force as a Sergeant during the Korean War, was employed for thirty plus years in the pharmaceutical industry after college, became married and stayed devoted to my mom for over forty years, was active in church, social organizations, and a dedicated father to my sister and I. He suddenly passed away in 2002, leaving behind his…  ( Click for more )

When a dream, goal, or unique desire enters your bloodstream, be rest assured, God placed it there for a reason.

All of us have them; those big ideas and gems of gold we all strive to attain and believe will make our lives so much better. No matter if it’s authoring a bestselling novel, winning the shiny statue at next years Academy Awards for best actor, drawing some lucky lottery numbers, building that huge company on your own, climbing Mt. Everest, having a child, or getting married to the right person who fits you best, dreams are there for us to manifest insides ourselves,…  ( Click for more )

April 6, 2024

We all have certain things which make us feel happier, content, less stressed, and wanting to claim more from life. For some, it’s the smoothness of silk against their skin, the adoring face of a puppy, a friendly encounter, a child’s laughter, or the sensuality of a lovers kiss. True, all these things can bring a huge smile to ones face and they definitely do mine, but I’ve also learned that weather can have a humongous impact on an individual’s emotional outlook, giving many a needed boost after the depressing effects of grey skies among bone-chilled winters.…  ( Click for more )

With one click of a computer’s mouse, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg became one of the richest people in the world, if not in history when the company he founded became public last week. And as most know, Facebook was created among the confines of a Harvard dorm room utilizing nothing more but an ingenious idea, entrepreneurial drive to succeed, and discovery of a golden niche revealing the thirsty desire people have to connect and share their lives with others. The young Grandfather of social media is definitely the wonder boy of new-age business, probably carrying both…  ( Click for more )

March 23, 2024

No matter who you work with, marry, be-friend, date, parent, or live beside, sooner or later there’ll be personality traits which you don’t agree with, or find uncomfortable to be around. We’re all created differently, are an original masterpiece created by God, and like any living thing, there are no two of us exactly alike. It’s what makes the human race such an incredibly diverse body of souls. But, how we interact, and appreciate each others positive and negative qualities is more about our personality rather than the individuals inside our target zone. …  ( Click for more )

When I was a kid growing up in the suburbs of Dallas, one of the first moments I ever remember the topic of homosexuality coming up was during an episode of M*A*S*H*, that mega-popular sitcom starring Alan Alda and many other upcoming stars. The scene displayed a soldier afraid of going back to his military unit for fear of ridicule from his fellow officers, conveying his fears to the sympathetic ears of Hawkeye Pierce and Trapper John M.D. Liberalism was starting to come into the fold among television land back then (another example: Archie Bunker), so the writers made sure the…  ( Click for more )

March 9, 2024

I was sitting in a church auditorium recently, listening to a preacher talk about the power words have on us all, both written and spoken, and the great impact they convey to those around us. It was a well articulated speech, causing me to think about how large a role words play in our lives.

Words are extremely powerful— carrying the strength to heal or wound, encourage or discourage, speak truth or deceive, praise or criticize. In fact, the Bible says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. Since that’s true, controlling what we say and how we say it…  ( Click for more )

While eating lunch recently, I couldn’t help but overhear this statement coming from the next table, “My husband has never made enough money for me to be happy, I wish he’d change jobs or do something else.” The words were spoken in a disappointing, almost angry tone.

This touches on the vast majority of recent surveys and psychological reports pointing to the fact that people are much happier, at least temporarily, when their mates or companions make more money. While listening, I also thought about the image she might see her husband in. Maybe she no…  ( Click for more )

Many of us recently watched on TV the Space Shuttle Discovery being piggybacked to its final resting place inside the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. You were also flanked by the Capital Building, a symbol of American pride and strength showing the world that America is a land to be admired and revered. But, as I looked , I saw images of a country that isn't looking to the future as a land of innovation, discovery, ingenuity, and aggressive growth. Instead, it's pointing backwards, diving towards governmental control and socialistic programs. My point: We must start…  ( Click for more )

February 17, 2024

As we head into General Election campaign mode with Mitt Romney driving toward becoming the Republican nominee, something which is unsurprisingly hitting the headlines fast and furious is discussions over his religious beliefs. Here’s my question: Should they really matter?

Mitt Romney is a Mormon. And in our land of religious freedom, he’s certainly entitled to his beliefs. I am a Christian, and what Mr. Romney believes is somewhat different than me. Truthfully, I don’t fully understand the teachings of the Mormon Church. But, that’s okay, because come…  ( Click for more )

February 10, 2024

If you were like millions of others recently, your eyes probably darted to the television set sometime in the later evening hours while the Mega Millions jackpot was being drawn. After all, there were only around 650 million dollars up for grabs to the lucky winner(s), and most likely, visions of what you could do with all that free cash flew through your mind at super-light speed as the balls on the screen began to drop into their final resting places. Winning the lottery is one of our ultimate fantasies, a sudden life changer (for better or worse), and offers a unique blend of…  ( Click for more )

In order for a disadvantaged child to become educated, skilled, resourceful and ready to tackle the world with competitive spirit, the books and developed love of reading they have available to them oftentimes arrive through the love of selfless hearts. And right now, there are literally hundreds of book drives and charities which, through the use of volunteers and determined will, deliver free books and other reading materials to low-income children who otherwise wouldn’t enjoy the world of literature.

For children to become strong readers, they need books in their…  ( Click for more )

Got Something to Share? is always looking for new writers. Whether it is a daily devotional or a weekly article, if you desire to encourage others to know Him better, then signup to become a contributor.