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Inspiration For You
by Randy Mitchell
When you think about it, we're all born an underdog. We enter this world with no skills, prospects, luck, or abilities. It's all up to us, the individual, to make it happen. There's some truth that who you know in this world can make a difference. But for my money, I much prefer seeing someone who's disadvantaged, struggling, underprivileged, or even poor setting life's goals then finding a way to make his/her life a huge success.
As some may realize, I live in Dallas and am a proud Texas native. So naturally, when fall rolls around I tend to glue my attention inside the TV ( Click for more )
Is it just me, or has our society become increasingly, narcissistic? Up until the past few years, I really hadn't even heard this word used before. But, to start things off, some of its meanings are stated below from the online source, Wikipedia: Narcissism is a term with a wide range of meanings, depending on whether it is used to describe a central concept of psychoanalytic theory, a mental illness, a social or cultural problem, or simply a personality trait. Except in the sense of primary narcissism or healthy self-love, "narcissism" usually is used to describe ( Click for more )
How will you be remembered by the lives you touched after your gone? Would you be thought of as caring, giving, loving, respected, admired, smart, or intellectual? Did you have special gifts which you shared with others, if not the world? Or would your life's imprints quickly disappear into the sunset, like grains of sand washing back to sea. After all, how we treat others today is how we'll be remembered tomorrow. In my novel, Sons In The Clouds two friends shared absolutely everything together: their inner battles, hardships, and victories leaving marks on each other ( Click for more )
Learning to write, speak, express, and socialize well are some of the most valuable items a person can conquer. They aren’t easily learned, oftentimes taking lots of time and pain to master, but once properly accomplished, they can benefit both your personal and professional life in so many ways.
Let’s start with writing. Since I began learning the art of creating stories, I’ve been enduring a crash course in grammar, language, punctuation, and dialogue. Anytime I sit down to place together a series of words, I make a repetitive, conscious effort to spell check, ( Click for more )
Its Valentine's Day week, that wonderful time of year when significant others spend a little time expressing, and sharing their common attraction. For many, it’s a time of reflection, a day of sharing that certain chemistry bringing souls together, a period of needed sexual bliss, an occasion where hearts communicate a little bit deeper, and even moments when personalities come together for the very first time.
In the fifty years I’ve been alive, I’ve experienced, desired, wanted, expressed, shared, rejected, and written about love. I’ve wanted to be ( Click for more )
Our goals, dreams, and individual aspirations all play a part in making us who we are. Most have imagined lives of incredible richness and success, wanting to claim their stake on earth as part of their individual plans. How we visualize, and drive toward attaining these desires ultimately determines how quickly they become reality. Those of us who make strides in the world of creativity are obviously dreamers. We make something from nothing, hoping it will produce a lasting impact on those we share our efforts with. The artist paints his canvas, the actor rehearses his ( Click for more )
I recently had the pleasure of attending a book signing, here in Dallas, for one of the best-known authors of our time, Nicholas Sparks.
One of the reasons I traveled to see him was because I wanted to be in the presence of a true success story; someone who’s worked hard, developed his craft into literary artistry, and has gained international acclaim due to the marketability of his work. Mr. Sparks is a self-made man, and someone who those of us in the writing field continually strive to become. He’s an author who never gave up when he first started writing, despite ( Click for more )
If you've been lucky, there's been people who entered your life for the sole purpose of being your friend, mentor, lucky star, partner-in-crime, even those who share your most intimate secrets, etc. They're people you can trust explicitly, never having any intention of causing you harm, and truly wanting the best for you and your family. There's a willing, mutual bond. And like a favorite movie or place to visit, they make you feel better just being in their presence. is defined as: Without conditions or limitations. Well, that pretty much sums up what ( Click for more )
We are all being watched over. Whether or not you believe in a supreme being, astrology, quantum physics, or any other type of spiritual/non-spiritual theology, everything happens for a reason. In my novel, Sons In The Clouds a physical item was found by one of the main characters during his life's darkest moment. It gave him desperately needed faith, while death was becoming a certain reality.
Have you ever had moments in your life when you just knew favor was placed upon you? That certain circumstances beyond your control went to your benefit, the only explanation being ( Click for more )
Not long ago, I submitted this quote on my social media accounts, "If you're going to write, do it with your heart, not with your head." Almost immediately, I saw it gathering attention and it really made me stop and think about what I was saying. The answer is simple: It was something that came to me while closing my eyes and letting my inner soul do the talking. Now, for some that might sound a bit corny, or even conceded. But truthfully, that is really how I write and am learning to live my life. Our actions and reactions should reflect what our heart, and passions ( Click for more )
Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas? Give everyone you know on your gift list what they asked for? Did the IPad’s, jewelry, and fresh pieces of clothing pulled from neatly-wrapped boxes flow steadily around the ole’ Christmas tree? Good. Now, how many of those “things” have truly made you happier, more fulfilled, even caused you to maintain a better sense of hope and excitement for the future past the first minutes after receiving them? Did their newness quickly wear off, or are you still reveling in their presence now that the New Year has come ( Click for more )
I was advised a while ago while getting my novel, "Sons In The Clouds" ready to go online that few people I knew personally would buy, or even acknowledge it's existence. That only around 10% would even whisper a single word. Unfortunately, this viewpoint has proven entirely correct. I'm not one looking for praise, please understand this. But, what has opened my eyes about many people these days is the increase in negativity among them. That, for whatever reason, they're uncomfortable in watching you succeed, gain a few shards of acclaim, climb a little higher ( Click for more )
In my novel, "Sons In The Clouds" I spend a great amount of time writing about two of the main characters love affair, how it began during their carefree youth, grew through their adulthood, and managed to last til later years despite many heartfelt struggles. It's a shining example of what true love should be, its purity, depth, trust, and what the special ingredients are which make some couples chemistry last a lifetime. When Andy and Rebecca's eyes first met in that open field, they both knew they were on to something truly unique. It was crystal clear, they'd found ( Click for more )
When someone new comes into your life, do you use the time to really see them, or do you merely take what’s on the surface, give them their due, and move forward with whoever, and whatever else is included in your agenda? In other words, when was the last time you actually seized an opportunity to get to really know another human being? I ask this because in the fast-paced, super competitive world we live in; having healthy, supportive, emotional connections with others is becoming much rarer.
My last article discussed the new ways we communicate, and how all the electronic ( Click for more )
So there I was, sitting comfortably inside a church pew listening to one of Dallas’ most popular preachers spreading his message, when curiously, I decided to gaze around and take note of others cell phone usage. What I saw was the inspiration of this week’s topic.
The Preacher’s message this week was very timely: How to take a day off; not only taking at least one day off each week from anything work-related, but really taking it off away from cell phones, computers, and anything electronic which could distract from quality time with family, friends, or ( Click for more )
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the holidays in general give us all an opportunity each year to reflect on the people, circumstances, and things we have to be thankful for. The energy in the air during December always seems to be (at least for me) very positive and uplifting; a little cleaner and crisp, and filled with that certain charisma and charm making us more lighthearted and hopeful. Perhaps, it’s because I’m a believer, and feel that the days leading to the celebration of Christ’s birth gives me renewed hope that I’ll live again after my moments ( Click for more )
This time of year always brings to light the inner-emotions of every human being. For better or worse, angry or happy, blessed or starving, employed or not, living among the devastation of war or sitting underneath the comfortable blanket of peace, we all have something to be thankful for and look forward to the upcoming days of the holiday season.
It’s been a crazy year for many. The aggressive political election and its results left millions wondering what’s next for our beloved country. The images from overseas, mainly the events happening within the Middle East, ( Click for more )
Luke, Chapter 11-17: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to destruction, and a house divided against a house falleth"
After the recent election, it is very clear to me, we now live in two very different countries within our shores.
I was born in 1962. JFK was President, Johnny Carson had just begun The Tonight Show, The Supreme Court voted to ban school prayer, the median fixed income was $6,000, a house costs $15,000, and a gallon of gas was a meager $.25 cents. But, things were much different back then because people were much different. There ( Click for more )
We all have a history, no matter our age or position in life. No matter what your financial, marital, or spiritual position is, it will always be filled with extremes. How you handle these situations, and the choices you make because of them, will greatly affect yourself and the people around you. In my novel, Sons In The Clouds one of the main characters went through horrible cruelty at the hands of his father. He was beaten, emotionally traumatized, fearful, and sexually abused until he was finally able to escape toward a better future. He had a best friend (the other ( Click for more )
Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Astor, Ford and Morgan; the dominant names of those who built this nation during its infancy. Men, who had vision, drive, guts, determination, goals, and minds which captured the very essence of Capitalism. Men, who constructed entire industries out of their genius, powered and built America’s infrastructure, and made it into the wealthiest country in history. Men, who started from nothing, and became the richest on the planet without government help, or intervention; the creators, the ones who started it all, the leader’s who made ( Click for more )
The Economy. Money. Jobs. Your Future, and the future of our youth. It’s filling the minds of everyone these days especially during this super-heated political election. People are more concerned than ever about what their future holds, and rightly so. Millions are looking for work, or have stopped searching at all with little hope. It isn’t the America I grew up in, and one in desperate need of a new direction.
America was founded on self-reliant, entrepreneurial principles. A nation where people are free to dictate their own future, create their own jobs, and look ( Click for more )
We all have a history, no matter our age or position in life. No matter what your financial, marital, or spiritual position is, it will always be filled with extremes. How you handle these situations, and the choices you make because of them, will greatly affect yourself and the people around you. In my novel, Sons In The Clouds one of the main characters went through horrible cruelty at the hands of his father. He was beaten, emotionally traumatized, fearful, and sexually abused until he was finally able to escape toward a better future. He had a best friend ( Click for more )
Do you show respect to others in your life? Do they show the same to you? What do you regard as respectful behavior? Is it merely doing as one says when they say they'll do it, or does it dive much deeper than that, demonstrating by not only backing up what one says, as much as one does? According to Wikipedia, the definition of respect is: "Respect gives a positive feeling of esteem or deference for a person or other entity (such as a nation or a religion), and also specific actions and conduct representative of that esteem. Respect can be a specific feeling of ( Click for more )
I was recently talking with one of our nation’s youth (19 years old) when the subject of politics came up, that dreaded word which has sparked many heated debates, especially lately. We were about ten seconds into the conversation when he quickly said, “I don’t like that Romney guy.”
I said, “Really, why not?”
“Because he’s rich.”
Taken back a little, I then asked, “What’s wrong with being rich? Wouldn’t you like to be rich someday?”
Thinking, “Well…ya’ll.”
“Then, ( Click for more )
When you were born, God equipped you with a conscious, a gut-wrencher, an energy feeling coming across when impending forces try causing you harm or propelling you toward greater good, a realistic sensation responding to all things emotional, a subtle voice. That voice is God trying to tell you something, for better or worse, even when you don't want to listen. God knows what's best for us. He oversees and plans everything we do way before any situation or person comes across our thoughts. He sees the forks-in-the-roads, the urges, the desires, the wants, and the mistakes ( Click for more )
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