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Point of Reference

    by Fred Price

Paul taught Timothy, a young protégé of his in ministry that, “…requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving (should) be made for everyone…” 1 Timothy 2:1; which became the essence of the early church’s practice of effective prayer. Prayer being our means of communication with God, encouraging a time of meditation on His goodness, involving a quiet time of reflection on His word and will. As such, it can become a time of focusing on Him, a time of committing ourselves to His will – of practicing not just selective…  ( Click for more )

Paul taught Timothy, a young protégé of his in ministry that, “…requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving (should) be made for everyone…” 1 Timothy 2:1; which became the essence of the early church’s practice of effective prayer. Prayer being our means of communication with God, encouraging a time of meditation on His goodness, involving a quiet time of reflection on His word and will. As such, it can become a time of focusing on Him, a time of committing ourselves to His will – of practicing not just selective…  ( Click for more )

October 31, 2014

Nearly everyone curses today – from farmers to factory workers, truckers to restaurant employees, medical personnel and insurance salesmen, teachers, lawyers, judges and politicians. (I daresay even some preachers excuse and indulge in such.) Many Christians do; if not in public then in private, especially if they get really angry. In fact, we seem to have established a standard for cursing; it’s not permissible at this time and place but almost expected in another set of circumstances.

When are you most tempted to curse? When you do, does it make…  ( Click for more )

I generally try not to comment on purely political issues, but this topic is important to the religious and the irreligious alike, determining how we all view ourselves as Americans. The crux of the problem being that many are frustrated by failed agendas and angered by a president perceived as grasping for power even as he faces charges of ineffectiveness; as a result some are advocating a Constitutional Convention to rectify this “injustice.”

The proper role of the three branches of our government has been debated since our country’s inception.…  ( Click for more )

October 17, 2014

Webster’s Dictionary defines immortality as living forever, displaying enduring qualities and having lasting fame. Who do we often think of as such? Some examples might be George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln; men who were instrumental to the beginning and sustaining of our country and its ideals who gained “immortality” through what they did and stood for throughout their lives. They are remembered beyond death while others are memorialized because in death they made their final stand. Would you like to be immortal in both memory and fact?…  ( Click for more )

At its core, mercy is a favor extended to those in need who are incapable of helping themselves and maybe more to the point, are often undeserving of it; which makes mercy an act of pure grace. Grace encompassing a number of attributes, such as the unmerited love and favor of God, as well as describing the divine influence acting in men to make them pure and good, equipping them with certain talents and abilities to be used to bring glory to Him through ministry to others.

The main problem people have today with the concept of mercy is their inability – or…  ( Click for more )

Paul encouraged all true believers to, “…live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (For) There is one body and one Spirit… one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all,…” Ephesians 4:1-6 His expectation being that God would, “…give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify…  ( Click for more )

September 26, 2014

The concept of diversity means different things to different people and I guess that’s natural since by its very definition it embraces things that are varied or different. To diversify, then, involves the enhancement of opportunity by adding or changing the status quo, possibly merely presenting something in a new way. Divergence however, calls for exchanging a commonly held viewpoint for a new and different one altogether; at times creating discomfort and alarm throughout society, including the church.

Our nation, as many others, is made up of a number…  ( Click for more )

September 19, 2014

J.R.R. Tolkein, author of The Lord of the Rings trilogy wrote, “…if more of us valued food and cheer and joy above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”1 And while I have a difficult time imagining Jesus and his disciples riotously singing and cavorting about during supper, it is plain from scripture that eating together was important for them and that they did indeed enjoy the fellowship that went along with a family or communal meal. (For instance, the Lord’s Supper – based on the Passover meal – was centered on the strength…  ( Click for more )

Several attempts have been made over the years to force a definitive decision from the U.S. Supreme Court concerning abortion rights, which perplexes many who live outside the U.S. Across most of Europe, protest and counter-protest over abortion is almost unheard of, the same being true in most other countries with left-leaning governments and liberal mind-sets. This issue almost exclusively contested in countries still heavily influenced by a strong church heritage and Christian world-view.

And while I have reservations concerning the Supreme Court or the…  ( Click for more )

How well we understand the truths of the gospel will ultimately determine how well we live our lives; the sometimes antagonistic approach some people take regarding grace and works highlighting this point. As Paul, the great expositor or grace said, there is an “…obedience that comes from faith.” Romans 1:5; further encouraging us to, “Aim for perfection,… in living out our calling to follow Jesus. (2 Corinthians 13:11 & 2 Peter 1:10,11) Jesus having challenged us to, “Be perfect,…” Matthew 5:48; something…  ( Click for more )

People tend to gravitate to the extremes in life, even Christian people. For instance, many wholeheartedly embrace the Bible’s teaching on mercy, grace and a faith that saves regardless of personal accomplishment and “works” (Ephesians 2:8,9) while glossing over its clarion call to holiness. Others use the call to deeds of righteousness (Ephesians 2:10) as a means of validating their lifestyles and to coerce others into following their example while offering little in the way of mercy, grace or graciousness. Yet the Bible offers clear evidence of…  ( Click for more )

August 22, 2014

We all know that, “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Jesus’ purpose in coming being, “…not to condemn the world but to save the world…” Our faith and belief in him being key components in this process however; without which we will indeed be condemned. John 3:16-18 Another given is that, no one – on his own – can attain Godly righteousness, as “…all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,..” Romans…  ( Click for more )

We are often profoundly moved as well as deeply perplexed when people suffer unexpected losses to family and friends, sometimes at the hands of others, but who respond with forgiveness and faith; at times going out of their way to minister to others – including the perpetrators of evil against them – rather than looking to be ministered to. And yet, why is that so surprising? Forgiveness is a cornerstone of the Christian faith, a primary reason for Christ’s coming to earth; offering forgiveness and new life to those who respond to his call to repent…  ( Click for more )

What kind of image are you trying to project? Do you have a mental picture of who or what you should look like and how you ought to act? Image is very important in our society today, TV commercials and ad campaigns striving to convince us that, ‘Image is everything.’ The problem with assuming an image is just that – we assume what others think and want and then try to give that to them. It often becomes something we put on and take off at will or become confused by as we attempt to be different things for different people. Webster’s defining an…  ( Click for more )

Legitimate research continues to uncover mounting evidence showing a correlation between explicit sexual lyrics and teen sexual activity. Research by the Rand Corp. of Pittsburg and reported on by Lindsey Tanner of the Associated Press reveals once again that young people whose iPods are full of music with raunchy, sexual lyrics start having sex sooner than those whose musical tastes are less inclined to graphic portrayals of private intimate practices. (Nor is it a stretch to apply these findings to television, movies, videos and video games, books, magazines and even…  ( Click for more )

July 25, 2014

The first public pronouncement by Jesus – as well as his forerunner John the Baptist – was fashioned as a call for repentance because the kingdom of heaven was drawing ever closer. (Matthew 3:2 & 4:17) But in discussing what – or where – the kingdom is, Jesus often dealt in characterizations; hinting at what the kingdom was like. As in, “The kingdom of heaven is like…”; a mustard seed (Matthew 13:31,32), yeast dispersed throughout a bowl of dough (Matthew 13:33), treasure hidden in a field or a pearl of great value (Matthew…  ( Click for more )

In this day of overblown respect for diversity and tolerance of all people, cultures and beliefs, we have created fertile ground for the resurgence of paganism; defined as a faith pre-dating Christianity. The popularity of mediums and fortune tellers and the acceptance of Wicca, witchcraft and animism, renewed interest in Native American practices, radical environmentalism, the New Age movement, renewed interest in Greek mythology and theology as well as the virtual worship of virility, fertility and sex in our society give ample evidence of a resurgence of paganism. …  ( Click for more )

Many have asked this question throughout history and with the renewed fighting in the Middle East continue to do so, giving ample opportunity for Christians to respond to questions not ordinarily asked by non-Christians as they contemplate concepts not usually considered. People are looking for direction in their lives, similar to the quest for stability sought after 9-11 and during other times of world-wide upheaval and uncertainty. It is up to us to respond by leading them to the Christ of the Bible, allowing them to then make informed decisions about their lives…  ( Click for more )

Thomas Jefferson once said, “A people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the powers knowledge gives.” Part of knowledge entails understanding who we are in comparison to who we were, comparing where we are and what we’ve achieved with where we were and what accomplishments preceded our own while assessing where we’re headed by first deciding whether our destination is compatible with our past and worthy of our future.

Will the paths open to us now still allow us to honor those who were so instrumental in getting us…  ( Click for more )

Last week we looked at a few reasons why God might “hide” himself (Is. 45:15) or cloak his words in ambiguity. (Matthew 13:11-17) One not mentioned, and not entirely germane to this discussion, might be to protect us from his all-consuming “otherness.” (Exodus 33:12-23) More to the point though, people of all ages have seen, heard – and even touched – the object of their devotion and failed to :…recognize the time of God’s coming…” Luke 19:44 (Some coming to faith in Christ only after his ascension to…  ( Click for more )

That’s a disturbing thought. All the more so as it occurs frequently throughout scripture. Often in the sense of prayers “unanswered” or our failure to comprehend God’s purpose and timing. (See Psalm 44:23,24) Sometimes his “hiding” having to do with punishment/discipline. (See Deuteronomy 31:17,18) At other times “testing” us, not to discover what we will do but to confirm in us his dependability as well as our ability to accomplish great things – in Him. (See Genesis 22:1; Exodus 24:20; Deuteronomy 8:16; 2 Chronicles…  ( Click for more )

“A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on it’s stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men,...” Matthew 5:14-16

Last week we looked at what it means to be the salt of the earth, continuing that line of thinking, we will look this week at God’s admonition for us to be the light of the world as well.

Mankind has always been drawn to light. Worshipped as a god and utilized as a tool of survival; light…  ( Click for more )

What does it mean to be characterized as the salt of the earth and, maybe more importantly, what are God’s expectations in comparing us to it? Before answering those questions, we may need to understand what salt is and what it does. It consists primarily of Sodium chloride, a white crystalline substance found in natural beds on land and in sea water. Its importance has been realized since ancient times as a seasoning agent and as a preservative. As such it became a symbol of enduring faith to people of the ancient world and was commonly used in the religious rituals…  ( Click for more )

In writing Rumors of Another World, Philip Yancey attempts to answer a basic question of man’s existence concerning the here-and-now and the hereafter. “Does faith delude us into seeing a world that doesn’t exist, or does it reveal the existence of a world we can’t see without it?”1 He concludes that living a life of faith does not – contrary to popular opinion – constitute a rejection of reason, that in fact we have a reasonable faith that when fully understood, takes in all the circumstances of our lives; enabling us to ask the…  ( Click for more )

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