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Point of Reference

    by Fred Price

Women of note Hebrews 11:38
Date Posted: January 22, 2016

Contrary to what modern critics would have us believe, women have often assumed prominent roles in Israel’s history and the development of the Christian church. There certainly were and still are segments of Israel’s culture as well as past and present church practice that are less than what God would desire, but overall the Law of Israel and the doctrines of the church have served to elevate the rights and role of women in the home and society. For the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the God of Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel as well; and some of Jesus’ more prominent disciples included women. Scripture often characterizing women as the voice of reason, the church depicted as His bride.

For example, Miriam was a prophetess and composer of songs; alongside her brothers a leader of Israel. (Micah 6:4) Deborah likewise was a prophetess, serving as a Judge over Israel when the men around her were found lacking in ability and courage (Judges 4:4); the Hebrew writer listing other women as heroes of faith and faithfulness as well. (Hebrews 11) Many women are noted for their hospitality and ministry in the New Testament (Acts 12:12), who became renowned for their good deeds (Acts 9:36); women gifted with not only good business sense but who were practical in their offers of assistance to the fledgling church. (Luke 8:1-3 & Acts 16:13-15) Some were spiritually gifted, freely offering their homes, resources and insight to support, sustain and increase the spread of the Gospel (Acts 18:26 – such as Priscilla and her husband sharing their homes with Paul in ministry at Ephesus and later Rome). Others are said to have “prophesied” in Jesus’ name (Acts 21:8,9) and the second Epistle of John is addressed to a woman possibly hosting a church in her home. (2 John 1:1) Paul mentioning women many times as co-workers alongside him in ministry (Phil. 4:3,2 Timothy 1:5, Romans 16); Phoebe particularly singled out as a servant of the church in Cenchrea, who had been a great help to many, including Paul. (Some Bible scholars believing her to be Paul’s emissary in delivering his Roman Epistle to the church there.)

In our looks-driven, fame-seeking society, it is important to note that these influential women were significant not because of their looks, their backgrounds or stations in life (See 1Pet. 3:3,4,1 Timothy 2:9,10 – for instance, Rahab was a prostitute and Mary Magdelene at one time possessed by seven demons – Matthew 1:5, Luke 8:11); rather it is the woman who fears the Lord who is to be praised and emulated. (Proverbs 31:30) Many more were never mentioned or singled out by name throughout the history of the church but who none-the-less contributed to the advancement of the Gospel and the glory of God. Of these, the Bible declares “…the world was not worthy…” Hebrews 11:38 If we learn nothing else from studying them, it must be to center our lives, our faith and our hopes first and foremost on Christ.

Women – like men – bear the stamp of God’s image. (Genesis 1:27; 5:1,2; Romans 8:29) They were intended to be respected as partners and cherished as companions (Genesis 2:20-24); their wisdom augmenting that of their husband’s in child rearing. (Proverbs 1:8 & 6:20) They are never marginalized or relegated to lesser roles in scripture, rather assigned roles they were created for and best suited to fill. As such, they are unique and vital to the proper functioning of the home, church and society in which they live. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, with the dreaded, “Wives, submit to your husbands…” reference in chapter 5, verse 22; likewise directs husbands to love their wives in a way resembling Christ’s love for the church – sacrificially elevating her to a new status in the world. The preceding directive of Ephesians 5:21often ignored or read over too lightly, as it calls for mutual submission from both parties.

Their lives did indeed define spiritual character and feminine virtue; a moral quality that tempered everything they said and did. None were perfect, making it easier for us to relate to them. Many were flawed individuals who none-the-less rose above their failures by God’s grace and a willingness to learn from him, striving to live faithfully to the best of their ability; the very type of person Christ came to minister to as he sought the lost, healed the sick and saved the sinner. (Luke 9:10, Mark 2:17 See also 2 Corinthians 4:7) For it is only through him any value on our part is realized, any “acclaim” being attained through conforming our lives to his.

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Biography Information:

Fred Price - married (50 years), father of two grown children, grandfather of six.

Fred retired earlier this year after 42 years as a factory worker.  He has always had a heart for young people and the challenges they face today.  Over the years Fred has taught Discipleship Groups for High School and college students.  

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