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Point of Reference

    by Fred Price

"Come,... let us reason together,..." Isaiah 1:18
Date Posted: April 28, 2023

The debate between supporters of creation and evolution ebbs and flows, often turning mean-spirited. Many Christians are reluctant to respond because they feel they have nothing to add to the conversation but ‘The Bible says…’; which doesn’t sound very convincing when others are citing dates and figures as facts, however dubious some of them may be. (It being equally difficult to cite scripture effectively when your opponent doesn’t believe in the Bible – there being no common ground for your discussion.) Teaching both evolution and intelligent design in our schools would allow a side-by-side examination fostering informed discussion and reasoned conclusions. But that has been rejected as a violation of separation of church and state; removing the possibility of most people even knowing what the debate is about.

I am aware of the deep passion and animosity this topic incites among many, as it boils down to a question of accountability. If we as a species are accidents, a by-product of random molecular occurrences, then we are really free agents accountable to no one and nothing except when we agree to be in regards to our behavior. A lot is at stake, and any serious study of the issue reveals real problems – scientific ones – in the theory of evolution with a turning away from such notions among many scholars of the hard sciences. We can find concrete support in this debate through their research and findings; which are readily available through various publications – it being our responsibility to care enough to seek them out. Not that this information supersedes what the Bible reveals to us but it can be useful in re-enforcing its revelation ( Genesis 1:1), giving us a point of reference in discussing this topic with those who aren’t grounded in scripture ( John 1:1-3); allowing us to then lead them to God’s word after arousing questions and curiosity concerning what they thought was sound scientific teaching. ( Jeremiah 10:12) People wrestling with questionable social issues often respond well to answers of faith when they are reasonably presented; hence the strident attempt to separate us from the political arena and every other avenue of impact on society with an overblown application of separation – not just of church and state but from every other area of meaningful interaction in our culture today.

A hard science is one containing evidence that can be observed, replicated and depended on to be consistent to a high degree; leading to laws of physics, thermodynamics, chemistry and engineering. Soft science or evidence is derived primarily from observation and conjecture, which is not always wrong yet is undependable in a true scientific sense. Conjecture is often the start of many theories concerning life science but must move beyond that to be proved correct by experimentation and statistical study. Evolution is rife with unproven hypothesis, unobserved assumptions, unrealized propositions, unverified conjecture; a belief system grounded in the observances of geology, anthropology and paleontology. All of which can be challenged with new scientific data – such as the unexpected results of comet bombardment of Jupiter occurring during our lifetimes – causing a total reassessment of Jupiter’s make-up and composition – necessitating a new theory of its origins, etc..

Much of this information is extremely complex and space-consuming, so I will mention only a few critical problems leading many scientists, not necessarily to intelligent design but to question evolution none-the-less. Chirality – the necessity of DNA nucleotides and amino acids – the building blocks of life – to perfectly match every time to sustain life and relay information is insurmountable. Gene sequencing – the precise order in DNA cell structure is crucial to information relay and cell development and impossible to achieve randomly. Mutations – almost all of which are harmful, would be necessary as a positive force on a vast scale in driving the evolution of complex new species from simple single-celled life forms. Irreducibly complex molecular systems, containing millions of interactive cells functioning in an intricate sequence – as a whole, all at once – it all works or none of it does – is a major stumbling block to the evolution of species bit by bit over eons of time. And life itself; if you could collect, randomly, all the necessary microbiological ingredients for life in one place at the same time – what turned it on, creating that first spark of life? British biologist Harrison Matthews notes in his intro. to the 1971edition of Darwin’s Origin of The Species, “The fact of evolution is the back-bone of biology, and biology is thus in the peculiar position of a science founded on an unproved theory – is it then a science or a faith?”

Meanwhile, diehard proponents of evolution cling to their beliefs in unyielding fashion, changing the face of scientific debate to one of personal attack. If they can’t marginalize the opposing point of view, then ridicule is the order of the day – treating the subject matter condescendingly if at all. Overlooked in this free-for-all is a cornerstone of American freedom; the practice of free speech in the give-and-take of exchanging ideas; done so reasonably and tolerantly. But many evolutionary scientists are reluctant to debate the science of intelligent design because to do so might legitimize the claim that there is a reasonable alternative to evolutionary theory. Noted biologist Richard Dawkins of Oxford speaking for many when he says, “I am concerned about implying that there is some sort of scientific argument going on. There’s not.” By refusing to be a part of any discussion, they guarantee there is none to be had!

A fundamental strategy for success in war – as well as debate and business – is to know your “enemy”; your opponent or competitor’s background, tactics, and preferences being key to their responses on all levels. Peter likewise telling us to, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” Doing so, however, with gentleness and respect – the real meaning of tolerance. ( 1 Peter 3:15) A truly scientific debate of Genesis 1 & 2might not be reasonably possible, but the evidence against evolution is growing by leaps and bounds; much of if at least hinting at a pattern or design, and thus a designer.

This wealth of information is described in compelling detail, in an understandable manner, by men of educational distinction such as: Michael Behe , bio-chemical professor and molecular biologist, author of Darwin’s Black Box; Dr. Lee Spetner , PhD in physics, author of Not by Chance; Astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross , author of The Creator and The Cosmos; mathematician Dr. William Dembski , author of The Design Inference; Michael Denton , PhD in molecular biology, author of Evolution: A theory in Crisis; J.P. Moreland , author of The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for Intelligent Design; Jonathan Wells , author of Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth: Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution Is Wrong; Duane T. Gish , PhD in biochemistry – Assist. Director of the Institute for Creation Research, author of Evolution, the Fossils Say No!; Henry M. Morris , PhD in hydrology and hydraulics with minors in geology and mathematics, Director of the Institute for Creation Research, San Diego, California, co-author of Science and Creation; Guillermo Gonzales , PH.D, research professor of astronomy and physics and Jay Richards, PH.D, Vice President and senior fellow of the Discovery Institute in Seattle, Washington, authors of The Privileged Planet – How our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery; and ironically Francis Collins , Head of the Human Genome Project – an evolutionist who none-the-less believes it could happen only with divine direction, author of The Language of God – A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief.

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Biography Information:

Fred Price - married (50 years), father of two grown children, grandfather of six.

Fred retired earlier this year after 42 years as a factory worker.  He has always had a heart for young people and the challenges they face today.  Over the years Fred has taught Discipleship Groups for High School and college students.  

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