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Voice of Inspiration

    by Andy Castro

Psalms 91:11
Date Posted: March 31, 2024

'For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. ' Psalm 91:11 AMP

Earthquakes shake and shift the ground we walk on. If it's strong enough, the shaking and shifting will damage and destroy the buildings we've settled in.

So, it is with God. He destroys the thoughts of comfort and complacency we enjoy under His protective sphere. At this moment in time, God is the earthquake.

The time comes when the Lord calls us out from His protective covering.

He calls us into the wild jungles of humanity to tame the land and develop great kingdoms of righteousness. God calls us into the valleys of injustice to bring justice. He directs us to the deserts of hopelessness to bring freshwater of hope. He leads us to the weary mountains to bring the strength of His right hand. He sends us into the darkened real estate destroyed by the evil one to restore the blessed crops of milk and honey.

That's a little scary.

But it makes sense God would send us out from under His wings. He is a good Father, and that's what good fathers do. They raise us then send us out to go work and live life. The Lord is following His own words. 'Train up a child in the way he should go [teaching him to seek God's wisdom and will for his abilities and talents], Even when he is old he will not depart from it. ' Proverbs 22:6 AMP

He is shifting our thinking. He is kicking us out of the house. He puts us in a place to use what He taught us while we were in His presence. That is if we learned anything.

I didn't start to follow Jesus until I was 40. At that age, I was an underdeveloped adult. I was angry, bitter, self-righteous, manipulative, fearful, and an overall donkey's behind. (If you know what I'm saying.) Other than that, I was fine. The Father kept me under His wings until I matured. Through the years, He helped me to know Him more and to trust Him. He taught me His way of doing things. He healed and restored my soul.

He takes us under His wings because He knows the enemy has the upper hand in our lives until we learn to fight. If He did not teach us to fight, we would be underdeveloped adults with thumbs in our mouth, never rising to God's call and purposes.

In the movie "The Lord of the Rings, " Frodo was sent to Mordor to destroy Saruman's Ring of Power. But he was sent with several companions whose sole purpose was to help get Frodo to Mordor. God sends His angels with us to us to our destination in this life. We have angels that follow the Lord's orders to keep us under His protection.

This life is a journey and can be a great adventure if we let it. The Holy Spirit will be our guide to lead us into the fulfillment of our great calling.

Call on the Holy Spirit to guide you today into this new adventure.


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Biography Information:
Since recommitting his life to Christ in 2000, God has changed Andy in such a way, he hardly recognizes himself. Andy is a story of God's grace and mercy.

He now writes and speaks as a voice of inspiration to encourage people to 'find the call' for their life and to fulfill their God given purpose. He writes to help you in your pursuit.
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