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Weekly Wisdom Winnows

    by Lisa Mendenhall

Quit Being a Grave Digger!
Date Posted: November 30, 2008

How many times do we dig a hole big enough to bury ourselves in by the words of our mouths or our own actions? Don't we often say and do things that are contrary to what we are trying to accomplish in our on lives? We scoop that dirt out and make that hole bigger and bigger with the shovel of our mouth! Then our actions follow and we dig even deeper! We are digging our own graves and don't even recognize what we do. How does this happen? How can we stop the momentum and cause it to start the other direction? Is it possible to turn it around?

I am so tired of digging a hole and then falling in and having to claw my way back out-just to start digging another to do the same thing, over and over again. It can really get discouraging when we face the same mountain over and over. Then we try to go about destroying that mountain the same way we did the last time and it still doesn't work! Why do we do the same thing again and expect different results? What we do and how we do it determine the outcome every time. So if it did not work the first, second, and third time, what makes us think it will this time? How can this time be any different when we didn't do anything different to change the results? We have to start doing things a different way. Yes, it is hard to change. It is hard to change how we think, what we say and habits that we have. But if it was easy, wouldn't everyone be doing it? And wouldn't everyone be in better shape than they are now?

So before we go any further I want to ask you a couple of questions to make you think. Are you willing to do what ever it takes to be successful in the area in your life that needs changing? A lot of our answer depends on how important that area of our life is too us. Think about places in your life that you have had the same struggle with just this past year. If you are totally honest with yourself, it is probably an area you have given up on or you may be doing the motions but there is no real commitment or a real belief that you expect anything to change. Okay, now we have established that there is an area like this in our life. My next question is this- Are you ready for the answer? Are you ready to face the truth and change what needs changed? Even if it is your religious thinking or training in this area? IF you are committed to this, God will cause the change to come, IF you will do the steps He tells you too. It is a proven fact you can't change this area in your life yourself. You have already tried over and over and failed! But be of good courage, be not dismayed! Have hope, trust in the Almighty, the All-powerful God! God can- God wants too- and God will- if you will do your part. Okay, so now we know that we are ready and committed to the change. So how do we go about it? What do we need to do? What part do we play in this? First, we have to see(really see) that what we have been doing is not working. Then we have to totally scrap that plan. It doesn't work! Second, we need to get before God and get honest. My way is not working Lord, I missed you in this area some how, so I am going to wait before you and expect you to speak into my hearing what I need to do.(side note- waiting on God is hard on the soul. It will think of 100 different things to do, plans to try, etc…to keep from being still and waiting in the presence of God). While I am waiting on the Lord, I will continually praise Him, magnify Him, worship Him and keep my mind and soul quiet before Him. Praise and worship stabilizes the soul until the answer comes. It will keep you from getting up from that place of waiting prematurely and missing what God says to do. If you don't hear from Him the first day, continue in waiting and praising and worshipping as you go through your days. Stay FOCUSED on God no matter what you have to do in your day to day operations. God said Himself, He will(not maybe, but will) keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. Keep your mind on God and peace will mount guard over your heart and soul until the answer comes.

And remember, for some things that may have been a strong hold, it may not be just one pat answer, it may be a series of, do this, and this, and this until you reach the place of victory. Some things were not built in you over night and they will not be torn down overnight.

One more note, do not get discouraged! Do not get down on your self if you have to keep practicing getting before God to hear from him. Remember we said earlier, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it!!

Change the way you think and the way you act by staying in God's presence, thinking His thoughts and doing what He tells you to do. When we do this we will quit digging our own graves and will eventually be able to help others out of theirs!!! Be Blessed! Lisa

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Biography Information:
Lisa Mendenhall lives in Smackover, Arkansas with her husband of over 28 years, Chris. She has 4 grown children who also love the Lord, each serving Him in some capacity. As a teacher of the Word, Lisa, believes that she has a responsibility to use her God-given gift to teach those who have a desire to live victorious in Christ how to do so. She believes in order to live victoriously, one must get to know God and His character. His character is love. Therefore, Lisa has a heart-desire to bring people to a greater understanding of God's love. Her teachings explain that when His love is activated IN His children, it will motivate them to give just as His love motivated Him to give 'His only begotten Son', Jesus, to the world. God's wisdom does not always flow with the world's system of wisdom and His Word says, 'my people perish for lack of knowledge'. Lisa states, 'During meditation one day, I heard the word 'winnows'. With great curiosity, I learned it to mean,

'To separate the chaff from (grain) by means of a current of air. To rid of undesirable parts. To separate or get rid of (an undesirable part); eliminate: winnowing out the errors in logic. ...separate grain from chaff...separate the good from the bad...examine closely in order to separate the good from the bad; sift...' ( 'This study gave me direction and focus for my teaching.  God had placed a longing in my heart to teach the body of Christ how to separate from carnal thinking and rid themselves of old ways that hinder their Spiritual growth. I desire to see them live victoriously, by the 'higher ways' of God's wisdom.'
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