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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Be Controlled and Poised and Balanced
Date Posted: August 24, 2020

Each should learn how to discipline and control his body. This is a lesson we have to learn and can learn. This is a lesson we have to learn – as we come to I Thessalonians Chapter 4 and verse 4.

These were immoral days and Paul is pleading with believers in Jesus Christ to be different – he wants to bring the best out of these converts to Jesus Christ.

He calls them to learn and this involves having a healthy mind and one of the results will be controlled emotions.

To have control and poise and balance, we have to work at it.

It is not – what can I do? – but – What does Jesus Christ want me to be?

When we are what he wants us to be, we will have no trouble in finding out what He wants us to do. God would have us be whole and holy, and you cannot be holy by yourself. It involves how we get on with people around us.

Now we begin to see how difficult this becomes as we are bombarded with cultural standards and moral values and material thinking.

Verse 5 speaks of the passionate lust of the heathen, who do not know God.

Lust here is linked with ignorance of God. It is good to remember that, when as we observe what is going on around us. People who behave in such ways do not know the mercy and grace and love of our loving God.

God judges immorality and impurity and disobedience, even although society permits such behaviour.

Paul is writing at a decadent time – and it is quite similar today. Changing partners was rampant at that time, just as it is today.

Lust is almost applauded among ‘personalities’ and ‘celebrities’ in these present days.

If immorality climbs into the driving seat of society it is in for a crash!

People did not know Almighty God and yet there was a lot of religion around.

There is no use praying for converts or preaching for converts and then failing to feed and teach and lead them in the ways of God, and on and into the Will of God.

There is a strong plea here for disciples of Jesus Christ to live moral upright lives.

Verse 6 – Do not be guilty of fraud in any form. Let there be no wrong doing and no masks and no hypocrisy and taking advantage of our brother in any way whatsoever.

God will punish. God will avenge. We have warned you and taught you. What you sow, you will reap.

Dirt is infectious but cleanliness is not.

Verse 7 – is so clear. Whatever is going on around you, remember that God did not call you to be involved in that.

There is a separation to Him and purification by Him. We are never to settle for anything less – but be hungering after and thirsting after righteousness in the eyes of God. Compromise in this area is so highly dangerous.

We are called to dedicate ourselves to the calling of God.

Verse 8 – is such a clear warning. If you reject or despise this teaching or instruction you may end up rejecting or despising God, and continuing in sin leads to the rejection of God.

Verse 9 – Paul considers that he does not need to write to them about brotherly love, but he wants to say something about it. God has been teaching you by placing His love within your hearts. The love of Christ should rule us. This would prevent us from having rules. Perhaps Paul did realise that they needed another word on love, even if he did not need to mention it again.

Verse 10 – He repeats his plea, because receiving God’s love also brings responsibilities.

Let this love grow and grow – he is always asking and pleading for love that is outgoing and concerned and generous. Paul realises that the full benefit of keeping Christ’s commandments can only be realised when it is prompted by love.

Verse 11 – Paul makes the connection between love and hard work.

The young convert has to be taught and instructed. Be ambitious. Lead a quiet life – or seek to keep calm – and look after your own business, and work with your hands as we ordered you. Get on with the responsibilities of life which includes and involves honest labour.

Perhaps the thought of the second coming of Jesus was over exciting them and they were becoming careless regarding duties and responsibilities. They have been described as being like tourists in an airport lounge waiting for their flight to be called. Paul’s strong advice was ‘to calm down’ and work hard.

Greek society despised those who worked with their hands. We tend to think that way too. When ministering in Sofia Bulgaria, I learned that the tram driver was paid higher than the doctor.

Is he giving us three things that will help us to be holy – to be quiet – to mind our own business – and the need to work hard!

Holiness is not some leisure time activity.

Verse 12 – Paul’s aim was for the Church to be respected by those outside, and at the same time he did not want any of them to be in want and totally dependent upon others.

Those outside should be impressed by our lives – and should admire the way we handle our affairs – and cope with our problems.

His main aim up to this point in the letter is to have these disciples of Jesus Christ living lives that are pleasing to God – and this teaching is so practical and so valuable.

“Lord God, help me to receive and embrace and welcome this section in Your Holy Word – it is not easy. We are bombarded by the morals and standards and values of the world. Holy Spirit – strengthen us – encourage us – give us that ability to stand – and to do so lovingly and graciously. So help us, Lord Jesus. Amen”

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at

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