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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Creation Is Preserved By A Man of God Who Has Faith
Date Posted: August 20, 2018

We read in Genesis Chapter 8 verse 1 that “God remembered NOAH”. Now - this is a FACT! There was no-one else around who could have remembered Noah.

The word ‘remember’ means to RENEW. We say - O we must remember so-and-so - and send them a card. We must renew our relationship with so-and-so. When we come to the Table Jesus says - Do this in remembrance of ME - renew your relationship with ME every time you eat the bread and drink from the cup. God remembered Noah. God is going to get in touch with Noah again. He is going to contact - communicate.

Do you ever think God has forgotten you, or that He is not going to come to you again? Sometimes we permit these thoughts to slip into our minds, especially if we are going through times of testing, or if the way ahead appears confused or uncertain.

Our gracious God remembers His people. We learn profound spiritual lessons by studying Noah and the Ark. The Old Testament has an inexhaustible source of material for profitable study.

Jesus never forgets to care for His Sheep. Jesus is a shepherd who is faithful and reliable and dependable.

One favourite way which God chooses to use time and time again is to send a wind. He loves to send out that invisible force. We see it happening here. We see it at the Red Sea. We see Him do that on the Day of Pentecost. It is good to feel the breeze of heaven - the very breath of GOD. "Come Lord Jesus, blow again upon your Church." Many have prayed that over the years, and continue to pray and petition heaven.

The source and cause of and the reason for The Flood has been dealt with, and the waters were beginning to recede.

The mountains began to appear, and the Ark comes to rest on the mountains of Ararat - note that it does NOT say on the top of Mount Ararat. Always check what the Word actually says.

Noah sends out a raven which fails to return. Then a dove - but the time is not ready for nesting and the dove returns - and Noah who had been looking and waiting, catches the dove and brings it safely back into the ARK.

Here is a vision of the man of God looking for and patiently waiting for the symbol of the Holy Spirit - and when He comes, being ready to receive HIM. A week later - the dove is sent out again - and this time it returns with an olive leaf, and Noah knew that the waters had gone down, and that vegetation was beginning to appear again. A week later, Noah sends out the dove again, but this time it does not fly back to the ARK.

The dove is a symbol of Promise - a new beginning - a new day - a new heart - and a new mind - and the promise of the Power of God.

Noah knows that it is near time to emerge from the ARK, and he removes the covering. He opens upwards before he opens outwards. What remarkable patience he displays. He remains in the Ark waiting for God's time for his release.

Verses 15,16 - then GOD spoke. "Come out - bring out."

See Jesus in all this - Jesus says to us - "Follow Me - Come to Me - Now go into all the world." We have to come in and go out - and if we go out too quickly then we can do damage.

Creation has been preserved by a man who had faith - by a man who was prepared to obey the Living God.

When many are so concerned about the condition of our world today do we not see that what is required is a man of faith – a man who hears from God – and who obeys God.

“Gracious Heavenly Father, we thank You and praise You for being a God Who takes the initiative – that you are a God who acts – that you are a God Who draws near to people. Draw near to me this day, and draw me closer to You – through Jesus Christ. Amen”

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at

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