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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Do We Really Want to Hear the Voice of the Prophet?
Date Posted: March 4, 2024

As Isaiah sings this love song in Chapter 5 , in verses 5,6 he spells it out the significance of what this really means. Isaiah had been singing about this lover as "he" - and all he got was wild grapes - then, he changes it to "I".

The Word of God had been faithfully proclaimed to the people - but where is the fruit?

He says - "I am going to stop the rain" - and the reaction is, "Who does he think he is that he can stop the rain?" As soon as Isaiah goes too far - the people react and reject.

It is at this point Isaiah explains what his love song has been about - "You are the vineyard - and God is the owner - and all you have produced are wild grapes."

The prophet's voice may not be what we want to hear - but what we need to hear!

Isaiah compelled the people to pass judgement upon themselves.

The people were becoming uncomfortably aware that this was no ordinary song.

Isaiah says - The owner was going to take away all that He had done. The strong winds would blow away the blossom - and it was now exposed to wild animals - trampled and overcome - no longer pruned - and weeds grow - thorns and thistles.

The word 'command' must have stunned the crowd.

God looks for a response.

His love is unconditional - His blessings are conditional.

We find this today. Everyone can agree that there is a whole lot wrong in the world - a lot of sin - then God points something out in our own lives. He can show us this at times from His Holy Word - and the response - the reaction - is not always as it should be! How we react when God shows us something from His Word is important.

Isaiah is speaking about God and Israel as husband and wife. We should have been together - we should together have been producing good fruit. What more could I have done for you? He had hedged them around with priests - His Watchtower - His Temple - what more could God have done?

What more could God give to us today - Jesus - the Holy Spirit - the Bible - bread and wine - fellowship - we could mention so much more.

Israel just allowed God to go so far and no further. We are as holy as we want to be - and choose to be - no more - no less.

Isaiah says here - God is disappointed with His People - I am finished with this vineyard - there is nothing more I could have done - and Isaiah is quite specific.

Verse 7 . In a few terse lines Isaiah unveils the whole purpose of the prophetic song.

When God looked - He saw what He did not want to see.

Verse 8 . Woe - this is a curse - it is the opposite of being blessed. Jesus used 'woe' as often as he said 'blessed'. There comes that moment when God's anger boils over.

Isaiah says - "Woe to those who have given their lives to material pursuits - to business - to pleasure - and to greed. It is a disease. They still wanted more and more - the heart of the man is business - always adding - always wanting to be bigger - and crushing out others to do so. Isn't God's Word so up to date - so contemporary?

Let's have bigger and bigger shops - it doesn't matter how many little ones have to close. There are laws in Leviticus Chapter 25 to prevent this from happening - but so-called progressive people chose to ignore God's laws - and do so at their peril.

They would not heed God. Might became right. This is so relevant.

Woe to the greedy - this is directed squarely towards the rich who have been using their wealth to purchase land and property thus depriving the poor of any chance of making a satisfactory living.

God's Hand of protection was soon to be lifted. Here is a word that would make us want to be sensitive to injustice. Any misuse of any power and authority we have been given can become an offence in the eyes of a just and loving God.

The next thing Isaiah says - verse 11 - and this is the second of seven woes.

Some were living only for what they call pleasure - this is so unnatural - early in the morning - drink and music from morning until night. Our land is full of this - you only have to read the adverts.

And - when you preach this - proclaim this - you are regarded as peculiar.

These verses speak of a careless, irresponsible society indulging in the excesses of luxury - without giving any thought to the consequences. When that is going on around us there is no regard for the work of God or the Word of God - no concern for God and what He is doing - verse 12 .

Prophecy is rooted in the consistency of God.

All this leads to spiritual famine - leaders will be hungry - people will be thirsty - plenty of food and drink, yet many hungry and thirsty. Man cannot live by bread alone - man needs Jesus and His Word.

The thoughtless - the mindless - when they became too well-heeled, they plunge into pleasure - too busy with business and pleasure to be bothered about God - Jesus - the Cross - Worship and Prayer.

Verses 16,17 teach us that one day they will be humbled - and animals will graze in the ruins of their business.

In verses 18 to 21 we see a mental perversion that is very common today - mocking at God - "If there is a God, Isaiah, let Him show Himself."

Isaiah then proclaims - Woe to those who have got their ideas so mixed up that they do not know what is right from wrong. And that which is evil they think it is good. They prefer darkness for light - God has given them light - but they deliberately chose darkness - their own ways - they preferred confusion to clarity.

When God holds out what is pure and sweet, they prefer that which is foul and sour.

Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes.

“Loving Father – our faithful God – we thank You that down through the centuries You have raised up prophetic voices – and frequently these prophets have been rejected and ridiculed and mocked – and yet their words have rung true – and what has been prophesied has happened and come to pass. Enable us to hear the voice of the prophets, to prepare ourselves for what lies ahead. Anoint prophetic ministries with the power and authority of the Holy Spirit – we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen”

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at

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