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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Genesis Matters Because It Is Foundational
Date Posted: March 26, 2018

Why does Genesis matter? Creation is foundational for all moral and ethical matters.

We are reading these opening Chapters in the book of Genesis.

Animals and man were CREATED to be vegetarian. That changed after the Flood.

Death came after Adam sinned.

You cannot have a struggle for millions of years and death, AND believe The Bible.

One day there will be no more death – and no more suffering.

And yet - death and bloodshed are the means by which man is redeemed and rescued.

All fossils were formed after man sinned - mostly during the Flood - or following some other catastrophic event such as the Ice Age.

Genesis is quoted so much in the New Testament. There is no indication that the text should be read in some allegorical, non-literal, non-historical, non-chronological way.

Genesis is scoffed at - mocked - ridiculed - allegorised – as some people try to explain it away – or interpret it ‘rationally’ or ‘logically’.

If we were to use the outside influences of science to interpret the Bible, we would have questions about how Jesus was conceived - and the resurrection and ascension.

Genesis is like the Foundation, and if you rip out the foundations the structures will collapse.

Genesis means - beginnings - of the universe - of life - of man - of sin - of death - of families - of nations - of languages - of the Sabbath - the beginning of the Jews, the people of God.

What would you make of Israel if it were not for Genesis?

Who owns you - and who rules you - and who sets the rules - if you have no GOD?

Man thinks he can go on his own - and make his own rules - "we can do whatever we want to" - and we have abortion - homosexuality - pornography etc.

God is the Creator who owns you and who sets the rules. When they had no judge or leader they did what was right in their own eyes! Yes, even in Israel.

We go by what GOD says - and not our opinion.


Evolution and abortion go hand in hand. Our embryos DO NOT have gills like fish.

Male chauvinism and evolution go hand in hand.

Nazism and evolution go hand in hand - Darwin to Nietzsche to Hitler.

Racism and evolution go hand in hand.

The problem comes from SIN in our HEART - not the animal in our ANCESTRY.

Where we come from determines the rules - the laws - the welfare - the standards.

JESUS quotes from Genesis Chapters 1,2. Jesus puts His authority and imprimatur upon Genesis.

These are not two conflicting accounts of CREATION. Jesus is teaching about marriage - men and women are equal but they have different ROLES.

There are certain concepts violated by the philosophy of evolution –

1 - The Goodness of GOD and the NATURE of GOD are MISREPRESENTED.

2 -The DENIAL of CENTRAL BIBLICAL TEACHINGS - Adam's sin brought death and decay leading to the necessity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

3 - The Divine Inspiration of the Bible - the straightforward understanding of The Word of God.

4 - Creation demonstrates the Hand of God and Purpose of God - MAN is God's purpose in Creation - man is the purpose in the God's plan of Redemption and Salvation - Man is the purpose of the MISSION of Jesus Christ - and Heaven is our destination.

5 - The Coming Again of Jesus is under real question - and the need for Restoration (a new heavens and a new earth).

What we are studying is NOT a side issue - it is foundational - central - vital.

“Holy God – Give me a deeper understanding of these opening Chapters in Genesis. May I see how I need to have a firm grasp of every area of Your Holy Word. Lord Jesus, where I am weak, strengthen me. Amen”

"Today's Little Lift" from Jim Bullington

Mercy and not Sacrifice (October 5, 2010)

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at

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