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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Here Was A Man Who Was So Very Different
Date Posted: February 11, 2008

In Luke Chapter 7 verses 36 to 50, we read of one of the Pharisees, a man named Simon, inviting Jesus to his home for a meal. Why did he do t his? Was it to trap Jesus? We know from what happened later on that it was not a straightforward invitation to have tea.

Jesus accepts the invitation. He goes, and they are just about to eat, when a woman - a sinner - a prostitute - comes to Simon's door. She knew that Jesus was in this house. News had got around fast. Imagine such a woman coming to such a house - and coming to repent. She came to Jesus for forgiveness.

Simon does not realise this, and Simon is thinking, "Does He think she comes here regularly?" O, to see such people coming to Jesus for forgiveness and cleansing.

She was unashamed to come openly - weeping. She begins to wash Jesus feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her long flowing hair - kissed the feet of Jesus Christ - and anointed them with perfumed ointment. Speak about emotion! There is a big difference between the display real emotion and being emotional.

How do we react when someone 'not nice' comes in? What do we do - and say? How would it reveal itself? Simon did not like what he saw. "If this man were a prophet - a real man of God - He would have known what kind of woman this was.

Jesus did know what this woman was like, and Jesus knew what Simon was like.

Verse 40. Notice he does not call Jesus, LORD. That is always significant. You can disagree with a teacher, but in that Middle East setting you would NEVER disagree with a LORD. The words we use are important.

Jesus speaks. "Simon, there was a man who had two people owing him money - £50,000 and £5,000. It was a lot of money, and neither of them could pay, so he forgave them both. He cancelled their debts. Which of them will love him more? What a story!

Sometimes Jesus tells us something and then asks a question!

Simon replies, "I suppose! – Jesus, it is such a hypothetical question. This would never happen in real life Jesus." Simon did not like the message Jesus was delivering. "You are right - you are correct - the one who was forgiven most will love most!"

Jesus then looks at this dear woman. Can you imagine the tenderness and compassion and genuine love? Jesus has more to say, daring to criticise his host, and then says to her, "Your sins are forgiven." Then there is a reaction - Who does He think He is?

Jesus ignores the comments and continues speaking to her, "You faith has saved you - now off you go - in peace." She probably had never known peace in her life.

Worship is costly. We can be involved in all kinds of things and no one will say a thing - no one will pay any attention - no comment - no remark - so much goes unnoticed. You can go to football, golf, bridge gardens, whatever your interest may be and no-one will say very much - but, when someone begins to worship, and becomes committed to Jesus Christ, there can arise comments.

She wanted a better life, and she knew Jesus could provide her with that better life.

In her darkness a light was witched on. She hears a preacher who offers to lift burdens.

Around this time in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus had been preaching to crowds and Matthew records Jesus’ words, “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you REST. Take my yoke - learn from me - I am gentle and humble in heart - you will find rest for your souls.”

Did she see a way out of her predicament? Here was a man who was different! Here was a word for the weary - burdened – those whose lives are cluttered with problems - and she was weary. Here was man who could make a difference. Here are needy characters - with all kinds of needs.

What a mixture of characters we read of in Luke Chapter 7, each with very real needs - and Jesus Christ ministers to them all – without making a single appointment. Jesus was just available. Now, there is an important ministry in some places. Just make yourself available to God - and to those in need and with needs.

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at

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