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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Thank You For the Variety and Colour Flowing From Your Holy Word
Date Posted: February 3, 2025

There is such a contrasting picture in Psalm 92 . We looked at the first seven verses, and as we read on, we learn that the wicked are likened to perishing grass – and the righteous are like flourishing trees.

Grass is the picture of anything which is short lived - and in the land where these words were penned, grass grows and goes. It soon dries and withers and shrivels. The wicked are in this sense like grass.

There is a difference between the temporal - or the temporary - and the eternal.

The Psalmist sees things he wished he didn't see. Do you ever find yourself in that position? Has God taught you lessons or revealed to you spiritual truths – and at the time you may have preferred not have known and seen what God has said and revealed’

The Psalmist also sees something on which he can build his life. God rules over all the mess - all the problems - all the tensions. Are you believing that for these days and weeks in 2025?

The writer takes a long-term view - and that is the secret. He knows that God is righteous - that God is Most High - that God will live for ever - that God is in charge - and that He has the last and final Word.

Shepherds knew what to do when a sheep was wounded - the shepherd would anoint the head of a wounded sheep with healing oil - and he himself has experienced that anointing following being wounded. He knew what it was to be lifted up and strengthened.

Verse 10 – Horn = authority = strength – referring to the Kingship of God - that is a strong picture.

King David had been anointed for his position - but he had no idea as to the implications this would have for his life at the time of anointing. The pain - the pressures – required leadership - responsibility - the temptations faced by those who are anointed.

It was immediately after Jesus was anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit that the tempter came.

Mary had no idea. Mary, chosen by God - with the promise of a sword piercing her soul. God has a unique way of mixing anointing and promise - with certain other realities - pain - pressure - misunderstanding - the Cross.

One of the first things which happened to King David following his anointing was that Saul became jealous. Have you ever noticed that? God chooses you and anoints you, and suddenly, someone can become terribly jealous? And frequently from a most surprising source!

Fine oil - or fresh oil - does not necessarily mean excitement - or new emotional experiences - but it signifies the presence of God - and that means being encouraged and strengthened and comforted. These precious blessings are poured upon us.

This is what our God does - and when we see Jesus working in this mighty way - and experience something of it - we have that longing to praise Him and worship Him. See the balance of strength and anointing.

Verse 12 – The wicked disappear like the grass on a burning hot day - the righteous flourish like a palm tree. God promises us strength and freshness.

1 – The palm tree grows and flourishes in the desert. The world, to the disciple of Jesus Christ, is very like a desert.

2 – It grows amidst the sand - but the sand is not its food. Its deep roots search for moisture. O, search for nourish food and moisture from our Loving God.

3 – The palm tree is rather beautiful - majestic - tall - handsome - with branches stretching upwards seeking things above where Christ now dwells - like hands in worship.

4 – It is very useful - providing shelter - pointing to the place of water for the weary traveller - such were Barnabas or Lydia and Dorcas in the early church.

5 – It produces fruit when mature and old - yielding some 300 lbs of dates annually - with the finest dates being produced between the ages of 30,100.

What a difference - the height - so majestic - and so straight - with roots deep down to withstand the drought - and look where they are planted - in the House of the Lord. They flourish in the courts of our God. This is where to flourish. This is where the righteous are planted - in the fellowship of the Church of Jesus Christ.

There is nowhere else where a righteous man can be planted - not if you want to bear fruit - not if you want to be fruitful for Jesus Christ.

Where you are planted matters - it is important. Where you fellowship - and how deep that fellowship is - matters - and can influence our fruitfulness. So much depends upon the soil - and the available moisture - the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit.

The cedar - regarded as one of the beautiful trees. It grows slowly and goes straight up - able to withstand cold and wet - able to live in all kinds of conditions. It has an undecaying quality about it - particularly when compared with grass. It can grow on the mountain sides - unsheltered from the windy blasts - and can survive icy frosts.

It is so different from grass - here today and gone to-morrow.

It is evergreen - go and look at that cedar at Kilravock Castle - always there - always visible - always seen - always noticed just by its very presence.

The evergreens continue to flourish into their 60's and 70's and 80's. We can grow old, but still be useful and fruitful for God.

The Psalmist is calling upon us to consider the end of a man's faith. The sap continues to rise - the anointing of the Holy Spirit continues to empower.

If people regard us as saps - don't be unduly concerned - we are called to be filled with the sap of God.

The righteous are to be fruitful in old age as well as in their earlier years - more dead to the things of the world - with a greater meekness - and having a wisdom - and being mature in judgement - not always looking for Bible verses to slay people who oppose them.

The mature disciple of Jesus Christ does not need to talk in a critical manner because he knows God - and he is richer in spiritual experience.

When children and grandchildren look at our lives - what will they see? What do they see? What will they hear? After all the wars and scrapes and struggles and battles, will we still be a good commercial for Jesus Christ - and advert which will be attractive and magnetic? Do people see enduring commitment?

The next generation needs spiritual heroes. John was 90 - people could see that it lasted - that it was real. Our young people today need heroes in the faith whom they can follow - just as some of us were led by godly leaders.

Grass or trees? Which? Righteous or Wicked? The Lord is neither grass nor a tree in that sense - but a ROCK - solid righteousness.

The Lord is upright - will people say that as a consequence of our witness and testimony and service?

Grass or tree? Which are you? Grass about to wither away and disappear and vanish? Or an upright tree planted by the Lord Jesus Christ and with deep roots going down for the essential moisture in times of drought?

It is when you come to the ROCK - that you become a tree - "Grass becoming trees" - that is why we want to waive our branches and praise the Lord God for His loyal love and lasting faithfulness.

Someone was accused the other day of being involved in worship which looked more like semaphore! Well, if you have a message of praise to send to Heaven's throne - send it!

Come to Jesus Christ the ROCK - and be a tree - an upright palm - a majestic cedar - and let people see the change in you - that difference which Jesus Christ makes - that transformation brought about by the Holy Spirit, as the fine fresh oil flows within you and from you.

Read the opening and closing words of the Psalm - It is good to praise the Lord - He is my Rock and there is no unrighteousness in Him.

“Lord Our God – for Jesus Christ our Saviour – our Guide – our Shepherd – our Light – the one who rescues us from our sin and baptises with the Holy Spirit – we say Thank You as we praise and pray. Teach us from this Psalm – lessons we cannot learn anywhere else in the whole world. Holy Father, we bow with gratitude as we intercede for those around us – and even for our weeping world. Amen.”

"Word from Scotland" from Sandy Shaw

See Something of What the Psalmist Saw

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at

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