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Word from Scotland
by Sandy Shaw
Before I read the Scriptures, I had two questions which I needed to ask God about – “What will You do with me – and what are You going to do with me?”
And the first verse of my Bible Reading that morning was – This is what the Lord says, “In the time of my favour I will answer you.”
These words in Isaiah Chapter 49 are not among the best-known verses in the Bible – but that early morning in June the passage suddenly took on a new significance. It is verse 8 if you want to check.
We need to go back to read the earlier verses and remember that God wants to do more than deliver people from their suffering, but from their sin and sins. This is what Jesus Christ came to do.
Have you been set free and released and delivered from your sin and sins?
Yes – Jesus came ministering to the needs of people – delivering people all kinds of suffering – but there came that point where Jesus laid down his life to deliver people from their sin and sins.
You shall call his name Jesus for he shall deliver His people from their sins. Jesus was named when he was still in the womb. Matthew Chapter 1 . What does that have to teach us regarding abortion?
John the Baptist belonged to God in the womb – Paul refers to this fact too!
In Isaiah Chapters 40 to 48 , there is much about God delivering Israel from suffering – from being prisoners and exiles – but then there is a change. Israel has to be delivered from her sins.
It is not enough to be saved from suffering – we need to be set free from sin – which can cause so much of the suffering.
And it is not enough just to have our questions answered – we have to respond and act and obey.
Israel was in exile in Babylon because of her sin – and the people were suffering. How many are isolated today because of their sin and as a consequence they are suffering?
God is going to act – God is going to intervene – this is Divine intervention.
In verses 1to 7 we see a picture of what God intended Israel to be when she was called and chosen – and we see something of what Jesus Christ would be like when he would begin to minister in our world.
Verses 8 to 26 speak about wayward Israel – and then Chapter 50 is about the servant who is Jesus Christ – who comes to deliver His people.
The servant is saying – God called me before I was born!
In one sense Jesus had no choice. Israel had no choice – neither had Jesus.
Israel has no choice – and Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever.
Jeremiah speaks about this too. Paul reveals this in various letters.
But to know you are called of God – and called by God – when you become aware of that you give thanks that you have no choice. When we make a choice, apart from God, it can be a bad choice or a choice we later regret.
If you know that God is speaking to you – if you are aware of Jesus Christ calling you and choosing you – if you have the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon you – be as obedient and submissive and lovingly subservient as you know how, and allow the risen and living Jesus, the Servant King to used you wherever you live.
“O loving God – we give thanks for the ways in which the Scriptures have been used to shape and mould and fashion and transform our lives, over the years. We thank You Father, that Jesus is still in the business of calling and choosing and discipling men and women. Help us to hear Your call clearly and to respond with alacrity and thanksgiving, even when we do not know the way ahead. Teach us. Feed us. Satisfy us. We give You all the praise the glory – in and through Jesus Christ.” Amen.
Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!
Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.
Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at
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