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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Warn Us Against Walking Along Spiritually Dangerous Paths
Date Posted: December 9, 2024

In I Samuel Chapter 14 , Jonathan the son of King Saul, with his armour bearer, attacked a Philistine outpost and they were successful. This put fear into the Philistines in other places, and they fled - and those Israelis who had been hiding came out of the woodwork.

This may not appear as the most exciting part of Scripture – not that that is always central – but there are important spiritual lessons which can teach us.

Verse 23 - God rescued Israel that day.

Saul gave an order to forbid the people from eating - and Jonathan, finding honey, took some and ate it - only to be informed later of what he had done.

Verse 36 - Saul wanted to go after more Philistines - but the priest said - Let us find out what God would have us do - and when Saul prayed and asked - God did not answer. "Somebody has sinned - who is it - and even if it be my son Jonathan - that person who has sinned must die!"

Verse 44 - Saul brings the consequences of his earlier words upon himself. Jonathan was rescued - and Saul went on fighting - and was victorious.

Verse 52 - can describe the present day situation.

Chapter 15 - is a pivotal passage. Samuel speaks to Saul. Verse 3 is a serious and difficult verse - but God knew what the Amalekites would do to God's people in the future. Saul did not obey what Samuel the prophet of God had said.

Verse 10,11 - God speaks to Samuel - and Samuel spent that night in prayer.

Verse 11 - Saul had turned away from the Lord - he had become proud - verse 17 .

Saul is now a very proud king - a monument in his own honour. And Pride leads on to lies - verse 13 .

God sent you on a mission - but, but, but, I went on that mission - and the soldiers - here he is passing the buck. No, No, Saul - you are responsible.

Verse 22 must be among the saddest words Samuel ever had to speak.

Saul figured it out as being unreasonable to kill good animals. Saul tried to blame his circumstances - and blame the people - but God saw his heart.

It was as if God's Instructions no longer applied because the situation had changed. This crisis decision had affected the rest of his life. His future was on the line - it was a crossroads - he had come to an intersection. Saul had been prophesying with the prophets - then he was hiding amongst the baggage - and now this.

The man he anointed has been rejected by GOD. That can happen.

Offerings are all right - but nothing compared to obedience to the voice of God.

Sacrifice is all right - but not if you are disobeying God. Obedience is not optional.

You can come with all your offerings and lavish them before God - but these will only be acceptable if you are heeding what God has said - what Jesus says to us.

Rebellion has similar consequences to dabbling in the occult. Being arrogant is like bowing down before idols.

Verse 24 - I was afraid of the people - so I gave in. Saul is in a serious situation.

Saul so wanted Samuel to stay - and help him - as he grabs his coat tails they tear - and Samuel prophesies - The Lord has torn the Kingdom of Israel from you today.

Samuel is so very gracious - firm - true - but gracious - and he goes back with Saul - but the decision has been made. Samuel deals with Agag.

This is tragic - here in the Bible we see how serious it is to be in a relationship with GOD. There are times when the situation cannot be repaired.

Partial obedience - led to denial - which led to blaming others - and worse.

In the New Testament - there are these religious leaders - individuals like the Rich Young Ruler - Judas Iscariot - Alexander the coppersmith.

Samuel never saw Saul again - though he mourned for him. The Lord God was grieved that he had made Saul king over Israel.

Chapter 16 - God speaks to Samuel - don't mourn for ever - I have one more task for you - you are the last of the prophetic judges - and there is no-one at the moment - until you perform this task. There are times when we have to get over things!

The Spirit of God had left Saul - and David must have come to know about that - because that was one thing he pleaded with God not to let happen to him.

Go to Bethlehem - I have a man there who will be king.

Saul was the choice of the people. Young 16-year-old David was going to be God's choice - and criteria for selection would be totally different. Chapter 16 .

Saul became neurotic - and spent 16 years chasing David. He consulted with a witch about the future rather than pray to the living God. He tried to kill his son, and was defeated in battle - and committed suicide.

He never completed the task God gave him to do.

It is dangerous asking God for a king – to be independent of relying on Almighty God. The consequence was sadness and disaster and tragedy.

“Loving Father – as disciples of Jesus, help us to be careful what we ask for – we learn here something of the ruinous consequences. Show us what can happen when we choose to go our own way – and there are times You allow and permit that. Gracious God, there are lessons here warning us of the dangers of going our own way – wanting to be like everyone else – help us, as we pray in Jesus Name. Amen”

"'Christ in You...'" from Dale Krebbs

The Search For Comfort

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at

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