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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

What Made Joseph So Resilient?
Date Posted: May 27, 2024

A few weeks ago, we took time to look at the various challenges and difficulties which confronted Joseph. Joseph had faced one obstacle after another. It was a tough time, but Joseph did three things that kept him going

Joseph depended upon God’s presence no matter where he was . And the Lord was with Joseph – it says that 5 times.

ACTS 6 verse 9 – God brought him through all his troubles – God did not spare him from the troubles – it was as if Joseph HAD to go through these seven experiences.

Genesis 39 verses 1,2 – Joseph could have been sold as a slave to anyone – but God had him sold to Potiphar – GOD was with him.

Genesis 39 verses 3 – 5 – Potiphar noticed GOD was with him – so he wanted Joseph to be on his team. The household was blessed because of Joseph – Potiphar was not even a believer.

Verse 22 – Even there in prison the Lord was with Joseph and caused the prison warder to like Joseph.

Verse 23 – The jailor did not have to be too concerned about what was happening – because Joseph.

There was no time when GOD was not present in Joseph’s life.

Setbacks cannot keep GOD back.

We are not alone – Genesis 39 verses 20 to 22 – “Joseph was thrown into the prison where all the king’s prisoners were held. But even there, the Lord was with Joseph, and God caused the prison warden to like Joseph. Before long, the jailer put Joseph in charge of all the other prisoners and over everything that happened in the prison!”

“The jailer did not have to worry about anything for which Joseph was responsible, because THE LORD WAS WITH JOSEPH and whatever he did, was blessed. God made him succeed in everything he did.” Genesis 39 verse 23

Joseph depended upon the plan of God – “Joseph said to them, ‘Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50 verses 19 to 20.

Joseph depended upon God’s help in every setback – or every challenge -

“The king said to him, ‘I have had a dream, and no one can explain it. I have been told that you can interpret dreams.’ Joseph answered the king, ‘I am not able to do this, but God can! I can’t explain the meaning of dreams, but God will do this for the king.’” Genesis Chapter 41verses 15,16 .

“As they discussed who should be appointed for the job, Pharaoh said, ‘Who could do it better than Joseph? For he is a man who is obviously filled with the spirit of God.’ The king said to Joseph, “It is obvious that you have greater wisdom and insight than anyone else. So, I am putting you in charge of my country, and all my people will obey your orders. Your authority will be second only to mine. I now appoint you governor over all Egypt.’ The king removed from his finger the ring engraved with the royal seal and put it on Joseph’s finger. He put a fine linen robe on him, and placed a gold chain around his neck . . . And the king said to him, “I am the king, and I say that no one in all Egypt shall so much as lift a hand or a foot without your permission. Genesis 41verses 39 to 44.

This was an astounding promotion – Pharaoh recognised that Joseph was filled with the Spirit of God.


Will you depend upon God’s presence no matter where you are?

Will you depend upon God’s plan and promise for your life and see those setbacks as stepping stones?

Will you depend upon God’s help when you face various setbacks?

“Almighty God, enable me to depend upon You more and more – no matter how long I have looked to You and relied upon Youl help me now to do so more and more. Whatever setbacks or challenges confront me – may I regard them as stepping stones. You have a way of seeing us through things – and there are lessons here which can make me resilient, even as Joseph was. Come, loving Jesus. Come Holy Spirirt – again and again and again. Amen.”

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at

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