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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

What To Do When Harassed and Bullied
Date Posted: January 20, 2025

What has God to say about bullying and harassment? There is a lot of it around!

John 16 verse 33 – Jesus taught – “I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and at peace. In this godless world you will experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.”

God told us that things would get worse – in II Timothy Chapter 3 – and this was written 2,000 years before the Internet – but it sounds so like the modern culture. We are becoming more unkind and more brutal.

“Bullying is any unwanted aggressive behaviour where a person or group tries to exert power over another” – by spreading rumours – excluding someone from a group – making threats – you can be bullied for being rich or poor – attacked physically or verbally – you can be bullied for being a believer in Jesus.

John 15 verses 19,20 – “The world would love you if you belonged to it, but you don’t. I chose you to come out of the world, and so it hates you. Remember, a servant is not greater than the master. Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you too.”

Evil people do not like to attack Christ directly, so they attack his servants. The enemy of God want to attack you simply because you belong to Jesus Christ.

What can help us – how are we to respond?

1 – RECOGNIZE the source or the force behind the bully – a spiritual force – it is called evil – meanness – hatred – know where all that comes from.

Ephesians 6 verse 12 – “We are not fighting against human beings, but against wicked spiritual forces . . .” Satan wants to hurt God but he cannot so he goes for God’s children. This is a simple insight – but it can be so helpful -

2 – REMEMBER who you are – a son or daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords – a child of God.

Bullies look for someone who may be down – or going through a weak period – so we are to know who we are in Christ. Stand strong. It is the truth that sets us free – and enables us to be bold and courageous – Jesus died for you – and the Holy Spirit lives in you.

[[|4|4]] - “You, dear children, are from God and you have overcome the world, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world!”

Psalm 56 verses 3,4 - “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you O God and I praise your word! I trust in you God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?” Know who the source is – and – know who you are.

3 – REFUSE to retaliate – this is not easy.

Romans 12verses 17 to 19 – “If someone has done you wrong, NEVER pay back evil with evil. Instead try to do what everyone considers to be good. Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody. Never take revenge, my friends, but instead let God’s anger do it. For the scripture says, ‘“I will avenge you and, I will pay them back,” says the Lord.’”

There are some people who are hard to get along with – people who are unpleasable and unpleasant – and we have to accept that. Never try to get even with such people.

A bully finds it hard when you ignore that person – because they really want attention – and if you walk away from that situation, they find it difficult. There are times when we have to leave things with God.

4 – RESPOND positively – do not fight darkness with darkness – fight darkness with light.
Romans 12verse 21 – “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

Matthew 5 verse 44 – “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Have you ever found that there are some very hard sentences in the Bible? Jesus was so positive, but he was faced with people who were so hateful

5 – REFOCUS on what God says – what does this bullying really mean?
[[|4|14]] - “If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, because it means God’s Spirit rests on you.” People see God in you – and they sometimes react in the most peculiar ways. It means God’s Spirit is seen in you – God is present with you. It means that God can trust you.

2Corinthians 4verse17 – “These troubles . . . won’t last very long. Yet this short time of distress will result in God’s richest blessing upon us forever and ever!”

It means that God is going to bless you in some way – the pain is temporary – but the reward lasts for ever.

6 – REMEMBER your eternal reward -
Matthew 5 verses 11,12 – “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” From the beginning Jesus knew there would be people who would bully and harass and give disciples a lot of trouble and distress.

Jesus Christ suffered – criticism – misunderstanding – rumour spreading – betrayal – false arrest – persecution – crucifixion – and if we have to put up with this we will one day share in his glory.

7 – REMAIN faithful – just keep doing the right thing – we do not need people’s approval – but it is good to has God’s approval. People can laugh at you but they cannot stop you serving God. We commit ourselves to our faithful Creator – to our loving Saviour.

2Timothy 3verse 12 – “Everyone who wants to live as God desires – a godly life - in Christ Jesus, will be persecuted or hurt.” Such people cannot be stopped by put down – by criticism – by bullying – by harassment – by peer pressures. We choose not to go along with the crowd – but people will not understand – and that is where bullying – laughing – mocking, or worse, may start. Our faith can be tested in very subtle ways at times.

Some people regard us as being on the wrong side – but we know that this cause will not fail – the cause of Jesus Christ. Around our world people are paying a high price for being loyal and loving and faithful to Jesus Christ and his word.

When John the baptiser appeared on the world’s stage, soldiers approached him and asked, “What should we do?” John replied, “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely – be content with your pay.” In other words – do not bully or harass people! Luke 3verse 14 – a scripture I used often in school assemblies.

Mark 8 verse 38 – “If you are ashamed of me and my commands in this godless and sinful generation, I’ll be ashamed of you when I come back in glory with the holy angels.”

God is looking for men and women of courage – for disciples of Jesus who are bold and gracious – and who are willing and prepared to stand for God and truth.

“Lord God – loving Father – help us in these days to know what is available in Your Word regarding this important topic – a matter which bothers and distresses many – and You give that answer and solution. We pray for those who are harassed and bullied at work – in our schools – and even in family circles – remembering those severely and sorely persecuted for their faith In Jesus Christ. We intercede for all those who serve and work in that area of ministry – in Jesus Name.” Amen.

"Word from Scotland" from Sandy Shaw

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at

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