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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Worship and the First Murder
Date Posted: June 11, 2018

These two brothers came with their offering - Abel bringing a lamb - and Cain bringing some of the fruit which he had grown. The Lord respected what Abel brought and received what Abel brought. We are reading in Genesis Chapter 4.

When Cain came with his offering of grain, God was not so ready to accept and receive what he brought - and he knew how God reacted - and look at him. Cain becomes angry and he is about to give vent to his feelings.

Now we know from Hebrews Chapter 11 verse 4, that Abel had a faith which Cain did not have. And yet, once again, we see how God is His Mercy seeks to minister to Cain - and give him the opportunity to put things right within his heart. But, he is arrogant - this is revealed in his anger. His attitude is wrong. He is NOT in a fit state to be worshipping. His relationship with his brother is wrong.

How we come to God is important. It is essential that our heart is right with God.

It is also essential that we are at one with every other person who claims to belong to Jesus Christ.

If we hold something against a brother or sister, then our worship and our offering will not be acceptable in the sight of God.

To come to God with a lamb, Cain would have to ask his brother for a lamb - and the only way we can come to God is through the sacrifice of blood. We have not decided that. GOD has decided that.

The only way we can come is through the Blood of Jesus Christ. We cannot come to the Father and say - I have given this amount of money over the years - or I have served for all these years - or I've done this or that when I was young and over the years.

We can only come to God through the blood Jesus Christ shed for us - and when we know that we are forgiven and what has been broken is bridged - then we can serve and work and worship - seeking to lead others to the same merciful, loving, forgiving Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour.

The problem of Genesis Chapter 4 is as real today as it was then.

Cain should have gone to Abel and asked him for a lamb so that its blood could be shed to cover sin - but he did not do that or - would not do that.

We too have to come through the LAMB. "There is a LAMB slain for you." We have to learn to come to God on God's terms.

Verse 6 - the Lord speaks to Cain - and again God is giving man the opportunity to sort things out and put things right. If you do what is right you will be accepted - but if you go on as you are, sin is crouching at the door. It desires to have you. You must master it.

MAN - you have got to master sin when it crouches at your door. You have got to control sin or sin will control you. Cain has the capacity to master sin - and control his emotions and win. He is able to do that if he chooses to and wants to - but he allows sin to control his mind and heart and thinking and emotions.

He takes his brother Abel out into the field - attacks him and murders him. He had never seen or heard of murder - but what is in man's heart will come out in some way.
Cain had been what we could call - to church - he had tried to have communion with God, and he had had the call to respond to The Word of God - but what is he like after the service?

What is he like after the Communion is over - after he leaves the place of worship? Things had not pleased him - things had been said which he did not like. Remember that the only preacher that day was the Lord God, but he would not confess his need and he went and killed his brother.

What are we like when we gather to worship and pray and hear what God has to say to us from His Word? What are we like following the ‘service’? How do we react and respond?

“Our loving Father, help us to confess our sin and prepare our hearts prior to our coming to public Worship. Enable us to gather together, clean and wholesome, to sing Your praises, and hear Your Word.” Amen

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at

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