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Chip Shots from the Ruff of Life

    by Tom Kelley

July 25, 2024

Anna Kournikova. Remember her? She took the professional tennis world by storm as a young woman. She had it all was what we were told. Mostly what she had was enough game to play well and enough beauty to make a living with endorsements because she looked good in a commercial. Got a quick question for you. Name the tournaments that she won. Go ahead, I'll wait. And wait. And wait. That's enough waiting. Time's up. Could you name the tournaments that she won?

If you couldn't, don't feel bad. She never won any tournaments. For all the hype she…  ( Click for more )

Ever since I was just a little kid I have been involved in competitive sports. I began in little league at age six although I am almost certain there were some rather feverish contests of teething ring wrestling at a much earlier age. I am still playing sports competitively as I play golf in several tournaments each year as well as tee it up with blokes who think that our friendly matches are the U. S. Open. In those fifty years of competition I have been swept up by the malady of sports; professional expectations.

A number of years ago I was one of those glowering, article…  ( Click for more )

July 11, 2024

Back in those halcyon days of yore (I love those old phrases) golf was contested by a format called match play. Match play is a contest in which the players compete from hole to hole not stroke to stroke. The player with the lowest score on any given hole wins the hole. The player with the most holes won wins the match. At the end of the round the competitors do not have a score to compare against each other based on their total strokes for the round, just the hole by hole comparison.

Forty-nine years ago today was the last time that the PGA Championship was contested in a…  ( Click for more )

Some of you may have seen the email that circulated some time back about the man who went into a McDonald's Restaurant and ordered a half dozen Chicken McNuggets only to be told that they only came in orders of six, nine or twelve. Supposedly it was a true story. Maybe it was and maybe it wasn't. If you believe it was then you are one of those who believe in the fallibility of the American worker when it comes to applying their intellect to a situation. In short, the American worker does okay until he has to think.

Personally, I fully believe that the story about…  ( Click for more )

June 27, 2024

Day to day life. We see it as a life and death struggle on some fronts. That is why we come up with statements such as, "It's a dog-eat-dog world," and "It's a jungle out there." Perhaps it is a bit difficult at times just trying to make it from day to day. I cannot help but think that, for the most part, it is not as bad as we make it out to be. Maybe, just maybe, because it isn't a piece of cake, we make it seem worse than what it actually is. After all, if it is happening to us, then it always seems worse.

If we were to watch the world that is around us…  ( Click for more )

June 20, 2024

Speed seems to be a very important issue in many sports. In track and field watching the one hundred meter dash is a lot more exciting than perhaps watching the one hundred meter crawl. The fastest time traversing the distance is what is considered important rather than finding out who can take the longest to cover the distance and still actually be moving the entire time. Speed makes foot races fun to watch. It does the same with NASCAR, IRL, NHRA and CART events.

Speed also carries some weight in boxing as well. Many boxers are known as being quick punchers with fast hands.…  ( Click for more )

I remember when I was just a kid that a friend of mine saved his box tops and a couple of bucks to send away for a radio controlled car that was advertised on the back of a cereal box. He had shown me the ad and, I must admit, I recall that I was impressed and more than just a little jealous. The car looked like it was huge. One thing that we did notice on the ad was the fine print that said that the car was not shown actual size. Of course, my friend and I both thought that meant it was bigger. It wasn't.

Ah, the old truth in advertising problem. For those who watch…  ( Click for more )

Okay, it's time for a show of hands. How many of you are members of the "Grammar Police" and caught my colossal gaff in yesterday's column? That's fine. You can raise them. My feelings won't be hurt one bit. I made a mistake in grammar and it got through my proofread. I saw it right after I sent it out yesterday. So I figure a number of you also caught it. If you didn't, let me point it out to you. It was in the very first paragraph and the seventh sentence.

Here's how it read. "The grandchildren of one of our elders attended the VBS and…  ( Click for more )

May 30, 2024

I prefer to call it "follicly challenged." However, the little kids of the church just call it what they see. A couple of weeks ago I got to direct Vacation Bible School for our church. The music program for the opening and closing fell to me. The music was great this year with so many fantastic rhythms to lock into for the kids. They loved it. The grandchildren of one of our elders attended the VBS and was talking with her grandfather about the guy leading the song service. "You know, Grandpa, the bald man," she told him.

Again this past Sunday evening a comment about my…  ( Click for more )

May 23, 2024

There are patches of brown starting to appear in my yard. Even though we have had some rain, it is still fairly dry here in the Bluegrass. Those patches of brown don't bother me as much as the patches of white and yellow. Now that I am a homeowner with a yard that belongs to me and not a church, those patches of white and yellow are a concern. I am sure that the fellow never had his own yard who penned that famous line indicating success, "Now we're in clover."

If being in clover is a sign of success then my yard is a successful yard. However, I would rather see…  ( Click for more )

Barring the unthinkable or unimaginable, Ben Curtis should win his second PGA Tour title today. The Booz Allen Classic has been plagued with inclement weather for the duration of the tournament. The venue, the Tour Players Club at Avenel hear Potomac, Maryland, is a beautiful course that has been graciously generous to Curtis this past weekend. He has played almost flawless golf having, at one point, hit twenty-seven consecutive greens in regulation. Now he stands ready to win a tournament as he enters the last seven holes of competition with a commanding eight stroke lead.

Don't…  ( Click for more )

May 9, 2024

Ever make a mistake? Of course you have. Who hasn't? We'll get to Him later. People make mistakes all the time. It doesn't mean that they're bad people. It just means that either they weren't paying too close attention or stepped into a situation too quickly to realize what was happening. Much like the story of the hospital patient who fainted when she was told she was to be discharged. When the nurse said, "We're sending you home today," the woman thought she had said, "We're sending you home to die."

For that matter there was the German…  ( Click for more )

Our English is, I am told, unique. We have words that have more than one meaning, more than one spelling, more than one pronunciation as well as meanings with more than one word for common usage. And we wonder why some immigrants don't learn English. Maybe we should call our language American. I seriously doubt some stodgy Englishman would be caught dead speaking as we speak. But enough of the introductory material, the preface, the hook.

The word "choke." As a verb it can mean to strangle someone, have a problem swallowing or become emotional. As a noun it is a device…  ( Click for more )

April 25, 2024

Ignominy. According to the Random House Dictionary of the English Language it means, "disgrace, dishonor, public contempt." In personal life it would be the result of an act that brought about shame to a person. In athletics it can be a particular figure, event or date. It can even be tied to a particular city or franchise, such as Boston. Boston has lived in ignominy since the "Curse of the Bambino." The trading of Babe Ruth to the hated Yankees supposedly cursed the Boston Red Sox baseball club. Until they won the World Series two years ago.

How deep was the curse? This…  ( Click for more )

April 18, 2024

The second major of the year in professional golf is being contested at Mamaroneck, New York. Winged Foot is the sight of this year's U. S. Open, which is not just a professional tournament, but also the national championship of our country in golf. One round is now in the books and, as usual, the greatest golfers in the world aren't exactly setting the course on fire. Sub par rounds are not the norm at the Open like they are for other Tour stops. This is the U. S. Open and the course is to play tough.

Such is not always the case, though. On this date, back in 1976,…  ( Click for more )

April 11, 2024

The weather these last several weeks here in the Bluegrass has been just wonderful. Instead of running the air conditioning 24/7 we have the house opened up and the fans running. Believe it or not it actually feels cold in the house at times. Which begs a question. What did we do before air conditioning? Most of the places I have lived up to not that many years ago did not have air conditioning. I was not raised with it and neither was my wife. The difference lies with the houses of today.

Back in my home town our house was the second on the street. This was a nice wide…  ( Click for more )

April 4, 2024

I grew up in a time when racial tensions were at their zenith. The Civil Rights Movement was beginning to take shape and people were starting to realize the grave injustices done against races which were formerly thought to be non-people in our society. That microcosm of society, that great reflection of what was happening in the United States, professional sports, was starting to show the nation what needed to be. However, incidents still happened which, through the filter of time, are better understood.

One such incident happened forty-nine years ago today at old Comiskey…  ( Click for more )

I play a sport that a lot of people give up due to the frustration of playing it. That would be golf; a sport that has been known to leave strong men muttering to themselves under their breath and women talking like men. However, the sport that leaves me the most frustrated is the one that I stopped "enjoying" when I decided to take up golf. That would be fishing; of the "jerk on one end waiting for the jerk on the other end." I have basically been the jerk on one end.

I don't know what it is that frustrates me so about it now. I guess the memories of the times that my…  ( Click for more )

March 21, 2024

I live for Thursday evenings. No, go ahead. You can ask. "Why do you live for Thursdays, Tom?" That's the day I get to have my grandchildren for the evening. My father was only 42 years old when he had his first grandchild. By the time he was 45 he had four; all grandsons by my sister. At age 52 our first child arrived for him. By the time he was my age (56) he had all seven grandchildren from just two children of his own. I've got three children. One more than my father. So far we have only two grandchildren; twins, one of each.

Unless you're a grandparent,…  ( Click for more )

March 14, 2024

Today is Byron "Whizzer" White's birthday. He turns 89 today. That's almost 90. Almost. Kind of like the almost as in, "We almost had the Whizzer on that play." That was heard a lot during his years at the University of Colorado. Yessir, if you were a football buff back in the thirties you knew who Byron "Whizzer" White was. Matter of fact he parlayed that great football ability into a professional football career in the NFL with the then Pittsburgh Pirates which became the Steelers.

Problem was, it was only one year, 1938. Why would such a promising football…  ( Click for more )

March 7, 2024

With the exception of the bathroom, all of our downstairs rooms have ceiling fans in them with four separate light bulbs and covers on each. As a result there are shadows on the ceilings from the lights. None is more pronounced than the one in the living room where the vaulted ceiling is. The ceiling is nineteen feet from the floor. The fan hangs some eleven or twelve feet off the floor with a long conduit connecting it to the power fixture in the ceiling. For some odd reason I noticed the shadows above it the other evening.

If there is a light source and if there are objects…  ( Click for more )

February 29, 2024

Every year members of the Curtis, Wright and Johnson families gather on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend or the following Sunday for a memorial service at the Minorsville Cemetery. This service has been held for a number of generations now and was, at one time, quite a large gathering. Sadly, the people to whom it was of such great importance have become the residents of the cemetery and the size of the gathering has dwindled. Still they forge ahead with the service every year in spite of the handful of people who now attend.

As the minister of the Minorsville Christian Church…  ( Click for more )

February 22, 2024

Can you believe it? We are already into the second day of June. Seems like just last month was May. You can insert your own cliche. "Time marches on." "My how quickly the days pass when you're getting older." All I know is that my twin grandchildren turned nineteen months Wednesday. We had them our usual Thursday evening which was their first day of their twentieth month of life. Although I am not ancient I can verify that I have been around for quite a bit more than twenty months.

Matter of fact, I am thirty-three and one half times as old as my grandchildren. I…  ( Click for more )

February 15, 2024

In 1965 Joe Willie Namath, from Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, was drafted by the then St. Louis Cardinals of the National Football League. He passed over the Cardinals to sign with the upstart American Football League's New York Jets. Why do I bring this up now? "Broadway" Joe turned 63 yesterday. His place in the rich history of what is now two leagues playing as one is an important one. His play, as much as anyone's, cemented the fact that the merger of the NFL and the AFL was long overdue.

Namath won Rookie of the Year in 1965. Two years later he did what was previously…  ( Click for more )

February 8, 2024

Currently on TV there is a commercial playing that has the cutest kids in it talking about being sick. One little boy holds up a dirt covered earthworm and says, "I think salmonella is a kind of dinosaur." That sounds like a kid. They hear a word which has no meaning whatsoever to them and they place it in a connotation and then give it whatever meaning fits their connotative understanding. Yep, that's a kid. Fit the word to mean what works for them. Funny how adults do the same thing.

Here in Kentucky words retain very little of their original meaning. "No Parking"…  ( Click for more )

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