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'Christ in You...'

    by Dale Krebbs

Storms Of Life
Date Posted: May 12, 2024

There are some striking analogies that can be seen in Acts chapters 27,28 of the Bible, which describe the Apostle Paul's amazing journey to Rome on ships of the sea.

These chapters are full of suspense like no other in the New Testament. It is a riveting drama of reality.

Why so much space allotted to a voyage in ships? Paul isn't pictured as preaching to anyone except one or two on an island in which he was stranded. Although in story form, these chapters in God's word are intended to speak to us in a special way. As well as being a gripping story, it speaks volumes to the spiritual life of a Christian. It speaks of warnings about what is destined to happen on the voyage, even as Jesus warns us of the consequences of our actions.

A general comparison by analogy can be made to every Christian's life experience. The analogies and comparisons that can be made are almost limitless. It appears that Satan tried desperately to prevent Paul for standing before Caesar as Jesus told him in a vision.

This is one of the major lessons that we as Christians should get from this dangerous journey of Paul. Our lives will be filled (if we are His...) with dangers - physical and spiritual as we are brought eventually before the "Caesar" of our Christian life. When we eventually end our spiritual journey, we will stand not before a Caesar, but before Jesus Christ Himself.

This is the overall purpose of our lives - to stand before Jesus Christ to receive the reward for our endurance until the end in faithfulness to our calling. Secondly, Paul's harrowing journey shows that there will be storms in our life of one kind or another. Sometimes is seems that the storms strain us to our breaking point. Then, in one way or another, He delivers us and sets us on our journey in smoother seas to regain our spiritual strength and resolve.

Thirdly, on our journey God may also from time to time send helpers who encourage us to stay on course, illustrated by Paul's encouraging the sailors to eat something to keep their strength up, and to rid their ship of cargo that hindered their progress. At times, we are brought to an island of repose, where we can rest and gather strength to continue our journey. During one of these times of repose and rest, Jesus provides for us an opportunity to minister the gospel to some of those encountered on our journey.

Paul went on many other journeys prior to this last one. But here, with this last one, we can see the journey of every child of God. The events on Paul's journey are so varied and complicated, there is a parallel somewhere on that voyage that can fit the life of every Christian.

I urge you to read carefully and prayerfully this journey. Think about your life thus far. You will perhaps find much encouragement, along with some danger signs to apply to your life. But more than this, notice that by Paul's advice and encouragement, most of those with him make it to safety. So will you - if you stay in the right ship.

Paul was tossed to and fro from one difficulty to another, not only at sea, but many other difficulties as well. All Christians have difficulties and hard times. There are some storms and rough seas in all our lives. But our safe harbour is assured because God through Jesus Christ is at the helm. And - He also controls the storms and the seas of our lives. Through all the storms, Paul arrived to stand before Ceasar. So will you and I, regardless of the storms of life, arrive at our destination of eternal life.

Always keep in mind the ultimate outcome of it all. You can stand before Jesus Christ, and hear Him say... "well done good and faithful servant; enter into the joys of your Lord!"

" I have fought the good (worthy, honorable, and noble) fight, I have finished the race, I have kept (firmly held) the faith. [As to what remains] henceforth there is laid up for me the [victor’s] crown of righteousness [for being right with God and doing right], which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me and recompense me on that [great] day—and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved and yearned for and welcomed His appearing (His return)." - Apostle Paul (2 Timothy 4:7-8 (AMP)

"Refreshment in Refuge" from Gina Burgess

be still

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Biography Information:
Dale Krebbs served as an Elder, preaching, counseling, and conducting Bible studies for over 25 years in Texas, California, and Arizona. He is now retired, lives in Arizona, and continues the study and research of Gods Word.
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