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Family Blueprint

    by Julianne Bell

(A bee helps us to understand that we are created with a purpose to serve!)

Weekly Scripture: Luke 1:57-80

Story: “John the Baptist is Born”

Precept: Created for a purpose.

Live the Lesson: Bee with a Purpose: Open with a joke about bees such as “Who is the bees favorite singer?” “Sting!” or “What kind of bees hum and drop things?” “A fumble bee!” If you can catch a bee in a jar or find a video online about bees, that will only add to the effectiveness of this object lesson. Here is a video with…  ( Click for more )

(A shelled hard-boiled egg and a salad dressing bottle illustrate that God can accomplish great things!)

Weekly Scripture: Luke 1:26-56

Story: “Mary’s Visitation”

Precept: God can accomplish great things, even in us!

Live the Lesson: Egg in a Bottle You will need one clear salad dressing bottle or milk bottle with a small neck opening, one hard-boiled egg with the shell removed, boiling water, a funnel, and an oven mitt to handle the hot bottle.

Now in front of the class, put the boiled egg on top of the bottle and demonstrate…  ( Click for more )

(A raw egg and some vinegar prove that nothing is too hard for God!)

Weekly Scripture: Luke 1:5-25

Story: “Zacharias and Elizabeth”

Focus: Nothing is too hard for God!

Live the Lesson: Disappearing Egg Shell This object lesson requires one week of preparation. On the week previous to this lesson you will start the object lesson. You will take a raw egg and put it in a jar. Tell the children that eggs have an incredibly hard shell that water cannot disintegrate and this egg’s shell represents something too hard for you to accomplish. However,…  ( Click for more )

(Crescent rolls, marshmallows, butter, and cinnamon-sugar teach us that indeed Jesus Christ has risen!)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture: Matthew 28:1-8,11-15; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-10

Story: “The Resurrection”

Application: Jesus died, but He overcame death through the power of the resurrection!

Summary: Before Jesus died, He had told His disciples that He would raise up the temple after three days, which…  ( Click for more )

March 27, 2007

(An apple seed and an apple teach us that we cannot out give God!)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture: 1 Samuel 1 & 2

Story: “Hannah”

Application: You cannot out give God.

Summary: Elkanah lived in Ephraim and had two wives Hannah and Peninnah. However, Hannah was unable to have children and because of this, Peninnah was mean to her. Hannah was not mean back to them, but she cried a lot and was very sad. One day…  ( Click for more )

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:Genesis 33

Story:Jacob Becomes Israel

Application:The Lord can change us.

Summary: Jacob proved to be a liar and a cheater previously. Yet the Lord took him and transformed his life. God allowed trials to come upon Jacob teaching him to place all his trust in God alone. As Jacob learned these lessons the Lord blessed him and converted Jacob into an upright man. The…  ( Click for more )

(A box of crayons helps us learn with Jacob, Rachel, and Leah, that God is always with us and He knows everything.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture: Genesis 28-30

Story: “Jacob’s Ladder; Leah and Rachel”

Application: The Lord is always with those who are His.

Summary: Because of Esau’s anger, Jacob was forced to leave his homeland. Isaac told Jacob to go to his relatives far away to find a wife. Jacob felt…  ( Click for more )

(A family game helps us to learn along with Jacob and Esau that cheating hurts others.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture: Genesis 25:19-34; Genesis 27

Story: “Jacob and Esau”

Application: Cheating Hurts Others.

Summary: Isaac and Rebekah had no children, so Isaac pleaded with the Lord for Rebekah to have a child and the Lord granted him this desire. Rebekah became pregnant with twins and before they were born the Lord…  ( Click for more )

(Paper dolls, a paper clip, and a magnet show us along with Eliezer searching for Rebekah that God will lead us to His plan if we seek Him.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture: Genesis 24

Story: “Rebekah, Isaac’s Bride”

Application: The Lord longs to give us His wisdom if we ask Him for it.

Summary: Abraham desired for Isaac to get married, but not to one of the Canaanites who worshipped idols. So he sent his servant,…  ( Click for more )

(Pennies and ketchup teach us along with Abraham and Isaac that God blesses obedience.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture: Genesis 22

Story: "The Sacrifice of Isaac"

Application: Obedience to God brings blessings.

Summary: The Lord tested Abraham many times, but the most difficult was likely when Isaac was a young man. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son as a burnt offering. Abraham loved his son dearly, but he put God’s…  ( Click for more )

(Soda Pop and Mentos candy give off an explosion to teach us with Abraham and Lot that friendship with the world is dangerous as they saw Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture: Genesis 19

Story: “Sodom and Gomorrah”

Application: Friendship with the world is dangerous.

Summary: Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities full of wickedness. Lot chose to live in Sodom when he and Abraham separated. God said…  ( Click for more )

(Index cards and take out the trash instructions going amiss teach us with Abraham, Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael, and Isaac to wait on God’s plan.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture: Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-21

Story: “Ishmael and Isaac”

Application: God’s ways bring happiness, but trying to follow our own ways brings confusion.

Summary: Abraham was 100 years old when Sarah gave birth to their son Isaac (meaning laughter).…  ( Click for more )

(Tapeworms and Noodle Kugel teach us along with Abraham to have faith in God.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture: Genesis 15-17

Story: “The Covenant with Abraham”

Application: Faith is trusting God to accomplish His will even when it does not seem to happen the way we expect.

Summary: Years passed and Abram and Sarai still had no children. Abram spoke with God about it and God promised him lots of descendants. Abram believed…  ( Click for more )

(A path with goodies to lead astray teaches us along with Abram and Lot to keep our eyes on God’s path.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:Genesis 12-14

Story:"Abram called, Abram and Lot"

Application:Don’t be led astray, keep on God’s path.

Summary: Abram was called by God to leave his country and go to the land God showed him. God promised Abram that He would…  ( Click for more )

(Ready to eat pudding with our hands tied teaches us along with the Tower of Babel our need to depend upon God.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:Genesis 11:1-9

Story:"The Tower of Babel"

Application:Learn to depend on God, instead of having pride in being independent.

Summary: After the Flood, Noah’s sons had families and replenished the earth. Everybody spoke the same language.…  ( Click for more )

(A big box and some rainbow jello take teach us along with Noah about new life and God’s promises.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:Genesis 7:17-9:29

Story:"The Flood, Noah and His Sons"

Application:Starting a New Life in Christ as Noah did after the flood.

Summary: It rained for forty days and the entire earth was flooded. All flesh that moved on the earth perished except the Noah, his family,…  ( Click for more )

(Pillows, couch cushions, and stuffed animals take us on a trip as we learn with Noah about salvation through God’s grace.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:Genesis 6:1-7:16

Story:"Noah Builds an Ark"

Application:There is only one way to be saved.

Summary: People multiplied on the face of the earth and became increasingly wicked and continuously thought evil. God became sorry…  ( Click for more )

September 26, 2006

(Burnt cookies or measly scoops of ice cream teach us along with Cain and Abel not to give God our leftovers.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:





Finding Christ:

Live the Lesson:

Now set out this dessert. Dad and Mom reach in and grab the best first and leave the measly ice cream or the burnt cookies for…  ( Click for more )

September 5, 2006

(A 2 liter bottle and a $20 dollar bill help make an Adam and Eve trap as we learn to beware of temptation and learn about consequences this week with Adam and Eve.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:Genesis 3

Story:"The Fall"

Application:Don’t try to hide your sin.

Summary: The serpent was the most cunning of all the creatures. The serpent deceived Eve and she ate of the…  ( Click for more )

August 29, 2006

(A foil covered "robot" given free will to obey or disobey shows us along with Adam and Eve why it is important to obey the Lord.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:Genesis 1:26-2:25

Story:"Adam and Eve"

Application:God wanted Adam and Eve to live, just as He wants us to have eternal life, so He gives us commands to keep us spiritually alive, but He also gives us the free will to choose…  ( Click for more )

(Water balloons, eggs, or macaroni help teach us to be responsible as we learn with Adam about God giving us work to do.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:Genesis 1 & 2

Story:"God Gave Man Responsibility"

Application:God gave Adam work to do tending to the Garden and He gives us work to do as well.

Summary: God blessed His creation and the creatures had families and filled the land and sea. He…  ( Click for more )

(A flashlight, a mirror, and a bowl of water help to remind us that God created light and colors this week as we study Creation.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:Genesis 1 & 2

Story:"God’s Nature Expressed in Creation"

Application:Praise God for His creation that reveals to us how Almighty He is.

Summary: God created the heavens and the earth and made the day and the…  ( Click for more )

(A game of Follow the Leader, some rainbow sherbet and lemon-lime soda pop teach us along with Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz to trust and obey.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:Ruth 1-4

Story:"Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz"

Application:Trust and Obey.

Summary: Naomi was old when she was in the foreign land of Moab. She had moved there during a famine with her husband and sons. The two sons has…  ( Click for more )

(A geode and polished stone teach us along with Samson and Delilah what to look for in a true friend.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:Judges 16

Story:"Samson and Delilah"

Application:Choosing godly friends.

Summary: Samson loved a woman named Delilah, but she loved money more that she loved Samson. When the lord of the Philistines offered her eleven hundred pieces of silver if…  ( Click for more )

July 25, 2006

(Screwdriver, plywood, and screws teach us along with Samson that God’s Spirit gives us incredible strength.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:Judges 13 & 15


Application:God’s Spirit Makes Us Strong.

Summary: The Philistines ruled the Israelites for 40 years when the Angel of the Lord came to Manoah’s wife, who had not given birth to any children and told her she…  ( Click for more )

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