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God's Words For US

    by Cecelia Lester

Seeing as God Sees
Date Posted: May 16, 2014

A lady who follows my blog left a comment on a recent entry. Her comment spoke of a thought that she often had-“What would the world look like if we saw events and people through the eyes of God? This thought is not foreign to me. I have often wondered what God thought of the actions people take in this world. Our pastor has asked the question, “What would Jesus do, say, or think?”

In today’s world, we have school girls kidnapped with the purpose of selling them to be wives and mistresses. We see the rise of a nation, previously a world power, taking over a nation that had been a part of the former power but had broken off.

Every night on the TV news, viewers in our region hear of the ever-present, nightly homicidal action in our state’s capitol city. I recently heard of a city east of us who had its first homicide of the year. (This happened in this second city in early May.)

What would He think about the dysfunction He sees in our families? What does He think about the child abuse? What about the racial issues? I wonder how He feels about identity theft. How can we view these events like God does? Can we forget about ourselves and look at these happenings objectively? Can we forget our agendas and work for Him?

I have a friend who, several years ago, quoted something she read. “Any group can do anything for the Lord, as long as nobody cares who gets the credit.” Can we work for Him as He needs us to? When we view those around us as brothers and sisters in the Lord, we should see qualities about them that are akin to His. Can we look past the physical and see another person’s spirit?

At one time, I was an area chairwoman for a women’s organization in the denomination in which I had grown up. I had received a quota for quilt squares to be sent to the mission field. A part of my job was to divide this quota among 17 area churches. In my home church, I felt I had to encourage people to help us reach our quota. I made a poster, placing one quilt square at the top and explaining how our area churches had been asked by the state missions supply chairwoman to supply several hundred cut quilt squares. It was my task to divide the quota between the participating churches.

One of the men mentioned the poster to a mutual friend. The man referred to it as “my” project. I overheard the discussion. Crushed, I shared the story with a lady friend who also had grown up in the denomination. Her thought was, “He doesn’t get it, does he?”

A lot of people in this world don’t ‘get it,’ when it comes to events and attitudes in today’s world. In order to understand the struggles and hardships people go through in our world, we need to ask God to take over, give us His eyes, and let us see the events and happenings of each day as He sees them.

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Biography Information:

Cecelia Lester has been serious about her writing for over two decades..

She composes Christian essays and posts them to her blog

She has  served in a faith-based organization, Grace In Action  by writing two newsletters and searching for possible grants.

In July 2017, she published her first book, 'Times of Trouble Bring Rays of Joy.'

She and her husband of 54 years live in central Indiana. They have one grown son.

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