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Word from Scotland
by Sandy Shaw
We continue looking at some of the detail in Psalm 91 as we face the weeks and months ahead.
Verse 3 - Our God will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. We can be as foolish at times as little birds - and we can be ensnared and trapped. Now, these can be very real - traps and nets and snares - and sicknesses and diseases and pestilence. Our God wants to keep us from these.
He wants to prevent us from having to experiences these pains. He will cover you with feathers - what security - what assurance - what total safety. This is where we find safety - "under His wings". If this was not in God's Word and been invented by an uninspired man, this could be regarded as blasphemy.
There was that day when Jesus looked over the city of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, and Jesus had wanted to gather that people under His protective wings, but they would not come. How sad - and how they have suffered over these past 2,000 years.
His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. The faithfulness of God will be like a shield to you - like battlements - and you will not fear the foe. You will not fear the terror of the night - nor the arrow that flies by day.
Is this a reference to that night when the angel of death went through the land of Egypt and the people of God were safe and secure in the Blood of the Lamb. They had eaten the lamb - so they were in the lamb and the lamb was in them.
God wants to take from His People all sense of fear. Some 366 times "Do not fear" is mentioned in the Bible is one form or another - once for every day of the year including a leap year. Do not fear. Do not be afraid. Am I speaking to someone who is apprehensive about this coming week – this coming year – do not fear - do not be afraid.
Yes, there will be arrows flying against you. Tongues will be wagging - people will be saying things - and perhaps planning to have a go at you. You cannot avoid that at times - but God is saying to us through His Word - "Do not be afraid of them - do not be afraid of these arrows. These very real dangers will be around - but do NOT be afraid of them. I will protect you and guard you. You can be in the middle of something bad - something serious - something highly dangerous - but because you have decided to dwell in God that thing will not touch you.
The Psalmist goes on in verses 7,8 to speak of amazing things which we can avoid - if - no harm - no disaster.
There may still be times of real trouble - Paul knew that, as he served Jesus Christ - imprisonment - the cold - no coat - rejection - people leaving him - people whom he had taught and invested much in, not having the staying power.
Take time to read what he experienced as he served in the front line of the Kingdom of God. 2Corinthians 11verses 23to 29 .
Even on the day of Pentecost - when the disciples were using their tongues to praise the Living God - others were using their tongues to make fun of these 120 servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. When you are given a rough time by people around you because of your faith in Jesus - remember - that is not the first time that has happened.
This continues - the enemy does not have any new ideas.
Another mighty man of God - Jeremiah - had been preaching a powerful living word from God – Jeremiah 18 verse 18 - and that is how the people reacted then. One main weapon of the enemy seems to be the tongue.
Remember one of his names of the enemy of God is the 'slanderer' - on the day of Pentecost he tried to slander the disciples of Jesus – and that is when the leaders have to stand together in support of one another.
You should never hear a leader of the Church of Jesus Christ who is taught in the Word of God, speak against another leader on the Church of Jesus Christ. It is possible that you might hear such a thing - and if do, seek to have it corrected. And if you do hear such negative talk - such criticism - know who is behind it - the slanderer - the evil one.
Verse 9 – We are reminded of the source of all blessings - grace and mercy and forgiveness and love flow from Him to us.
The dwelling here is a tent - such a frail and flimsy covering - but when God is guarding you, that is sufficient.
No evil will be able to do its filthy work upon us - but that does not mean we will be kept from all affliction and pain and suffering. Now and again, God allows a little suffering to come across our path - that happens more frequently that we might wish.
Verse 11 - We see just how our God wants to guard us. Command or charge is a very strong word. When He calls you to do a job for Him - He will keep you alive until that task is completed. This is why it is so important to keep faithfully on in the way God would have you walk - for as long as we walk according to His Holy Will - we will be guarded day and night. And, should anything go wrong, and we cry out in prayer for help - they shall carry you - like a nurse caring for someone who is in danger. At times we can be so vulnerable - and our gracious God is aware of that.
I recall being at a meeting where one man was so furious with me that he lifted a heavy chair to throw at me - and as it was above his head - it was suddenly plucked out of his hands and the chair fell to the ground with a crash. I do not know to this day how that chair was wrenched out of that man's grasp.
And you will be able to walk and serve where you thought you never could go - not in your own strength - again the early disciples new that.
These were dangerous days for people living in the wilderness at that time. Every child of God faces dangers - and has enemies - we see this in the life of Jesus - and in the apostolic ministries of Peter and Paul.
Lion represents open visible danger - and the cobra speaks of that danger waiting in some hiding place to spring on you and take you by surprise.
The Word of God prepares us for all eventualities. This is why it is so important to know what is in the Scriptures. Know you Bible - know what God says in His Word - it pays.
There is a reference to this secret place in the opening words of Colossians Chapter 3. It all depends upon where we set our heart. The guidance is quite clear - set your minds on things above. There is a total security - almost a double security - when we are hidden with Christ in God.
Verse 14 – And when real danger arises - God can rescue you. Those who live in the secret place have a deep affection towards God.
In verses 14 - 16 , there are SIX "I WILLS" - what God will do for you as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Verse 15 – Our God is a God Who answers prayer. We need to know that God will be with us - if as a consequence of serving Him we land up in some kind of trouble.
God wants to honour people - to elevate them - and lift them up.
Many people today are afraid of so many things - the list is almost endless - fears and worries spoil so many lives. God wants to give us that security - in so many areas of our lives - mental security - emotional security - financial security - physical security.
Consider the amount of money being spent on security systems - all because of fear and all because of sin. Only Jesus Christ can deal with these.
Verse 16 – God wants to satisfy those who come to Him - in so many various ways. There are many dissatisfied people going around - people who are upset and disturbed and dissatisfied with their lot in life. Consider what God is offering you today.
God calls us to come to a place of trust - a place of security - a place where we find peace. I repeat these word from last week’s article.
“Those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High – God – shall rest – abide – remain stable – and fixed. Therefore, I will say, He is my refuge and my fortress and my God – on Him I will lean and rely. In Him I confidently trust.
He will save me – and rescue me from deadly pestilence. He will cover me with feathers, and He will place me under His wings.
I will take refuge in His truth and faithfulness. I will not be afraid of the terror of the night or the arrow – nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness – nor the destruction that destroys suddenly. It shall not come near me. Only as a spectator shall I witness the destruction of the wicked -
Thousands may fall – it shall not come near me – I have made the Lord my refuge - no evil or disaster or calamity shall come near me or my house.
He shall command His angels, and give them charge over me. They will lift you up if you are about to fall.
I will tread upon the lion and the cobra.
I have this promise from the Lord, because I have set my love upon Him. He will rescue and deliver me and protect me – and set me on high – because I know – I understand – I acknowledge His name. I have a personal understanding and knowledge of His mercy – His love – His kindness – His faithfulness – and He will never forsake me.
He will satisfy me – He will reveal every aspect of His salvation.”
If you can say and pray these words, you will never doubt again. You will never question His reality – His faithfulness - His love.
Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!
Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.
Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at
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