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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

There Is Not A Hint of Anything Human in the Work of Salvation
Date Posted: October 22, 2018

We have been reading these opening verses of I Peter and how in this whole matter of salvation there was nothing human involved. There was and is nothing of man. It was all of GOD – chosen by God the Father – set apart or sanctified by the Holy Spirit – sprinkled or sealed by the blood of Jesus.

There is not a hint of anything human in the work of salvation, which makes it all the more wonderful, but perhaps to some even more baffling.

This made me return to read again in ACTS.

ACTS 2 – When the day of Pentecost came – it is now 50 days since the crucified Jesus Christ was resurrected and raised from the dead – what happened was right on time.

It is marked by Divine Sovereignty. There is not a hint of anything human in any of this – in what actually happened.

These disciples of Jesus had prayerfully waited – they tarried in prayer.

What happened would soon be spread throughout the world – there were people there from every nation. God had a strategy.

God has His Time for every subsequent outpouring of the Holy Spirit – Philip going down to Samaria – Saul of Tarsus outside Damascus – the home of Cornelius – the twelve men at Ephesus.

God not only had a specific timing, but He had a specific people spiritually prepared – prayerfully waiting – Acts 1 verse 14.

The Day is determined by GOD alone. We see this in Isaiah and Ezekiel – and elsewhere too. There are determined times and determined by God – even the timing of The Flood when we reading a few weeks ago in Genesis.

On the Day of Pentecost it happened suddenly.

God works suddenly and unexpectedly – and man cannot stop it – and what happens will not be what man thought it would be like. God surprises us at times – no, not at times – but frequently.

He called Abraham – He chooses that people called Israel – from a burning bush HE attracts a man called Moses – He visits a retiring chap called Gideon – He reveals Himself to Isaiah in the Temple at a critical hour of mourning – He chooses a Jeremiah who wishes he had never been born – an angel tells a young girl Mary what is about to happen within her physical body reassuring her that her cousin Elizabeth is aware of something miraculous taking place – the crucified Son of God Jesus Christ is resurrected specifically three days after His death as He prophesied and taught – and now this, in Acts Chapter 2.

What is the source of the blessing – “There came from heaven” – something spontaneously supernatural took place.

It was not forced or suggested or caused by an outside agency.

It is an act of God, and not some human impulse.

This is not something “worked up” but “poured out” and poured out by God the Father, and the risen and living and ascended Lord Jesus Christ.

This came from the Heart of God – and not even the longing heart of man.
Acts 3 verse 19 - Seasons of refreshing have always come from the presence of the Lord.

These praying disciples may have been deeply spiritual, but their lives were still empty and powerless, but then came this outpouring and there was a prepared channel through which the Holy Spirit could flow out into the world.

These disciples of Jesus were so filled with God that they overflowed and praised God in languages they had never learned – ALL – not some, but ALL.

Tongues of fire appeared on these 120 heads. Everyone was conscious and aware of the presence of God.

There were various reactions – mocking and ridicule – making fun of the people of God – these disciples of Jesus Christ.

Look who arises and stands up – our friend PETER. Peter speaks and explains so clearly.

Verse 37 – People are convicted of their SIN.

Verse 43 – This strange mysterious supernatural experience spread throughout Jerusalem.

There has been this irresistible move of God – resulting in POWER and HOLINESS.

These disciples of Jesus were now anointed vessels, filled with the Holy Spirit. They had a definite and specific dynamic experience. ‘A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument’.

It was not given as a ‘spiritual uplift’ – nor to make them appear ‘more holy’ – but to make them more effective in the service of God.

They were clothed with power from on high.

It was a desired experience, and it was Jesus who created the desire or the thirst.

“If any man is thirsty let him come to me and drink.” John Chapter 7

And 60 years later Simon Peter continues to minister faithfully and lovingly and graciously to the scattered disciples who are sore and wounded and hurting.

We all need spiritual refreshing and we cannot do it ourselves. Thirst is a more intense desire than hunger. Thirst is the word that Jesus uses to illustrate the desire that should characterise His people.

Revival is a time where believers are filled afresh with the Holy Spirit – or where there is an awareness of the presence of the living God, which lasts.

“Almighty God – our loving heavenly Father – we look to You – we wait upon You – we ask for mercy – forgive our sins – refresh us – renew us. We rely and depend upon You totally, because we realise there is nothing we ourselves can do – but look to You – we pray in Jesus Name. Amen”

"Refreshment in Refuge" from Gina Burgess

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at

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