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Point of Reference

    by Fred Price

June 13, 2008

Is there such a thing as ultimate authority? God, relaying a message to Israel through the prophet Isaiah instructed, “Go now, write it on a tablet for them, inscribe it on a scroll, that for the days to come it may be an everlasting witness.” Why should he have to write it down? Wouldn’t they automatically remember a message from God? No, because in truth they were a “…rebellious people, deceitful children, children unwilling to listen to the Lord’s instruction. They (said) to the seer, ‘See no more visions!’ and to the prophets, ‘Give…  ( Click for more )

The call for repentance is one of the most common messages delivered throughout scripture. (Along with God’s persistent love and promise of salvation.) A cry repeated by wild-eyed prophets, a calmly assured Rabbi and dedicated disciples; a message needed today as in any other age. (And just as reluctantly received.) For as Paul reminds us, “In the past God overlooked… ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. Acts 17:30

But what are we to repent of? Sin. And what is sin? The breaking of God’s law which God has repeatedly warned…  ( Click for more )

Sin is defined as any violation of divine law by transgression or neglect. Being a conscientious people, we are often careful not to do the things we know shouldn’t be done, but we nevertheless often fail to do the things we ought. It’s still sin (James 4:17); which makes us all sinners. Paul declaring that, “There is no one righteous, not even one;” Romans 3:10 “…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Romans 3:23 But if we’ve accepted Christ as our Savior, aren’t we free from the consequences of sin?…  ( Click for more )

The Psalmist rhetorically asked this question while having the answer readily in hand. His response? “By living according to (God’s)word.” Psalm 119:9 Jesus assuring us that, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8 Which should inspire us to pray, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

But how will He do that? By mysteriously remaking us into an obedient servant, willing partners in his ministry – automatically and effortlessly- with no input…  ( Click for more )

May 2, 2008

An article in USA Today titled Obama’s Believers, opened with the following statement, “There’s a theological underpinning to what’s going on with the Senators campaign. Engaged, well-informed young Americans are being moved to act and follow in what feels like a religious awakening.”1

The author of this editorial, Mary Strange of Saratoga Springs, NY, is not the only one to refer to Obama’s meteoric rise and magnetic appeal, especially to young voters, as a “religious” experience; some dubbing his followers as Obamaniacs and Obamabots…  ( Click for more )

At first glance, this instruction by Paul to Timothy might appear to excuse some “attitude” in your relationships with older people. To be sure, your parents and elders don’t know everything. And no, you’re not always wrong. But is all the counsel you receive from older people out-of-date and out-of-touch? Are all your dreams and ideas well thought out, correct and positive? Hardly. Besides which, Paul instructs us elsewhere, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18 So how do we “not…  ( Click for more )

April 11, 2008

Last week we saw how we are all afflicted with a sin nature and that the laws of the Old Testament and the expectations of the New are realized through love; of God and our fellowmen. (See Matthew 22:37-40 and Mark 12:30,31) We must never forget however, that we were all once dead in our transgressions and sin in which we used to live when we followed the ways of the world; gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature – making us potential objects of God’s wrath rather than recipients of His love. But God, being rich in mercy, made us acceptable and alive through, with…  ( Click for more )

Legitimate research continues to uncover mounting evidence showing a correlation between explicit sexual lyrics and teen sexual activity. Research by the Rand Corp. of Pittsburg and reported on by Lindsey Tanner of the Associated Press reveals once again that young people whose iPods are full of music with raunchy, sexual lyrics start having sex sooner than those whose musical tastes are less inclined to graphic portrayals of private intimate practices. (Nor is it a stretch to apply these findings to television, movies, videos and video games, books, magazines, or even web sites…  ( Click for more )

March 21, 2008

Does the suggestion that you might be something other than you ought offend you? Believe me, I have no hard evidence against anyone, but am merely attempting to get you to consider that your response to Christ might reveal an underlying attitude of arrogant indifference, defiant doubt, or complacent acceptance at best. Emotions that were expressed to varying degrees at Christ’s crucifixion, not only from the assembled crowd but directed at him from the two criminals hanging on either side of him as well. “In the same way the robbers who were crucified with him also…  ( Click for more )

March 14, 2008

Much is said today about Christians forcing their beliefs and world-view on others. But in reality, a case can be made that just the opposite is happening. When Christians are denied access to public displays of faith through nativity scenes and “religious” Christmas carols and most public depictions of our Christian heritage are ridiculed and removed from sight; when the morals of free-sex and homosexual activists are prominently displayed across the whole spectrum of broadcast media (presumably protected by the freedom of speech clause of the constitution); when…  ( Click for more )

I think it’s interesting that the prophet Malachi records this assertion of God’s unchangeableness in the midst of threats of punishment and what many Israelites undoubtedly saw as God’s abandonment of them. Yet in reminding them of his promise to stay true to them as their protector and guide to blessing, he likewise recalled the stipulation that had been placed on them as well to finish the deal; allegiance to his person and obedience to his will. “Return to me, and I will return to you.”, he then promised them. Malachi 3:7 (See also Hebrews…  ( Click for more )

February 29, 2008

Jesus asks, “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” Luke 6:46 And explains that, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21 If we agree that obedience is good, then maybe we should identify disobedience. Why? Because at times it can be something less than obvious. Doing other than what we are told is obviously wrong, and we often think of bad or evil things done as the definition of sin; but Jesus…  ( Click for more )

Is there a reason for doing things the way we are told? The word “obey” has literally become a four letter word in today’s society. Whether because of rebellion, a lack of understanding or little faith in those asking us to obey; we hesitate many times even to accept advice or direction.

What does it mean to obey? At times it means simply carrying out an order but many times it entails being guided by advice that has the advantage of having been successfully tried before. And while taking advice leaves the option of listening and doing in whole or…  ( Click for more )

Such was the opinion held by John Chrysotom (349-407), one of the more eloquent early church fathers as he lamented many of his fellow believers accommodation of worldly practices and attitudes; posing the question – If the world sees no difference in our lives, perceives no benefit in following Christ from our attitudes and actions, why should they bother? “We admire wealth equally with (non-Christians), and even more. We have the same horror of death, the same dread of poverty, the same impatience of disease; we are equally fond of glory and rule… How then…  ( Click for more )

February 8, 2008

Don Miller still loves Jesus, his problem is with Christianity and how it’s often identified and practiced. “It (Christianity) is a dangerous term so I try to avoid it.” he says. In fact, he considered turning his back on the church in 2003 because he found it difficult to attend without being offended and becoming angry. For him, the word conjures up conservative politics, unbridled consumerism and insensitivity to people who don’t fit in. Of such concerns came, Blue Like Jazz: Non-religious thoughts on Christian spirituality; a memoir of his experiences…  ( Click for more )

February 1, 2008

To put this article in context, I should begin by confessing that I am not an overly political person. I do believe Christians should be aware of the issues and involved in policy-making for our country, but I certainly don’t believe politics or any one political party to be the salvation of America. (That being said, it’s impossible not to notice how intensely the “youth” vote is being sought this election season, and I believe it would be a shame if Christian young people proved less informed and less motivated than their non-Christian counterparts.)…  ( Click for more )

Rarely does it take more than two articles to cover a topic, but the evidence in support of looking behind to see ahead is so plentiful that it can’t be helped, and is why I spread them out over several weeks. Mr. Santayana’s oft-quoted caution cited above can be applied in a couple of different ways, failure to remember past mistakes often being disastrous – failure to remember what’s been done well, equally problematic; but no topic exemplifies the tension between the church and the world (past and present) more than religion and science, which are often…  ( Click for more )

January 18, 2008

With Tsunamis in Asia, floods across Europe and the American Northwest, fires in California and hurricanes in the south; with tornadoes in the Midwest, drought across the southeast and brutal winter storms throughout the northern tier states – one is tempted to ask, ‘Is anyone in control?’ Now, as cries for help echo around the world, national and state governments, private aid agencies and individuals struggle to meet the needs of countless numbers of people; Christians in particular needing to step to the fore-front of efforts to alleviate needs in our own…  ( Click for more )

January 11, 2008

In any attempt at remembering past accomplishments, care must be taken to avoid boastfulness. Recognition of our roots and acknowledging past achievements can however go a long way in identifying who we are or need to become. Crucial to this process is education, which was significantly impacted by Christianity; universal education following close on its heels whereas prior to the churches influence, education was primarily reserved for the privileged few.

Often called “People of the Book,” Christians naturally found it necessary to be able to read. As…  ( Click for more )

During a U.N. commemoration of the Jewish holocaust, Germany’s then-Chancellor Schroeder acknowledged the environment that existed prior to and throughout W.W. II that encouraged the atrocities inflicted on the Jewish people and anyone else disagreeing with the Nazi agenda.

The simple statement that, “The brutalization of thought and the loss of moral inhibitions had a history,…” in Germany that preconditioned its citizens to embrace Nazi ideals, enabling them to cruelly march across the European continent and much of the rest of the world,…  ( Click for more )

Many peoples have revered their elders and ancestors, feeling a keen connection with the men and women of their past. At times, this respect was expressed in extremes such as over-sensitivity to perceived insults and the virtual worship of their predecessors. Sadly, a proper identification with, alongside a balanced reverence for the accomplishments of our ancestors is largely missing today, even among Christians, putting us in danger of losing all respect for our heritage and having no real sense of what our legacy should be.

Many people have made transforming contributions…  ( Click for more )

“A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on it’s stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men,...” Matthew 5:14-16

This time of year, we are especially drawn to light; as it gets dark earlier, house and street lights are more noticeable; with a chill in the air, fireplaces radiate welcoming warmth. We decorate our homes in festive colors; trees trimmed with lights while candles shimmer and dance. Mankind has always been drawn…  ( Click for more )

December 14, 2007

Have you ever done that? Is that a crazy question? Only to those who never experience doubt, knowing exactly what they want to accomplish and having no reservations about how to achieve it. That’s not me! I’ve always struggled – past and present. I know in a general sense what I am – a Christian, husband, father, and now a grandpa; but I’ve always struggled with who I am deep inside. What does it really mean to be a Christian? How do I go about being the most effective husband, father and grandfather?

For many of us, the…  ( Click for more )

William Wilberforce was a remarkable man, considered by many to be one of the greatest social reformers in history. He was elected to the English Parliament at the very young age of 21, found real Christianity, in part, through an association with John Newton and went on to dedicate himself to seeing slavery abolished throughout England. He was ultimately successful, serving his nation for nearly 45 years, retiring in February of 1825 due to poor health; learning three days before he died that Parliament was finally ready to pass legislation securing the emancipation of…  ( Click for more )

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