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Point of Reference

    by Fred Price

At a critical point in Israel’s early history, during a period of immense change, uncertainty and challenge, they were encouraged to be strong and courageous. In fact, as Joshua – their newly-appointed commander-in-chief – received instructions on how to go about claiming the Promised Land, he was specifically admonished to be strong and very courageous. (See also Deuteronomy 31:6-8 & 23)

How could anyone expect Joshua to exhibit strength and courage in the face of such obstacles? In the midst of a change of leadership, the people were unsure…  ( Click for more )

“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on it’s stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men,...” Matthew 5:14-16

This time of year, we are especially drawn to light; as it gets dark earlier, house and street lights are more noticeable; with a chill in the air, fireplaces radiate welcoming warmth. We decorate our homes in festive colors; trees trimmed with lights while candles shimmer…  ( Click for more )

In adding Ted Haggard’s name to the growing list of evangelicals who have fallen victim to their own dark secrets and weaknesses, we must exercise caution in how we respond. Even as we are personally disappointed and embarrassed, we must realize that incidents like this inevitably spill over onto others as well; those in doubt about Christ and the church along with full-blown unbelievers using such incidents to further question or bash the intentions and integrity of all Christians. Names like Swaggert and Baker come to mind as further examples of men who made clarion calls…  ( Click for more )

What kind of image are you trying to project? Do you have a mental picture of who or what you should look like and how you ought to act? Image is very important in our society, TV commercials and ad campaigns striving to convince us that, ‘Image is everything.’ The problem with assuming an image is just that - we assume what others think and want and then try to give that to them. It often becomes something we put on and take off at will or become confused by as we attempt to be different things for different people as our imagination, fueled by the images…  ( Click for more )

What does it mean to be the salt of earth? What are God’s expectations of us in comparing us to salt? Before answering those questions, we may need to understand what salt is and what it does. It consists primarily of Sodium chloride, a white crystalline substance found in natural beds on land and in sea water. Its importance has been realized since ancient times as a seasoning agent and as an ingredient necessary for well-balanced health; our bodies chemical makeup containing salt which must be maintained at a certain level to insure health and vitality, its preservative…  ( Click for more )

Paul encouraged all true believers to, “…live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (For) There is one body and one Spirit… one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all,…” Ephesians 4:1-6 His expectation being that God would, “…give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify…  ( Click for more )

The concept of diversity means different things to any number of people and I guess that’s natural since it embraces things that are varied or different. To diversify involves the enhancement of opportunity by adding or changing the status quo, possibly merely presenting something in a new way. Divergence however, calls for exchanging a commonly held viewpoint for a new and different one altogether; creating discomfort and alarm throughout society and the church as well.

Our nation, as many others, is made up of a number of different people groups. Every…  ( Click for more )

I was deeply moved by comments from several representatives of the Amish community in Pennsylvania concerning the horrific events of the past month. Each one reiterated the strongly held conviction that precisely because God had shown them love and forgiveness they were compelled to forgive the murderer of their children. Putting substance to their words, they requested that some of the money donated by outsiders as expressions of remorse and support be given to the family of their assailant as well and have repeatedly expressed concern for the Roberts family; attending his funeral…  ( Click for more )

Legitimate research continues to uncover mounting evidence showing a correlation between explicit sexual lyrics and teen sexual activity. Research by the Rand Corp. of Pittsburg and reported on by Lindsey Tanner of the Associated Press reveals once again that young people whose iPods are full of music with raunchy, sexual lyrics start having sex sooner than those whose musical tastes are less inclined to graphic portrayals of private intimate practices. (Nor is it a stretch to apply these findings to television, movies, videos and video games, books, magazines, or even web sites that…  ( Click for more )

September 29, 2006

In writing Rumors of Another World, Philip Yancey attempts to answer a basic question of man’s existence concerning the here-and-now and the hereafter. “Does faith delude us into seeing a world that doesn’t exist, or does it reveal the existence of a world we can’t see without it?”1He concludes that living a life of faith does not – contrary to popular opinion – constitute a rejection of reason, that in fact we have a reasonable faith that when fully understood, takes in all the circumstances of our lives; enabling us to ask the right questions…  ( Click for more )

September 15, 2006

During your college careers there will be more input coming your way from a wider variety of people and personalities than ever before. That’s good and bad, exciting and intimidating. The measuring stick to use to decide between the good and bad – better or best, should be in with the stack of books you have for school. Your Bible - the book of wisdom and true life-sustaining knowledge.

Any number of people will claim to know what’s best for you, it is now your responsibility to investigate their claims and decide who really has your best interests at heart…  ( Click for more )

September 8, 2006

Last week we made comment on the number of opportunities opening up to you in college, accompanied as well by the temptation to indulge in aspects of the "college experience" that Christians should avoid. Mentioned as well were a number of venues open to us for advice – good and bad – and some of the consequences of choosing poorly. So who else should we listen to and attempt to understand? The best place to start is at home. Your mom and dad aren’t perfect. (This may come as a shock to some of you.) But a theme that runs from the beginning to the end of both Testaments…  ( Click for more )

September 1, 2006

Now that you are away from home, for some in a way never before experienced and for others a continuation and broadening of freedoms gained only recently; let me encourage you to listen, learn but discern. The Bible encourages us to seek the counsel of many to assure success. "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." Proverbs 15:22 Even on a national level, strength in numbers is suggested. "For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure." Proverbs 11:14 Is this an admonition to listen to anything and everyone who offers a…  ( Click for more )

Many have asked this question throughout history and with the renewed fighting in the Middle East continue to do so, giving ample opportunity for Christians to respond to questions not ordinarily asked by non-Christians as they contemplate concepts not usually considered. People are looking for direction in their lives, similar to the quest for stability sought after 9-11 and during other times of world-wide upheaval and uncertainty. It is up to us to respond by leading them to the Christ of the Bible, allowing them to then make informed decisions about their lives and the after-life. …  ( Click for more )

Thomas Jefferson once said, "A people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the powers knowledge gives." Part of knowledge entails understanding who we are in comparison to who we were, comparing where we are and what we’ve achieved with where we were and what accomplishments preceded our own while assessing where we’re headed by first deciding whether our destination is compatible with our past and worthy of our future.

Will the paths open to us now still allow us to honor those who were so instrumental in getting us to this point in history?…  ( Click for more )

Nearly everyone curses today - from farmers to factory workers, truckers to restaurant employees; medical personnel and insurance salesmen, teachers, lawyers and judges; politicians, our Vice President and most recently our President. (I daresay even some preachers excuse and indulge in such.) Many Christians do; if not in public then in private, especially if they get really angry. In fact, we seem to have established a standard for cursing; it’s not permissible at this time and place but almost expected in another set of circumstances.

When are you most tempted to…  ( Click for more )

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia challenges Christians to, "Have the courage to have your witness regarded as stupidity. Be fools for Christ. And have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world." (For Biblical examples of just such a willingness – see Paul at Athens, Acts 17:16-34 & before Festus, Acts 26:1-24) Yet our not being able to fully understand someone or something doesn’t make them foolish. This is doubly true of God and His ways. (Isaiah 55:8) And just because we can’t duplicate something doesn’t mean God hasn’t…  ( Click for more )

July 21, 2006

The idea of radical Christianity is based on the actions of the one we should constantly seek to imitate; Jesus Christ. The most memorable incident of radical zeal being his violent cleansing of the temple precincts, causing his followers to recall the words of David to describe what they had just witnessed – "…zeal for your house consumes me,…" John 2:17 (See also Matthew 23:1-35)

Jesus’ zealous sense of ministry was responded to in a number of ways. Some tried to forcibly crown him King (John 6:15), then because of disappointment in their inability…  ( Click for more )

Religion and politics, two hotly debated topics that some feel should never be jointly expressed in our lives are in fact inextricably intertwined. It is impossible to completely separate them because many political policies and most laws are grounded in moral precepts and religious pronouncements. These in turn define what a society deems acceptable and unacceptable; what is good or bad, tolerable or intolerable. Even traffic lights and speed limits make ethical statements by emphasizing the worth of property and the value of life over the need for speed; being derived from moral…  ( Click for more )

June 23, 2006

Who in their right mind would desire to be broken (experiencing crushing sorrow and disappointment), which can lead to incapacity and ineffectiveness? Yet could it be to our benefit to feel deep sorrow and remorse for our short-comings and sin, which should then lead to a subduing of our rebellious instincts and the development of real capabilities? (2 Corinthians 7:10,11) Is that what Jesus was alluding to when he portrayed people as blessed who were mournfully poor in spirit; comparing them to the meek and merciful, the pure in heart and peacemakers – those who hunger…  ( Click for more )

Have you ever been asked, ‘Which came first, the chicken or the egg?’ A similar question can be posed concerning faith and our relationship with God. Which comes first, faith in God or a relationship with him? Do we develop a relationship with God through faith or deepen our faith as a result of a relationship with him? I suppose the answer would be both. It takes an acknowledgement of Him – the first step to faith in Him to develop a relationship with Him; which in turn strengthens our belief in His person and purpose, increasing our faith. As James says, (If…  ( Click for more )

June 9, 2006

Authors James Kennedy and Jerry Newcomb assert, "When Jesus Christ took upon Himself the form of man, He imbued mankind with a dignity and inherent value that had never been dreamed of before. Whatever Jesus touched or whatever He did transformed that aspect of human life. Many people will read about the innumerable small incidents in the life of Christ while never dreaming that those causally mentioned ‘little’ things were to transform the history of mankind."1John explained the over-riding purpose behind everything Jesus said and did as being grounded in love. "For God…  ( Click for more )

June 2, 2006

The newly released movie, The DaVinci Code, purports to reveal hidden information regarding Jesus Christ and the early church’s development within its story-line. It repeats allegations that have circulated for centuries; that Mary Magdalene was more than a spiritual supporter of Jesus’ ministry, being his lover if not his wife, possibly bearing him a child. As a result of her relationship with and understanding of Jesus she supposedly rivaled Peter’s leadership of the early church; having lost a power struggle with him she was then relegated to merely being a sinner…  ( Click for more )

Webster’s Dictionary defines immortality as: living forever, enduring, having lasting fame. Who do we often think of as such; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln? Men who were instrumental to the beginning and continuation of our country; who gained "immortality" through what they did in life. Their lives are remembered beyond death while others are memorialized because in death they made their final stand. Would you like to be immortal in both memory and fact? Paul says the way to life and immortality has been brought to light through the gospel of Jesus…  ( Click for more )

Even when we don’t know how to pray or what to ask for when we do, God has supplied us with an aid to effective prayer. "…the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will." Romans 8:26,27 Sometimes, especially in a crisis, we don’t know what to say or do. At other times, when we’ve tried all we know, things…  ( Click for more )

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