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Point of Reference

    by Fred Price

Many church members today take pride in our country’s Christian heritage, and they are right to do so; even though not all our founders nor early citizens were faithful believers. Our ethics, concepts of right and wrong – good, better, and best – and many of our legal precepts were indeed grounded……  ( Click for more )
James asks, “ you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? Was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see that his faith and his actions were working together and his faith was made complete by what he……  ( Click for more )
“…but immediately goes to work in the life of the believer.” With this statement John MacArthur sums up information presented in The Gospel According To Jesus and its sequel, The Gospel According To The Apostles.1 In them he investigates the two supposedly contradictory schools of thought within……  ( Click for more )
July 22, 2022
Countless incidents of war, famine and mindless violence at home and abroad have caused uncertainty, trepidation and panic in the minds of many; the end result being a lot of people have been scared witless, a few becoming curious as to what scripture has to say concerning the “end times”, while others……  ( Click for more )
“…for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.” Have you ever seriously considered that possibility? Abraham comes immediately to mind as having done so. (Gen. 18:1-33) Abraham’s nephew Lot was later rewarded for his hospitality offered to two – unbeknownst……  ( Click for more )
I’ve heard a number of preachers speak on the idea of acting our way to belief. Not by faking it but by doing the God-expected thing, even when we don’t feel like it; expressing faith when we’re unsure, being faithful when we don’t see the benefit of doing so. John 7:16, 17 records Jesus……  ( Click for more )
At a time when the whole world seems to be taking stock of the past while holding its breath and crossing its fingers, hoping for a better future; the ideal of thankfulness can be difficult to achieve. That being the case, I believe a revisiting of the theme of gratefulness, as well as thanksgiving would be appropriate. ……  ( Click for more )
The past two weeks have been spent in examining the possible significance of a repetitive phrase appearing exclusively in John’s rendition of the gospel story; rendered “Verily, verily” in the KJ, “Truly, truly” in the NASB, “I tell you the truth” in the NIV. Used as……  ( Click for more )
Last week we looked at the Apostle John’s singular use of the phrase, “Verily, verily, I say unto you...” A declarative statement rendered, “Truly, truly, I say unto you...” in the NASB; “I tell you the truth...” in the NIV; that Jesus used to get everyone’s attention.……  ( Click for more )
Repetition is routinely used to teach facts or reinforce ideas; whether in the classroom, on a ball field, at home or in church. In fact, Jesus is shown, exclusively in John’s Gospel, emphasizing certain principles with the preceding phrase, “Verily, verily, I say unto you...” (KJ), “Truly,……  ( Click for more )
June 3, 2022
One of the first things Jesus did to establish his ministry was to recruit a group of “helpers”. Matthew was a tax collector, but most of the other men making up the inner circle of Jesus disciples aren’t identified as to their occupation. Jesus first recruits, however, were professional fishermen;……  ( Click for more )
During a U.N. commemoration of the Jewish holocaust several years ago, Germany’s then-Chancellor Schroeder acknowledged the environment that existed prior to and throughout W.W. II that allowed for the atrocities inflicted on the Jewish people and anyone else disagreeing with the Nazi agenda. The simple statement……  ( Click for more )
Does that sound a bit radical? Maybe the question ought to be: Can we be genuinely serious about anything and not be significantly different as a result? That’s the point isn’t it – to be unique in our approach, support and enthusiasm for the things we are interested by and believe in? But therein lies……  ( Click for more )
May 13, 2022
“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?” Psalm 8:3,4 Frankly, I find scripture like this somewhat puzzling, many prophecies or related “pronouncements”……  ( Click for more )
Has anyone ever commented on your work ethic, your desire and ability to work hard and well? (Or not.) Did you know that tendency is often referred to as the Protestant work ethic? It is only one of the subtle yet far-reaching ways Christianity has impacted this country and the world; having its origin in scripture, influencing……  ( Click for more )
While blood sacrifice offends our modern sensitivities, God demanded it of his people – then and, after a fashion, now – as a means of stressing sin's dire consequences in our lives. In any number of ways, sin blocks our approach to God; in the end maiming, destroying and killing us. And since, “...the……  ( Click for more )
Notorious English atheist Richard Dawkins has repeatedly questioned Christianity's positive impact on the world, referring to our beliefs as wishful thinking and superstition at best and a means of manipulating the gullible masses at worst. He is particularly put off by the "blood, blood, blood" of Judaism……  ( Click for more )
The injunction against bearing false witness or testifying falsely is meant primarily to foster a just society through its criminal justice system. Which only happens if people tell the truth. Today, politics might be a truer test of our character and – in some ways – a bigger danger to our society. Do we……  ( Click for more )
Jesus deals with a number of commandments in this way, one of which is the prohibition against killing; a most basic ethical imperative. “Do not kill” – “Do not murder” seems pretty direct and easily understood. Human suffering grieves God’s heart and when inflicted on one man by another……  ( Click for more )
The Psalmist wrote, “…with you (God) is the fountain of life, in your light we see the light.” Ps. 36:9 John spoke similarly of Jesus, describing him as, “…the light of men.” John 1:4 God including the entire Jewish community, and by inference all of Christendom, in this……  ( Click for more )
God’s giving of the Ten Commandments was meant to create order out of chaos by setting everyday boundaries helping the Israelites as well as the rest of mankind live peaceable, productive lives; often protecting us from ourselves. Jesus likewise characterizing the Ten Commandments as guide posts beneficial for individuals……  ( Click for more )
Various authorities have attested to the fact that, worldwide, between 200,400 million people have suffered persecution through discrimination when applying for jobs and promotions, being restricted in their freedom of movement and worship, having property and savings confiscated by intolerant authorities and losing their……  ( Click for more )
Part 2 In asking that question last week, we looked to Ps. 11:4 to find encouragement in the fact that even when things are at their worst – by our definition – God still sits on His throne and is still in control. From there we looked at a number of scriptural admonishments……  ( Click for more )
When “the foundations” are referenced in scripture as being moved, shaken or destroyed, it’s sometimes in regard to a natural disaster or more likely as punishment from on high. In this instance, oppressors and wicked men are referred to, inferring that the destroyed foundations may be David’s……  ( Click for more )
Mat. 7:13, 14 comes at the conclusion of Christ’s sermon on the Mount, ending with an evangelistic challenge similar to others throughout scripture. Such as, “I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So chose life in order that you may live.” Deut. 30:19 “Choose……  ( Click for more )
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