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Point of Reference

    by Fred Price

What does it mean to adore someone? Adoration is defined as worshipping or paying homage by expressing great love and devotion, usually in response to love and devotion expressed to us. Or as John said, “We love because He first loved us.” I John 4:19 Explaining that, “This is love: not that……  ( Click for more )
It’s physically impossible to read everything dealing with Christian thought but I do like to check out things which claim to explain or challenge the Christian worldview. Over the years, TIME magazine has posed some pretty profound questions for the religious and irreligious alike; such……  ( Click for more )
We often say we wish God would deal with us more directly, but do we really mean it? Almost every time scripture details an instance where God approached people directly, their response was to fall down in fear and ask Him to stop, to shield them from his awe-filled – or awful –……  ( Click for more )
Getting a look beyond the veil of temporal reality, or a glimpse of what goes on “behind the scenes” of God’s sovereign plan is surprisingly dealt with a number of times and in various ways throughout scripture. These incidents are unusual and infrequent to be sure, increasing their impact and……  ( Click for more )
The self-proclaimed forces for social change, led by the likes of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie – who years ago swore off marriage on the Ellen DeGeneres show until “everyone in this country has the right to marry” – often speak to the “plight” of gay and lesbian lovers who are……  ( Click for more )
Author N.T. Wright argues in his book, “The Day the Revolution Began”, that “…according to the earliest Christians, when Jesus died, something happened as a result of which the world was a different place… the world had changed. A revolution had begun.”1 A revolution of……  ( Click for more )
Robert Wright asserts in his book, ‘What Does Science Tell Us About God?’, that new discoveries in physics, cosmology and biology make the universe more explainable as well as revealing it to be vastly more intricate than previously thought. The question then being: Does this undermine religious faith……  ( Click for more )
Last week we looked at several scripture passages that referenced nations as well as individuals being “tested” by God. The benefit of such being the development of resolve, perseverance and confidence in God’s provision and our ability to succeed in life in and through him. (The scripture……  ( Click for more )
December 24, 2021
This scripture references the trials or testing that inevitably occurs when one lives life centered on God’s will while living in a “fallen” world whose nature is contrary to God’s. Although it doesn’t preclude the political, social or health “testing” we’ve all experienced……  ( Click for more )
Paul’s preaching and prayer-life often dealt with two themes, love and fruitfulness. The love of God, our corresponding love of Him, and love for our fellowmen having a place of prominence in his understanding of the gospel. But it wasn’t mere sentimentality, but rather the deep abiding love of agape;……  ( Click for more )
So said Tertullian, a renowned African/Greek theologian of the early church, writing around 200 A.D. (Thomas Jefferson saying something similar in his assessment of what would keep American democracy on track.) The early church’s perception being that suffering – up to and including dying – for……  ( Click for more )
November 28, 2021
Some of you are on your own for the first time in your lives while others have been there for a while; but we all have to deal with making good decisions and choosing the right path. And while the prospect of making up your own mind and choosing your own way is exciting, it isn’t always as easy as it appears.……  ( Click for more )
Two scantily clad women with wild hair were pictured some time ago peering out from behind boulders with the bold, black caption underneath reading, Caged Animals. They and a number of others had been chosen to participate in an exhibit at the London Zoo depicting “primitive” men……  ( Click for more )
In response to the ongoing debate amongst many academics concerning men and women’s scholastic and business capabilities, I thought it would be interesting to note how two unlikely heralds of political correctness actually stepped up and simply reported the truth. TIME Magazine running……  ( Click for more )
Nothing is more important for Christians than knowing God’s will. It was central even to Jesus’ life. “I always do what pleases Him.”; he is quoted as saying. (John 8:29) Even when faced with the horrifying specter of the cross, he prayed, “...yet not my will, but yours be done.”……  ( Click for more )
November 5, 2021
Last week we began looking at what many believe to be five essential practices for walking as Jesus walked. What’s so important about them is that they lead us to be what we say we believe, practicing our faith as well as professing it. We previously looked at 1. Worship, 2. The study of scripture, 3.……  ( Click for more )
October 29, 2021
In his book, The Walk1, Adam Hamilton examines five essential disciplines practiced by people of note in scripture and by many more throughout roughly 2000 years of church history. 1. Worship, including daily prayer. 2. The study of God’s word. 3. Serving others. 4. Giving generously. 5. Witnessing……  ( Click for more )
October 22, 2021
Suffering is not a topic we like to discuss, unless it’s to question why we’re experiencing it. However, many Christians have emphatically embraced suffering brought on by illness, old age and persecution, associating it with Christ’s suffering on the cross in providing for our salvation. In……  ( Click for more )
October 15, 2021
Although some would disagree, I sometimes find it difficult to fault the Jews for not recognizing their Messiah in Jesus Christ. After all, whtwhat we now consider obvious scripture referencing a saving/suffering Messiah – as opposed to a politically successful, militarily triumphant one – are spread……  ( Click for more )
“…for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.” Heb. 13:2 Have you ever seriously considered that possibility? Abraham comes immediately to mind as having done so (Gen. 18:1-33), one of his visitors possibly being the Lord God himself. Abraham’s nephew Lot……  ( Click for more )
Last week we considered the opinions of two knowledgeable men, Pastor Nathan Wilson and former Congressman Lee Hamilton. Both spoke articulately on the function of politics in general, while Mr. Hamilton spoke more specifically on the role of government in our daily lives. Mr. Wilson’s comments included……  ( Click for more )
Pastor Nathan Wilson believes so, having written an op-ed article for the Indianapolis Star explaining how. His assertion being that politics and religion are not natural enemies but should be deeply related, neither using the other as a tool of coercion but one informing the other as decisions are made and policies……  ( Click for more )
I realize this scripture speaks primarily to salvation, but could it not address other areas of need as well? The confidence we feel originates in God’s blessing and provision for our afterlife certainly, but likewise promises his presence and provision while we abide here on earth; offering us mercy and……  ( Click for more )
September 10, 2021
I am not an overly political person. I do believe Christians should be aware of the issues and involved in policy-making for our country, but I certainly don’t believe politics or any one political party to be the salvation of America. Furthermore, I can’t say I totally agree with either of the major……  ( Click for more )
Last week’s article dealt with the idea of properly understanding who we are in relation to God and what impact that can and should have on our lives; now let’s look at some Biblical examples to help us realize our own vision. Abraham was told to leave his family,……  ( Click for more )
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