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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

What a sight greeted Jesus Christ. We are studying Luke Chapter 8 and we reach verse 26. Jesus and the disciples have just sailed across the Lake of Galilee, having been in a violent storm, which he calmed and rescued the situation from possible eternal danger. I described to you what a storm is like on the Galilee having observed such a scene from the safety of our hotel room.

A man came to Jesus. He is naked - controlled by evil spirits - demonised.

Remember this book is being written by a doctor, and inspired by the Holy Spirit, and we have read of how reliable this book…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 8 at verse 22, we read of Jesus Christ and His disciples sailing across the lake, and Jesus, the Son of God falls asleep in the boat. Jesus is tired. He has been preaching and teaching and answering questions. He is physically exhausted - worn out - drained - and in need of a rest. He is human. He is a Man. This is all He needs - rest. So often a good rest - a good sleep - is all we may need. What an amazing glimpse of the humanity of the Son of God.

As Jesus lies there asleep, a storm arises, and the boat is being thrown around, and there is a very real possibility…  ( Click for more )

We are reading and studying in Luke Chapter 8 where Jesus is speaking about quality - reliability - perseverance - patience - in that parable of the sower which He explained and developed in detail.

In verse 16, Jesus continues to teach that the fruitful life is like a lamp. That seed which germinates and grows transforms that man into a lamp. The main purpose of a lamp is to shine - to illumine - to enlighten.

The true disciple of Jesus Christ is like a lighthouse. He gives light for other travellers along the way so that they may journey in safety, but he also warns of the…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 8:16, Jesus Christ continues to teach these disciples who had come with questions and He is telling them that the fruitful life is like a lamp. We spent time in our previous study looking at the seed and the type of soil and how that was paralleled in the types of lives people lead. Jesus speaks about four different kinds of soil and He explains that there are four different kinds of responses to the sowing of the seed, which is the Word of God.

That seed which germinates and grows transforms that man into a lamp. Now, there is an amazing statement, but rather wonderful.…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 8, we read of Jesus travelling around the various towns and villages, and, what does He do everywhere He goes? He proclaims the good news of the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ is King. He moves around physically and geographically. He changes places for preaching and teaching, but He does not change His message.

The Kingdom of God - where Jesus Christ is king - that is the place of security, safety and assurance. The twelve were with Him - they would be learning so much as they listened, watched and observed. There were also some women following Jesus around - some…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 7 verses 36 to 50, we read of one of the Pharisees, a man named Simon, inviting Jesus to his home for a meal. Why did he do t his? Was it to trap Jesus? We know from what happened later on that it was not a straightforward invitation to have tea.

Jesus accepts the invitation. He goes, and they are just about to eat, when a woman - a sinner - a prostitute - comes to Simon's door. She knew that Jesus was in this house. News had got around fast. Imagine such a woman coming to such a house - and coming to repent. She came to Jesus for forgiveness.

Simon does not…  ( Click for more )

We have been studying these first 35 verses of Luke Chapter 7, where we have seen Jesus heal the Roman Centurion servant, raise from the dead that young man in the village of Nain, and we read of John's serious questions regarding Jesus.

John the Baptist who had imprisoned as a consequence of his preaching and witness – just as many are today all around our world - had to learn that Jesus was going to carry out His Ministry - His Way - as the Father wanted Him to.

Verse 23 is so important and it bears repeating - never be offended or huffed at what Jesus is saying and…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 7:18-35, we meet a puzzled prophet. Now we have recently been studying these incidents where Jesus Christ heals the servant of a Roman Centurion, and raises back to life a young man who had died.

One dear man is in prison as a result of his faithful preaching and baptising and prophesying. It is Jesus' cousin John, and when he challenged sin in the life of a king he was incarcerated in a dreadful jail.

John has questions. John even has doubts. John knew who Jesus was. John had baptised Jesus, but persecution and imprisonment, can do peculiar things even to a man of…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 7:11, Jesus goes to the village of Nain. His disciples go along with Him, and Jesus is attracting big crowds. These are two distinct groups – disciples and crowds of people. There comes that point where there has to be the necessary transition. It has to go further than mere interest or curiosity.

A sorry sight meets Jesus. He is confronted with a funeral procession. A widow has lost her only son. Now, Jesus knew what it was to be an only Son. The procession is leaving Nain and Jesus is approaching Nain. These two groups meet. Funerals in the Middle East are very…  ( Click for more )

When we move on into Luke Chapter 7, it is as if one stage of ministry is over and another begins. Jesus had been saying things to the crowds and to His disciples - teaching - and He had said everything He wanted to say on that occasion. Teaching is so important and teaching from the Word of God. It would be difficult to over emphasise this essential dimension.

Jesus now enters Capernaum. Much of the ministry of Jesus has been spontaneous. Those in need met Him, or came to Him, or He would be walking along the road. Jesus was not limited nor restricted to certain times and places…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 6:37 Jesus is cautioning us against judging and condemning. We have to be able to examine a tree, and know whether it will produce good fruit or bad fruit. If we could not do this we could never write a reference. We have to very wise regarding the practical implications of these verses. And of course, when it comes to writing references, we must be honest.

I am told that some employers virtually ignore references that come from ministers and pastors because they will be too positive and not sufficiently objective. I have said to people who have asked for a reference,…  ( Click for more )

Luke 6:17. We have been reading about those two groups - those who need Jesus - and those whom Jesus needs. The crowds have come around Jesus again with their various needs and He ministers to them all, but Jesus has just been choosing His twelve disciples and now He looks at them and speaks to them. When you see people that can affect what you are going to say. It is time to teach. It is time to train. It is time to start discipling and disciplining these men. Do you think it is time to do these things today in our society?

These teachings of Jesus are almost a contradiction…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 6:12, Jesus Christ spends time in prayer prior to calling these twelve men to be with Him and around Him as disciples. He is being very careful. Before making decisions it is wise to take it to God the Father. Later, after He rose from the dead, Jesus was to say to eleven of those men, “As the Father sent me, so send I you.” I will send you in exactly the same way as the Father sent Me. Having been in His discipleship school they were eventually being sent out into the world in the same way as the Father sent Him into the world – born of the Spirit and anointed…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 6:12, Jesus Christ is about to choose these twelve men who would be trained and prepared for discipleship and He goes out into the hills and spends the night in prayer. Before such an important decision, Jesus isconsulting andcommuning with His Father regarding the details. The calling of the disciples occupies only a few lines. We are not given lots of details and yet those were the twelve who would be right at the very heart of the work.

They were - not famous - not rich – and probably in their twenties. There was not a religious leader among them of that which…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 6, we come across one topic which has caused so much trouble, particularly in Scotland, and it is that of the SABBATH. Jesus Christ and His disciples are relaxing - strolling – getting away from the clammouring crowds and the various demanding pressures of ministry. The disciples pick some ears of corn as they walk, rub them in their hands and eat the grain, only to be accused of harvesting! The laws of the religious leaders were tough and restrictive. They said that dragging a chair across the dry earthen floor was ploughing. Legalism is a terrible thing.

These…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 5:27, we read of Levi being called by Jesus Christ. Levi – now this is Matthew and he is at work collecting taxes. He is called by Jesus while doing his everyday work, and when he is not when expecting something special to happen. Remember – that at that time tax collectors were thieves - rogues - rascals - corrupt. They collected more than they ought and pocketed the excess. They were working for the roman occupying force and were disliked by the majority of the people. Yet, Jesus wanted Matthew. Did Jesus see He could make something out of Matthew - an able…  ( Click for more )

November 26, 2007

When we read this section beginning at Luke Chapter 5 and verses 17 we come to a highly interesting scenario. The religious leaders were spiritually sick and Jesus so wanted to heal them, but at this point He said and did nothing. In these passages, Jesus is healing people or on His way to heal, or He is coming from healing people, but He also loved to teach.

However, did anything sink in? Do you ever wonder about that? You teach and testify and share, as best you know how, and you come away wondering whether or not your words influenced the person or people in any way. That…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 5:12, we read that a man approaches Jesus, covered with leprosy, or full of leprosy. Think of the pain - isolation - ostracism - lumps - twisted distorted limbs - lack of physical feelings.He fell at Jesus feet - how undignified! He would have spent much of his life begging and having to cry out "Unclean" wherever he went. “If you are willing you can make me clean.” This is a genuine open fervent sincere request. This time Jesus did not overlook the prayer from this pained body. "You know my need. Heal my pain."

Jesus touched what was…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 5, we read of a crowd gathering to hear the Word of God. They are not there for healing, or personal blessings. This is something I have looked for and longed for over the years. They have come to meet with Jesus Christ and listen to the Word of God, and Jesus is almost being pushed into the water. There is an available boat which Jesus decides to use as a pulpit. Peter is so willing to put his possessions at Christ’s disposal and they push out a little from the Galilean shoreline.

It is good to offer to Jesus whatever He may require. Use it, Lord Jesus,…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 4:31, having been rejected in Nazareth, Jesus Christ has arrived in Capernaum, by the Lake of Galilee and on the Sabbath day Jesus is again teaching. Teach means ‘to point out’ or ‘indicate’. Those who heard him were amazed at his authority.

There is a note of reality here. His Message rang true. It wasn’t just words, but there was power behind the words which His hearers could not explain. Jesus imparted Life – and his teaching was meaningful and relevant. He gripped them and held their attention. His words must have been like earthquakes…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 4:17, Jesus Christ is present at worship in the synagogue at Nazareth. It was his custom and habit to be there with all the others. He is given the scroll to read the lesson. Jesus stands up to read – to contribute – to participate in a real, relevant and meaningful way, and he turns to Isaiah Chapter 61. Jesus knows his way around. After reading the passage he comments briefly. “This refers to ME!”

He has come to the bruised and battered and broken and sore - to those who are heavy and hurting - to release - to set free - to deliver. He has been…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 4:14, Jesus returns from this testing time in the wilderness. He emerges victorious, but the struggle had been real and the battle fierce. We should not be overly surprised when we are confronted with similar situations. This is why we need the Word of God – to teach us what to expect and to provide us with the weaponry necessary to overcome.

Here comes JESUS! He returns north to Nazareth and Galilee. As he taught, the news spread. The word soon got around.

As HIS CUSTOM WAS, on the SABBATH, Jesus Christ was at worship in the locally synagogue. We know the…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 4:5, having been ‘unsuccessful’ in his first effort at tempting Jesus Christ, he now takes Jesus to a high mountain, above Jericho, where you can see for miles. These are real places. We are reading of real incidents. Then we hear these tempting words: worship me: bow down before me: and all you see can be yours!

In other words: By-pass the cross. I will make it easier for you. Be quiet about what your Father said to you and you won’t need to go up that other mountain, Calvary. Soft pedal your message. Forget about your mission. Ignore that experience…  ( Click for more )

We move on to Luke Chapter 4. After being baptised in water, and filled with The Holy Spirit, all our problems are over! Is this so? NO! What frequently faces the disciple of Jesus Christ is TROUBLE.

Jesus left Nazareth for the Jordan and that essential experience and now he is led to the WILDERNESS.

Jesus is empowered, anointed and equipped. He has heard words of approval, confirmation and reassurance from his heavenly Father, but Jesus returns not to blessing and success, but tempting and testing.

After the confirming words Jesus is confronted with undermining words.…  ( Click for more )

October 1, 2007

In Luke 3:21 we read of Jesus walking onto the scene. Imagine what has been happening in contemporary terms. Coaches full of curious and interested men and women have been making their way down to the Jordan to hear this preacher John, and to respond to his call to repent and get their lives sorted out and be baptised that they are serious and for real. Crowds have been traveling to the River Jordan for weeks and some folks return to Nazareth and tell Jesus.

“Jesus, have you been down yet to the Jordan Valley yet, where this man John is attracting thousands? Jesus, tax…  ( Click for more )

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