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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

My intention to work through Luke Chapter 20 slowly is quite deliberate because these are among the final words of Jesus Christ before He meets with His chosen men and then makes His way to the Cross where He sacrifices His life that we might be forgiven, rescued and saved from sin, so that we might be trained and prepared for service in the Kingdom of God. It would be wrong to hurry through such profound teaching.

When the spies try to entrap Jesus with their fancy trick question - almost unanswerable in the natural - Jesus replies so masterly and so challengingly – verse…  ( Click for more )

We are studying in Luke Chapter 20, where the tension in Jerusalem is undoubtedly increasing. When we come to verse 20, we move into the area of spies. Here we see various groups of people coming to Jesus - but most of them with wrong motives - with suspect motives - with impure motives - yes, it is possible to do that. The New Testament reveals human nature in a way no other book in the world does, but it also reveals how human nature can be rescued, healed and helped.

The religious leaders in Jerusalem sent out spies, who pretended to be honest, and these spies would listen…  ( Click for more )

We have been reading, and I hope studying, in Luke Chapter 20, because these are among the final words of Jesus Christ, just days before He goes to the Cross to shed His Blood to wash away our sin. Jesus has been asked questions - awkward questions - and those asking the questions were not really seeking the answers.

They wanted to know something about the authority which they could see Jesus had - Tell us, and Who gave you this authority? Jesus did not answer immediately, nor directly. And Jesus presented these men with highly challenging questions. They couldn't answer, without…  ( Click for more )

In our studies in Luke Chapter 20, we have reached that horrendous stage in the lives of these religious leaders when Jesus Christ has nothing more to say to them. They have been questioning Jesus authority, and to begin with, Jesus did not answer their questions directly, but now He goes on to give a fuller answer. But notice that Jesus has turned to speak to the people. He will speak to ordinary people, who are open to hear, but will not persist with religious leaders who are closed to Almighty God and what Jesus, the Son of God, is saying and doing. All this is taking place in…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 20 we read of religious leaders coming to Jesus Christ, the Son of God with a question regarding His authority, and Jesus challenged them with a question about His cousin John. If we had called him ‘John the plunger’ instead of the religious sounding title of John the Baptist we could have saved ourselves from wrong thinking and erroneous theology. Jesus would not answer their question and they wondered what to do.

In verses 5,6, they got together in a huddle, and look what emerges from that hurried unexpected discussion. How will it affect us?

They…  ( Click for more )

We have been reading in Luke chapter 19 of Jesus Christ riding into Jerusalem, and what that signified - the King of Kings riding on a donkey. It is the Messiah - the One anointed of God - the One for whom people have been waiting for 1,000 years - and they do not recognise what this means. They have no idea as to the significance.

Jesus was not going to give them what they wanted - what they were looking for - and within the week – ‘Hosanna’ which means 'Save us now' - turns to 'Crucify Him'.

So often Jesus draws near, rides into our lives, and sometimes…  ( Click for more )

This passage in Luke Chapter 19 verses 28 to 48 is so packed with significant incidents and lessons. Take time to study this section.

Jesus fulfils what He set out to do. He had set His face to go to Jerusalem, and now He arrives in the city, at a significant time – The Jewish Passover.

There are times when we too have to make crucial decisions and set our face to fulfil what Almighty God has called us to do, without compromise, and without allowing ourselves to be diverted or sidetracked.

There are the commands given in verses 30,31, and Jesus rides on this donkey…  ( Click for more )

We have seen how there came that point in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, when Jesus set His Face to go to Jerusalem. Nothing could put Him off. Nothing could divert Him. No-one could side-track Him. No-one could prevent Him from fulfilling the Will of the Father. What an example to follow.

In Luke Chapter 19 verse 28, we read of Jesus Christ, The Son of God, riding into Jerusalem. Within the week, Jesus would be betrayed, arrested, falsely accused, illegally tried, crucified, dead and buried. And three days later, Jesus would be raised from the dead – that astounding…  ( Click for more )

We were reading in Luke Chapter 19 and at verse 10, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost”. We were reading of how Jesus came and found that little lost man. He was up a tree. He had a big balance but an empty heart. He had lots of money, but little love. He was financially wealthy, but had few friends. He was lost, and we saw how Jesus found him.

While they were listening to this - listening to what? - what Jesus said in verses 9,10. No other system of belief in the whole world has words which say anything like that - none comes near it –…  ( Click for more )

We move on into Luke Chapter 19, in our present study of Luke’s Gospel. Allow me to remind any new readers that this is not simply a reading through of the Gospel, but a study. At the end of Luke Chapter 18, we read of that poor blind tramp, Bartimaeus, crying out to Jesus Christ for mercy and sight, and Jesus is so gracious and tender and powerful. Just along the road, we read of a man who was a rogue and a rascal, and very rich. Such a contrast! But he too desperately wants to see Jesus.

It is Zacchaeus, and he is a chief tax collector. Jericho had what we would call…  ( Click for more )

We come to these closing sentences in Luke Chapter 18. Immediately following this conversation with His disciples where Jesus Christ made it very clear that He was now focussed upon going up to Jerusalem, they approached Jericho, and a blind man is sitting begging. Mark tells us his name is Bartimaeus. There arose a noise and Bartimaeus asked what was happening, and some said, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by”.

He called out, “Jesus Son of David, have mercy on me”. Those who were leading this procession gave the blind man a row. “Be quiet. Sh! Sh!…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 18 and at verse 31, Jesus Christ takes the 12 disciples aside, and tells them, “We are going up to Jerusalem”. This is a serious turning point in the Gospel record.

Over these weeks we have listened to Jesus speaking to the crowds, and teaching the disciples. We have watched Jesus healing the sick and receiving young children with open arms. We have been listening to the words of these two men who went up to the Temple and listening to the words of the rich young ruler, who was so easily put off, and who gave up at the first hurdle. That man who had…  ( Click for more )

We have been reading in Luke Chapter 18 of the Rich Young Ruler meeting Jesus Christ, and how he was unwilling and unprepared to do what Jesus asked. He had a highly relevant question, and he came to the right person with the right question, but he found the answers were not to his liking and he walked away and he was exceedingly sad.

What was it that really made this young man sad? Was it the thought of losing his wealth and position and property and possessions? Or was it the thought of following Jesus, and just being a disciple, with no greater authority, position, possessions…  ( Click for more )

What must I do to inherit eternal life? What a question! There are many people today who have no idea that there is such a thing as eternal life.

In Luke Chapter 18 and at verse 18, we read of a certain young man coming up to Jesus Christ. It is the rich young ruler, and he has a question to ask Jesus.

"Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

This young man was a most attractive person. He was a ruler. He was religious. He was interested enough to come this close and ask this question, and he is asking a highly relevant question.

He is rich,…  ( Click for more )

Jesus Christ in Luke Chapter 18 is speaking about Prayer and not giving up but persisting and persevering and He has been speaking about the importance of being open and honest in prayer and not trying to kid on that we are better than we really are.

It was at this point that some fathers brought their young children to Jesus - so that Jesus could lay their hands upon them and bless them. The disciples knew that Jesus was on His Way to Jerusalem - they thought that He was busy - too busy to spend time over young children - not so. They thought Jesus didn't have time for children…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 18 in these opening verses, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is telling, and teaching His disciples to pray, and to go on praying, and never to lose heart, and not to give up. We all need to hear and receive that positive and encouraging Word.

We saw how Paul put all this into practice in his own life and ministry. Paul knew who Jesus was - and he also knew what Jesus wanted him to do - and we have read of how he served and worked and witnessed and prayed - travelling and preaching and ministering during a period of 30 years.

One of the secrets was not to give…  ( Click for more )

When Jesus Christ comes again will He find you and me continuing faithful in persistent and persevering prayer? Of course, we may die before he returns, and the question remains relevant. In my final days and hours on this earth will I remain faithful in service and obedience and witnessing and in prayer?

When I come again, will I find many who are faithfully continuing to pray?

Will we be found faithful, or, will we have ceased praying? How many will have given up and gone away? How many will have stopped praying when Jesus returns? Jesus indicates that this will actually…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 18, we come to verses which deal with prayer - one of the hardest things in the whole world. That is why so few people pray. Reading the Bible is hard - prayer is harder. Watching television - talking with people - singing praises - all of these are particularly easy compared with praying. The Prayer Meeting in many churches is the poorest meeting attended. Why? Because it such hard work! Put a man who can speak on almost any topic in a Prayer Meeting and he suddenly goes dumb!

In Cowdenbeath, a man raised a most awkward matter at a Church meeting, and I asked…  ( Click for more )

It has been asked, where did the title of this study come from? Are you familiar with these words?

That final verse of Luke Chapter 17 - verse 37 - "Where there is a dead body there the vultures will gather". If someone asked you - where do these words come from - would you have known? If you asked some people outside, would they know?

It has been asked - Shakespeare - Tennyson - Wordsworth? No - they come from the lips of Jesus Christ, so we'd better know what they mean.

We are in Luke 17 – and this is the 100th Study as I have made my way through Luke’s…  ( Click for more )

Jesus has been speaking to disciples and believers about the possibility of stumbling and sinning and the importance of Repentance, Forgiveness and Faith. It is all there in the opening sentences of Luke Chapter 17. Immediately following on from these words, Jesus walks on with His disciples and He is about to enter a village when ten lepers appear.

These men were riddled with this horrible disease. It would appear that nine were Jews and one was a Samaritan, but for each one of them there was only one hope left - JESUS. They would be sorry sights, and they came as near as they…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 17, after warning us about causing people to stumble and sin, Jesus then goes on to speak about forgiveness - about forgiving people - "when those around us ask for forgiveness, forgive them."

Then Jesus speaks about 'faith'. Don't ask for more faith - use the faith you have - let it grow and develop and mature and become strong. Faith is like a muscle - the more it is used the stronger it becomes.

Now, Jesus says - Suppose one of you had a servant, and the servant has been ploughing or looking after the sheep, when the servant comes in, will you…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 17, in these opening verses, we read of Jesus Christ teaching His disciples, and through this Word teaching us, "Don't think you are going to avoid temptation. Don't think you are going to be shielded from the realities of life, and from the dangers of the world and from traps and snares and nets into which you could fall, if you are not careful.

As disciples of Jesus - as believers in Christ - we face the same temptations and difficulties and dangers as other people - perhaps even more so.

But we can avoid falling, with the help of the Risen and Living…  ( Click for more )

We are reading and studying in Luke Chapter 16, where Jesus Christ is speaking about MONEY, and His theme is how we use or misuse our money, and Jesus takes this vitally important issue into an eternal dimension. This is such an important issue we must not rush through it.

Jesus tells us a devastating story. Is it a fact? Is it fiction? That does not really matter. It is true! Again, this week’s study is slightly longer than I normally write, simply because this is a very difficult passage to divide and it ought not to be divided.

There was a certain rich man, dressed…  ( Click for more )

We are reading this quite difficult passage in Luke Chapter 16, where Jesus Christ is teaching on money. Remember, that Jesus says more about money than any other one subject.

A few weeks ago we were reading words of Jesus, "Lay up treasure in heaven." You will find Jesus’ words back in Chapter 12. Invest where there are no moths, no thieves, no corruption, no rust. Invest where your investment will never lose value! Many might wish they had heard Jesus Christ on financial matters over these past months, and also on what Jesus said about everything being revealed…  ( Click for more )

Luke Chapter 16 is not an easy passage either, and the more we read this book we find there are very few easy passages. Most are most challenging in different ways.

The theme of Luke Chapter 16 is money. Jesus said a lot about money, because money says a lot about us. Money plays such an important part in our lives. We talk about money so much. Money features prominently in all kinds of ways, and has been the topic of various conversations over these past months.

So do not be surprised when we learn that Jesus Christ said more about money than any other one subject. There…  ( Click for more )

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