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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

In Luke Chapter 12, Jesus Christ is teaching about Hypocrisy, Fear, Worry, Finances and Greed.

In verses 13 to 20 we have studied that interruption from the man who was after more money from an inheritance and Jesus takes that opportunity to tell about the farmer who wanted to build bigger barns to store all his crops – a bigger bank balance – keeping it all to himself without much concern for anyone else. It is quite a devastating passage. Now, do remember, that this teaching comes from the lips of Jesus and people outside the Church do say to us at times, “If…  ( Click for more )

While Jesus Christ is teaching one man interrupts and asks for Jesus to intervene in a family dispute about money. Now, this man does not appear to want fairness or justice. It is obvious he simply wants more money. We read of this in Luke Chapter 12.

Verse 15. Jesus uses this incident to teach people about a rich farmer who has a massive harvest. We can call these verses, "The tragedy of the poor rich man."

Jesus is saying - Watch out - be on your guard against all kinds of greed - a man's worth does not lie in what he possesses - or in what he owns - a man's bank…  ( Click for more )

We are reading in Luke Chapter 12, and in these first 12 verses we read of Jesus warning His disciples of two of the hazards along the way, as we serve in the kingdom, and obey the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ. We read of hypocrisy and fear. Hypocrisy - putting on a front - a mask - role-playing - acting - is similar to yeast. It influences people around - working away invisibly - secretly - imperceptibly - and can spread fast. A little can affect a lot. This can also apply to good yeast.

We also saw how fear can paralyse us spiritually. We can fear what people around us…  ( Click for more )

September 1, 2008

In Luke Chapter 12, Jesus Christ is teaching us and drawing our attention to hazards and pitfalls which could confront us as we make our ways through life

If the first hazard is hypocrisy, the second is fear. O how fear can prevent us from travelling along the Christian way. Fear can paralyse our words and our deeds. Fear can grip us and get a hold of us, and prevent us from doing what Jesus wants us to do.

Jesus deals with the fear of men by saying, "The worst thing people can do to you is kill you." What will people say? What will folk think? How will they regard…  ( Click for more )

We are in Luke Chapter 12 in these present studies where Jesus Christ is about to give vital teaching to His chosen disciples. Now, last week we were thinking of these words which are frequently voiced, “If only the Church would keep to the teaching of Jesus and forget all about doctrine and what we should believe!” Well, let’s just take time to look at what Jesus taught in these following verses, because we must be able to answer people when they confront us with very real questions. Many are sincere.

Many would like to live the way Jesus lived and live according…  ( Click for more )

In our studies in the Gospel of Luke, we move on into Chapter 12. The momentum appears to be increasing. The crowds are increasing - the pace is becoming faster - the conflict is becoming sharper.

There is this growing open conflict between Jesus Christ and the religious leaders of the day. That very often happens. There is a conflict between Jesus Christ, The Lord, the King - and those who thought they were important people.

Many are gathering around Jesus for various reasons, but Jesus’ priority is to teach disciples. Jesus wants to give His Chosen Men words of advice…  ( Click for more )

We arrive at verse 33 in Luke Chapter 11. If you light a lamp - do not hide it - nor cover it up - nor keep it secret - you let everyone see the light.

The light you allow to come in will enlighten you. It is possible to allow more and more of the light of Jesus to come into our hearts, or we can see just what we want to see. Some will only see what they want to see - hear what they want to hear - believe what they want to believe - and that is tragic.

A Pharisee invited Jesus for a meal - for tea - Jesus sat down without washing - they were horrified - Jesus did shock people…  ( Click for more )

As we slowly make our way through Luke Chapter 11, let's read on from verse 29. There are times when we must not rush through passages of Scripture. These Chapters are so very practical and highly relevant in these present times. Of course, The Word of God is always practical and relevant!

Crowds are increasing, and Jesus Christ is on His way to the Cross. He knows it.

His opening words to this growing congregation are, "This is a wicked generation."

We are not the first people to be living in difficult times. It is important that we recognize and acknowledge…  ( Click for more )

In the Gospel of Luke at Chapter 11 and verse 21, Jesus portrays a picture of Satan - thinking he is safe and secure in his evil palace - surrounded by strong-arm guards - and thinking he will never lose his possessions. What a picture!

When a stronger man appears - when Jesus appears - Satan is overcome - all the armour upon which he has relied is taken away, and all his possessions are taken from him.

It is a total irreversible defeat. What a powerful picture we have of Jesus Christ here. Christ is the strongest man around. In these present times we need to have a good strong…  ( Click for more )

We have been reading in Luke Chapter 11 where Jesus Christ has been casting out an evil spirit and He has had to listen to stupid unwise critical comments.

Be very careful regarding speaking judgmental words of criticism. We have to be cautious in this area. It is dangerous to speak careless negative wounding words. There are occasions when it is better to be silent - when it is better to be quiet.

These people should have been the first to recognise that this was the Living God at work, but they are closed and blind and their hearts are cold and critical.

The two kingdoms…  ( Click for more )

We are studying in Luke Chapter 11 and at verse 13 we read of Jesus Christ saying to His disciples - how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.

This is one of the greatest gifts any man or woman can receive - the gift of the Holy Spirit. To receive that anointing - to receive that holy power - to receive the Holy Spirit as Jesus received when He came up out of the Jordan River is a most precious experience. If only the leaders of the nations would seek this anointing – what a different world this could be.

When we ask and seek…  ( Click for more )

We are studying these opening verses in Luke Chapter 11. One disciple makes a very simple request to be taught to pray and Jesus takes time to instruct and teach His disciples. Jesus goes on in verse 5 to teach His disciples to be specific when praying and not to give up.

A friend comes to your home at midnight - and you have no food - so you go to your neighbour, and say "Lend me three loaves". Three rolls. The neighbour wants you to go away because you are being a bit of a nuisance. You are waking up the whole family, but you go on asking boldly and shamelessly.

On…  ( Click for more )

We move onto Luke 11Chapter 13. It is another very precious moment on the journey to Calvary.

We read of Jesus Christ praying - Jesus at Prayer - Jesus communicating with His Father. And Jesus says to us His Disciples - "Follow Me". Here is one way to follow Him more closely - in the realm of prayer. This is one very practical way whereby we can be obedient to God - simply by praying.

When we read of Jesus praying - it is as if we are on very holy ground - and we can almost feel like intruders, as we overhear Jesus talking with His Father.

When Jesus prayed He…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 10 and at verse 25, we read of a religious lawyer coming up to Jesus - with a question - and it just happens to be one of the most important questions a man can ask - "Teacher - what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

But, this religious man with his keen legal mind proves to be most insincere. Oh, he comes with this right question - to the right person - but look at his motive. He comes to tempt Jesus - to test Jesus - seeking to trap Jesus.

What he is asking Jesus is, "Is there any one thing I can do to get me into heaven?"

This is…  ( Click for more )

We are reading in Luke Chapter 10 of various basic principles when it comes to mission and ministry. Jesus teaches those men He is sending out to travel light. Don't let a lot of luggage hinder you and clutter you, and slow you down. And - don't waste time blethering and gossiping along the way - lit. 'don't pass the time of day with people'. What does this mean? Don't spend too much time on superficial conversation, so that the time just passes and nothing real has been achieved or accomplished. This short brief mission has the sense of haste and urgency.

"Greet" is…  ( Click for more )

When we move on into Luke Chapter 10, we are looking at some of the things Jesus did and said once He had set his face to go to Jerusalem. Jesus appointed 72 others - for a period of ministry - sending them out two by two - and they were to go and minister in the various towns and villages, where He planned to go and preach and minister later on.

There is a crucial and vital principle for ministry in the Church of Jesus Christ here - the matter of appointing. There is no use a man or woman saying - "I think I will do this. I'll decide to serve in this area or that way."…  ( Click for more )

In the latter part of Luke Chapter 9, Jesus Christ has resolutely set His face to go to Jerusalem and ultimately the Cross. He and His disciples have been travelling together with a highly interesting conversation and profound teaching from Christ.

As they were going on their way, a man comes up to Jesus and says, "I will follow you wherever you go." That is always a dangerous thing to say to Jesus, especially when we do not know where He is going.

We have to be careful as to what we say - what we vow - and what we pray. God may take us seriously.

Jesus read…  ( Click for more )

We are in Luke Chapter 9 and at verse 51, where Jesus Christ has resolutely and determinedly set His face to go to Jerusalem. In obedience to the Will of the Father - Jesus allows Himself to be crucified - and killed - laying down His Life - knowing this - that His Loving Faithful Father would raise Him up from the grave. No man took His Life from Him. Jesus laid it down.

On His way from the north, to Jerusalem, Jesus has to pass through hostile Samaria. There had been a feud between the Samaritans and the Jews. Jesus sent some messengers on ahead to arrange hospitality for Him,…  ( Click for more )

We come to Luke Chapter 9 verses 51 to 62, where Jesus Christ is preparing to go to Jerusalem. Jesus Christ is preparing to go home - via the Cross and the grave. This is new. We have never been here before.

The time has now come for a change in the ministry of Jesus. Jesus has been preaching and teaching - healing the sick - casting evil spirits out of people - and ministering to the various needs of those men and women who came to Him.

Now, Jesus sets His Face to go to Jerusalem. Jesus is determined to face whatever lies ahead of Him. Jesus makes that decision to face the…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 9 at verse 28, we read of Jesus Christ taking Peter, James, and John, up onto a mountain to pray. It is as if these three men were closer to Christ than the others - able to take more than the others. You can come as close to Jesus Christ as you want to.

As Jesus prayed HE was transformed and transfigured – His clothes are white and shining - the light of the world had never shone brighter. Moses and Elijah appeared. This was a serious moment. They are speaking about His EXODUS.

Moses knew all about EXODUS - leading people out of slavery into freedom.…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 9 at verse 23, we come to these highly challenging and demanding sentences in the Gospel record. Jesus Christ has sent out the Twelve and has fed the 5,000 with no waste whatsoever. Peter confesses who Jesus is - not just a mighty miracle worker - not just Someone who can control the winds and waves - not just a great Teacher - not some powerful prophet from the past raised back to life - but the Messiah - the Christ - the Saviour - the Son of God. In a sense what could be more challenging? But it is the response which is challenging – our response to all that…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 9 at verse 10, the disciples, who had been sent out on this mission with authority to preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick, return and report to Jesus, telling Him what had happened. Jesus saw that they needed to rest - time to be quiet - time to be alone - away from the needs and demands of people. Do you see the rhythms? They needed an opportunity to reflect upon their ministry and work out the implications.

Work and rest - work and worship are vital. We all need this.

Nevertheless the crowds came. Jesus welcomed them, and spoke to them, healing those…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 9, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King, sends out His men to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Having had a time of study and learning as they observed Him ministering, now it was time for the practical.

Verse 7. One man was not in His kingdom, and did not want to be in His kingdom, but the ministry of these disciples made this one man tremble. Herod heard of all that was being done by Jesus, and now Jesus has a group of men out preaching and healing.

When the Word of God is preached tremendous things happen, and certain individuals tremble.…  ( Click for more )

On we go to Luke Chapter 9. One day Jesus calls his twelve men together. They have been with Jesus now for about a year, and Jesus gives them a special anointing - specific authority and power - to go and minister.

For a year they have been watching, listening, observing and learning. For a year they have been under training - now they are being sent out on a mission. It was time for the practical. It is not enough just to take it in all the time. There has to be an outlet - the opportunity for service and mission and ministry.

Jesus Christ gives his disciples power and authority…  ( Click for more )

We come to Luke Chapter 8 and verse 40 in these present studies. We have seen how Jesus Christ ministered to that very needy demonized man in such a powerful and effective way, and yet, the local people told Jesus to take His ministry elsewhere. When Jesus is not wanted, He will move on and go where He is needed and wanted. It is really quite appalling shocking and surprising how some react to the ministry of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. If you are involved in front line ministry do not be taken aback when you come across similar reactions.

Here comes Jesus to a group of people…  ( Click for more )

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