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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

The scene in Isaiah Chapter 1 is that of a courtroom, and God is the Judge. Judah and Jerusalem are in the dock and they are on trial. Heaven and earth are the jury. There are witnesses - there is the prosecution - there is the defence - and there is a sentence announced.

GOD is acting as Prosecutor and Judge.

The three basic charges are – Iniquity in the nation.– Insincerity in the Temple – and Injustice in the city.

Verse 2 – Look at the situation in the nation - the charge is that of juvenile delinquency.

God is the Father of…  ( Click for more )

We are in Isaiah Chapter 1 and reading of what the circumstances were in Israel when Isaiah was called and raised up to speak out.

Rome was rising at this time, as was the city of Athens.

Why were things so terribly wrong among God’s chosen people?

There was spiritual decline throughout the land. They blamed the Philistines. They blamed the Edomites who kept raiding them from the south. They blamed the Moabites who kept raiding them from the east. The blamed the Syrians who raided the land from the north.

They even blamed God - but they never blamed…  ( Click for more )

Having looked at these gracious and inviting words in Isaiah Chapter 55, let us turn to Isaiah Chapter 1.

Who is this man Isaiah? When did he live? What is his significance?

Does what he said have meaning and relevance for us today?

We so frequently need to be reminded that these are not just the words of a man - but The Word of God - The Word of God coming through a man inspired by the Holy Spirit.

We go back to the 8th Century B.C., where in the nation of Israel circumstances had become very serious.

Isaiah had been brought up in the Royal Court…  ( Click for more )

Give ear – pay attention – come to me – hear me. We are reading these opening words of Isaiah Chapter 55 – and these are such simple words in verse 3 – words of one syllable.

Isaiah goes on to speak to the people of Israel - reminding them of who they are and of what almighty God is going to do - and the influence they are about to have.

In verse 6, Isaiah issues a word of command that has blessed thousands over the years. “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near.”

We cannot find Jesus Christ, the…  ( Click for more )

Would you like something free and as much of it as you needed? The price has already been paid and the gift on offer is priceless.

There was a man who called out to all who were thirsty to come and drink. He even pointed out the source of the refreshing waters. His name was Isaiah and I would ask you to turn to Isaiah Chapter 55 in the Bible.

"Come - all you who are thirsty - come to the waters - and you who have no money - come, buy and eat! Come - buy wine and milk - without money and without cost."

If anyone ever needed a relevant word from the…  ( Click for more )

A mother can try to get her son to wash his face, brush his hair, to appear reasonably tidy – and almost fail.

One day, some 16 or 17 year old girl walks into his life and onto the scene, and she achieves more in two weeks than mother has managed in this area over a period of months.

There is a new devotion – someone new to please.

That is what happens when a man or woman is born again, in the spiritual realm.

Attitude and outlook is suddenly and radically transformed.

It can be attractive and even exciting to search for something new in the Christian…  ( Click for more )

Peter writes about the origins of God’s people. How did they get their existence? Where did they come from? What is God calling His people to be and do?

These are massive questions to which Peter gives answers – answers which will help disciples grow and mature, and who are prepared to cope with opposition and persecution when it comes.

Peter explains how men and women became and become disciples of Jesus Christ – by being born again into a living hope, having been chosen and sanctified by God the Holy Spirit, and cleansed and sealed by the blood of Jesus. …  ( Click for more )

Leaders lead positively or negatively – for good or for ill. These seven disciples were out all night fishing, with nothing to show for it. Fishing had been something they had been good at.

The risen Jesus appears on the Galilean shore. He calls to them - "Lads - boys - have you caught anything?" Jesus knew there was nothing in that boat, but disappointed men.

What a challenge for every disciple. This was a scene of complete failure. Jesus gave them advice. They took it, and with just one cast of the net, they catch 153 fish.

Something…  ( Click for more )

Whatever the bankers may have done over these past years with interest rates, investments, and inheritances, nobody can touch this inheritance. It is indestructible, non perishable, unfading and cannot be spoiled – and it is reserved for you.

No one can take it from you and give it to someone else. Your inheritance in Christ Jesus will be kept for you, and you will be kept for it.

When Peter takes up his pen, his writing is saturated with the relevance and significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This amazing inheritance is for those who have come to…  ( Click for more )

How did this man who had so many weaknesses and obvious failings suddenly become courageous and fearless, and with an amazing concern for others?

Peter experienced many ‘ups and downs’ during his three years in Jesus Christ’s discipleship school. What was it that changed this fish merchant? What happened in his life to cause such a profound and visibly lasting transformation?

In his early days, Peter was a jumble of fears and confusions, like many of us, and Jesus Christ was the only person who could sort him out, and put together this jigsaw of a man. …  ( Click for more )

Everyone is building a life. Building is inevitable – through education, further study, or hard work. The question is – what is your foundation?

Jesus speaks specifically about foundations In Matthew Chapter 7, at the close of what is generally accepted to be “The Sermon on the Mount” – but these words must be among the least quoted and referred to sentences in “The Sermon on the Mount” – I wonder why?

Jesus Christ spoke about two men each building a house, using an illustration from his building days. One man was wise.…  ( Click for more )

An army medical orderly serving in the desert of North Africa developed a serious skin disorder. He was admitted to hospital in Sudan, but available treatment was minimal.

What would he do? When at work, he dispensed medicine to the soldiers three times a day, after meals. That led him to make a significant decision.

He would read his Bible three times a day, after meals. He also started underlining, in blue, each passage dealing with healing. Within three months his skin condition improved remarkably, and he ended up with a blue Bible!

In Proverbs Chapter 4 he…  ( Click for more )

What do you do when you have been out fishing, expending all the energy you have, only to return ‘empty’ – whatever that fishing might be?

Sometimes our best is just not good enough. When Simon Peter had Jesus Christ in his fishing boat, agreeing to go into deeper water and resume fishing, the results were incredible.

What can prevent us from admitting we need help? Pride? Stubbornness? Fear?

There are times and occasions when Jesus Christ comes to challenge us and shake us. It is good that he comes – it is always good when Jesus appears…  ( Click for more )

Everybody experiences setbacks, disappointments, or failures. That can happen even when we have put our heart and soul and energy into life. Exam results have various emotional reactions.

Imagine this scene. Four fishermen have been out all night fishing – working hard, probably for ten hours, and they have caught nothing.

They are sorting out their nets, when Jesus Christ comes along.

Jesus got into Simon Peter’s boat, asking to be pushed out a little from the shore. We read the record of this incident in Luke Chapter 5.

From there, Jesus sat down…  ( Click for more )

When we hear or read of men of faith, there is always that element where each acted on the basis of his faith. They did something, obeying God, having taken risks.

They were prepared to look foolish, or be regarded as peculiar, and then there came that day when their names appeared in an honours list in the book of Hebrews.

They had pleased God. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Check that out in Hebrews Chapter 11 and at verse 6.

Men and women of faith are encouraged to run the race marked out for them and to run with perseverance and endurance. Is…  ( Click for more )

Why would anyone want to become a Christian during these first three centuries? Persecution was fierce and universal. Yes, it has been so since the very early days of the Church of Jesus Christ, and we need to be informed as to how it is spreading rapidly today. The book of Acts tells us how serious fierce opposition has been since men and women were born again.

In the beginning, there was nowhere to hide, and there was no social benefit whatsoever in being disciples of Jesus Christ.

These early disciples enjoyed and appreciated communion with God, through Jesus Christ.…  ( Click for more )

Are you fed up? Are you fed up with all that is going on, and you sense that longing and desire to live differently? Many realise they are living in a rut, facing tensions, and feeling stressed and pressured.

You can be ‘fed up’ that way, or you can be fed with the Word of God which nourishes, encourages and strengthens.

Being ‘fed up’ or ‘down’ can apply to believers in Jesus Christ as well as to those who have no faith in Jesus Christ. There can be times when we have to be real and open and honest – yes, even believing disciples. …  ( Click for more )

Why would anyone want to become a Christian during these first three centuries? Persecution was fierce and universal. We need to be informed as to how persecution is spreading rapidly today.

In the beginning, there was nowhere to hide, and there was no social benefit whatsoever in being disciples of Jesus Christ.

These early disciples enjoyed and appreciated communion with God, through Jesus Christ. As they were loved and empowered by God they became salt and light, challenging many forms of darkness. Regarding this calling of God, holy as it, and depending upon our…  ( Click for more )

Are you fed up? Are you fed up with all that is going on, and you sense that longing and desire to live differently? Many realise they are living in a rut, facing tensions, and feeling stressed and pressured.

You can be ‘fed up’ that way, or you can be fed with the Word of God which nourishes, encourages and strengthens.

We do not necessarily change when we ‘see the light’, but when we feel the pain.

We have looked at some ‘heavy’ topics over these past weeks and that is not always a bad thing, but these are difficult times, and Jesus…  ( Click for more )

More people may want to know about how you became a Christian than you realise.

How do we give satisfactory answers to those who say that the Christian Life is dull and boring, or restricting and limiting? In other words, how do we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that is relevant and meaningful to those who may be enquiring?

Our answers may depend upon the reality of our experience of the risen and living Jesus. How were you ‘born again’? Can you share your testimony of Christ in a way that speaks to the enquirer?

How did those stalwart…  ( Click for more )

Why be a Christian? If we get crowds travelling to our country – or – if we have someone whom we have known for a long time – and they wonder why we are a Christian – and if they want a real answer – we had better be prepared to give an answer that glorifies Jesus Christ – and that can satisfy the seeking searching soul.

With Jesus Christ there is a sense in which we ought to be able to say to the one coming with the question, “There – can you beat that?”

Our life is redeemed – blessed – anointed –…  ( Click for more )

You can learn a lot about a person by the kind of prayer he prays, and the way in which he prays. For instance, a selfish prayer may indicate a selfish spirit.

Some people try to impress you with their prayers, as they come over as arrogant and prideful.

Let’s look at this ‘model’ prayer in the book of Nehemiah – Chapter 1.

Remember Nehemiah? When he first heard about the condition of Jerusalem, with its walls broken down and gates burned, he prayed.

This was not just a casual prayer. Instead, it gives us a pattern for successful…  ( Click for more )

What raging storms might there when this article emerges?

In Acts Chapter 27 at verse 29, we read of Paul in the midst of this violent storm, in the Mediterranean Sea. Danger could have been totally avoided if the owner of the ship, and pilot and Centurion had listened to God’s man, Paul.

How often might this have happened over these past two thousand years when the wise counsel and advice of servants of God has been ignored, resisted or rejected?

But, learn how Paul served his captors aboard that embattled ship – as Paul received a word from God, as…  ( Click for more )

As we move forward in Christ Jesus, how are our anchors?

Turn to Acts Chapter 27 at verse 29 – have we got sufficient anchors on board our lives for what we might face in the future? Are we strong enough for the day of the storm?

Are the anchors strong enough for the strains and pressures which will confront us?

Some people’s faith is a fair weather thing – that will not be much good in traumatic times.

When we know we are going to face more than calm seas and favourable breezes, we have to take time to sit down with the Captain of our ship,…  ( Click for more )

As we face another year, Jesus Christ can give us adequate resources for the task and ministry and witness and life to which he calls us. I have known the peace and presence of the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ over many years now, and I also can testify to the truth the Jesus Christ, the loving Saviour, the Son of God, will never let you down, fail you, or disappoint you – as you trust him.

Jesus can give you what you need for this life which at times can appear puzzling and baffling.

The gift of the Holy Spirit was given to those disciples, and He is given…  ( Click for more )

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