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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

We come to these verses in Galatians Chapter 6 regarding the importance of the Word of God and the sowing of the seed of the Word of God, but turn to that passage in Acts 17. Paul and Silas have travelled to Berea.

They have just been through a period of tremendous trouble as a result of their preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teaching The Word of God, but that did not put them off.

In Berea, they preached in the synagogue, and the people "received the message with great eagerness" - verse 11. BUT LOOK WHAT THEY DID. They examined the Scriptures…  ( Click for more )

January 22, 2018

In Galatians Chapter 6 verse 6, we read, “Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor.” This is a verse which most preachers and teachers do not like to mention, but we have to consider the whole Word. We have to embrace every part of it.

Each of us needs teaching.

Each of us needs someone to teach us the Word of God.

We return to complete our reading and study of Paul’s letter to the Galatians following our consideration of what actually happened at that time of the birth of Jesus.

Remember…  ( Click for more )

We are reading, and studying, these opening verses of Luke Chapter 1. Zechariah was a faithful priest in a day when there was not a lot of faithfulness around.

I wonder how many people thought, “Look at that silly old priest going away to conduct a service - and say prayers - and preach something - a message - which no-one really wants to hear.” How many people might say that of us as we meet for Worship and Prayer week by week?

Ignore it - forget it - overlook it. Let people say what they want. If you know you are right in the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ,…  ( Click for more )

There is a new battle for the truth, the authority and authenticity of the Word of God. There always has been, but it is undoubtedly going to become fiercer as we move into 2018.

We have been recalling the significance of The Reformation and one major rediscovery was the importance of The Word of God – the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

The situation has changed dramatically over these past few years, in Europe, in the United Kingdom, and in the United States of America – but the Word of God is unchanging, and the Word of God is relevant, no matter…  ( Click for more )

As we move out into the days and weeks of 2018, may there be that dedication and commitment in your heart and mind to serve our living God, faithfully and loyally and obediently and graciously. It is going to be needed as the spiritual battle becomes fiercer.

Soldiers prepare in times of peace for times of war. That applies to solders of the Cross too.

We are in Luke Chapter 2 and at verse 25, we read of an old man named Simeon. He was righteous and devout and godly. He was waiting to see the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. Mary and Joseph had taken…  ( Click for more )

We move on to Luke Chapter 2 and verses 21 to 40. Amazing circumstances surrounded John the Baptist when he was 8 days old.

Amazing and wonderful things happened, when Jesus was 8 days old, and significant things were said.

Many are unaware of the importance of what happened on this occasion.

When Jesus is 8 days old, it is time to circumcise Him, and name Him JESUS. Joseph and Mary take Him to The Temple in Jerusalem to present Him to The Lord.

These verses might appear quite unfamiliar to many.

This scene is almost totally overlooked and ignored,…  ( Click for more )

Many will be considering preaching on, and teaching, and speaking about, the birth of Jesus Christ over these next few days.

We turn from Galatians, for a few weeks to Luke Chapter 2.

There is so much nonsense spoken at this December time of the year - that it is good and right to recall the biblical scriptural account of what took place – and we all need to know what took place, when God the Father sent Jesus into our world.

We do need to remember too that Jesus was not born in December, but more likely during the Feast of Tabernacles, in September or…  ( Click for more )

Here is one mark of the man or woman who is spiritually mature. You go and seek to bring that person back into line - and you do it gently. If someone does get caught in a sin - if someone stumbles and gets out of step - you who are spiritual should restore him gently.

Also, you are careful that you do not fall into the same trap as they fell into.

We come to the beginning of Galatians Chapter 6.

The safety in life is - keep in step with the Holy Spirit - and walk with those who are walking in step with the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes we will win, and sometimes we…  ( Click for more )

We come to Galatians 5 verse 24 – “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.”

That is strong writing - what some people would classify as heavy duty. There is no room here for wondering what he is meaning. Some weeks ago we took time to go through the fruit of the Spirit - what God Himself desires to grow within us and produce from our lives - from these earthen vessels. We are vulnerable frail and fragile - similar to a light bulb - but when carefully placed into its right place it is full of light…  ( Click for more )

You hear people say - He has always been like that - His father was like that - His grandfather was like that.

Even after we are born again something somehow keeps rising within our lives. That may be something from which a man may need to be delivered - and have that thing rooted out.

You cannot crucify what needs to be delivered - and there is no use praying for deliverance for a person who needs to crucify the flesh, and die to that thing - that connection - that affiliation - that friendship - that membership. Having been reading our way through part of Galatians…  ( Click for more )

We are reading and studying the letter to the Galatians and we are in the heart of Chapter 5.

One of the things we have read in Chapter 5 is how Paul refers to "love". Now, there was not much mention of this in the early passages where Paul has some strong things to say these brothers in Christ.

We remind ourselves of what he has been writing remembering that recapitulation is an important part of teaching.

Verse 6 – Paul writes that the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. It is difficult to move away from that sentence.…  ( Click for more )

We are reading and studying this challenging and profound and inspiring letter to the Galatians.

Serve one another in LOVE.

He says it in a different way in verse 6, "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." That is the only thing that really matters.

Faith working through love is the only faith that is acceptable to God. God is looking for Faith - Obedience - Service - which is motivated by LOVE.

In I Timothy Chapter 1 and verse 5 - "The goal of this command is LOVE."

There is no use running all over the…  ( Click for more )

We have to be so very careful as to whom we allow to influence our lives - on important matters - and particularly on spiritual matters.

Can you imagine if one of the Senior Officers at R.A.F. Lossiemouth said - "Och, you don't need to bother too much when you are out flying that sortie - you don't need to bother too much about the flight manual - just fly as you want to, if you want to. You went out flying yesterday, or was it last week - you don't need to bother going out today! You don't need to pay too much attention to these flight checks, and we are not all that sure…  ( Click for more )

As we come to Galatians Chapter 5 and verse 13, we learn so much about Christian Leadership in this letter.

Paul has the courage to be bold and confrontational where necessary – and compassionate and so deeply concerned for the spiritual welfare of these people – when he saw the danger.

He had listened and learned about what was going on in the church there.

He risked speaking these challenging words in the confusing situation, and it was, of course, all so necessary, and so true, that Almighty God has it all written down and incorporated into His Holy Word. …  ( Click for more )

We come to Galatians Chapter 5 verse 7 – “You were running good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?”

Many start the race fast - they run well for a time - the first year - two years or even longer - and then other influences come along - other demands place a claim upon your life and time and commitment - and these can trip you up as you run for Christ Jesus. Paul is quite explicit - such people who trip you up and cut in on you - do NOT come from GOD.

Well there is only one other source when it comes to spiritual matters -…  ( Click for more )

We are reading and studying the letter to the Galatians, and we reach Chapter 5 and verse 4. Were there some people already insisting on parts of the law?

If so - then Paul writes strongly to these men - alienated from Christ - and you have fallen away from grace.

From then on what would matter is trying rather than trusting - and no matter how hard you try - that will never make anyone acceptable to God. If anyone says to you - you must do this - or - you must do that - to be righteous in the eyes of God - any rules and regulations which Christ has not commanded…  ( Click for more )

In Galatians Paul is arguing for and pleading for the integrity of the gospel of Jesus Christ – the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Saviour, the Redeemer, the Lord, the King.

That reminds us of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ.

Speaking of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ in these present times is becoming increasingly dangerous. It was in the first Century and it is becoming more so in the twenty first Century. How do you stand with regard to the reality?

Paul realised that the truth and purity and integrity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was at stake and that is…  ( Click for more )

When we come to Galatians Chapter 5 and verse 1, we read further and deeper about our freedom in Christ. This is basically what Paul has been wrestling with in this profound, if not exciting, letter.

Some people like to be excited and thrilled when it comes to the Christian Faith - all the time - but there is a need for being serious and profound and biblically sound.

Those who like simply to receive the bread can disappear when there is no more bread. We learned some weeks ago in John Chapter 6 that Jesus is the bread.

What a day to preaching and teaching on freedom…  ( Click for more )

September 25, 2017

We have arrived at these closing verses of Galatians Chapter 4, where Paul speaks about being ‘persecuted’. What does the Bible say – verse 29 - "It is the same now!" All this has arisen because of his references back to Ishmael and Isaac in the times of Abraham and Sarah.

Going back to the Middle East situation - Ishmael should never have been born. As we look at the situation from the viewpoint of the Word of God this birth was not part of the plan of God, and, since he was born there has been tension and antagonism. Since he was born…  ( Click for more )

We are reading in the second half of Galatians Chapter 4. It is another difficult passage, but enlightens the eyes of believers in Jesus Christ to the present world situation, particularly with regard to what is called the ‘Middle East’.

Paul goes on to explain to these disciples of Jesus Christ what this means, and we need to know the meaning and significance of this. These verses are currently relevant.

We are actually dealing with danger and disaster of the present ‘Middle East’ situation. Only Almighty God will be able to resolve this dilemma…  ( Click for more )

We have seen this real deep caring concern and passion within the heart and mind and ministry of Paul, as we make our way through Galatians Chapter 4, as he learned of those who had an experience of Jesus Christ - and who had tasted something of the power of the Holy Spirit - and he is seeing them on the verge of falling away.

They had been misled - duped - deceived. They were changing sides - and almost becoming an enemy of Paul - and so becoming an enemy of the Cross. This is more than just circumcision creeping in - legalism. This is more than just sitting at separate…  ( Click for more )

When people draw you away - or try to draw you away - from Jesus Christ - joy begins to go. Then you lose your peace - and then you try to keep their miserable rules and regulations which are inevitably introduced - and you realise you can't keep them - and you feel guilty and unworthy and unrighteous. All this was beginning to happen in the Church of Jesus Christ in Galatia. We are reading Galatians Chapter 4. Paul could discern what was going on. He would notice the change. He could spot what was happening, and they were not the changes of maturing disciples but…  ( Click for more )

In Galatians Chapter 4 verse 12 - what a courageous thing to say. He pleaded with these brothers in Christ to be like him. Paul was humble and bold. You can only say that to brothers. It would have been totally misunderstood otherwise. Sometimes we may say things to people thinking they are brothers and sisters in Christ, and they are not, and we reap the misunderstanding!

This man’s heart and life and ministry exudes and demonstrates such love and compassion and concern – as well as such superb instruction and teaching – which is flowing from the…  ( Click for more )

Those who appear with false teaching can present themselves as respectable and so tolerant and may not even be aware of what they are up to – and who sent them!

This was the situation Paul confronts and wrestles with in the Galatian letter and in Chapter 4 verse 9 he writes – “Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again?” That is strong writing. Mention that type of thing in certain ‘church circles’ today and you are not likely to be appreciated. People want to do their own thing. People want to be open to new thinking and new ideas…  ( Click for more )

In his letter to the Galatians, Paul is dealing with some of the most serious, vital, and central questions, which were confronting the Church of Jesus Christ in its very early days.

These disciples of Jesus Christ were on the point of being misled on some of the most crucially important matters. Paul confronted the situation when he learned about it. Paul faced up to Peter. Paul spelled out what the issues were - and he explained why these believers must not allow themselves to be sidetracked and diverted.

Today we are facing a very similar dilemma - the issues may…  ( Click for more )

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