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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

We are in Luke Chapter 22, and this week from verse 31. Jesus Christ is spending His last night on earth with His chosen men. That is significant.

Final words are always highly significant. They have been remembering the Passover, and Jesus has given new meaning and significance to the bread and the wine.

Then there arises that dispute. They squabble as they become so interested in what their place and position might be in the coming Kingdom, and Jesus has to tell them not to be like the world. Verse 26. Don't be like everybody else. Be different. That has its cost too. Being…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 22, we are reading of Jesus and His disciples in the Upper Room and they have been celebrating the Passover, but there are other things going on, and one of the lessons we have been learning is how to serve humbly and with humility. There is a reward. Those who serve as Jesus served, and those who serve in the Name of Jesus in The Kingdom of God, are transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.

Now, it may not feel like that at times. I am sure Peter and John did not feel as though they were in some new glorious Kingdom of Light as they were…  ( Click for more )

We are in the Upper Room, and reading from Luke Chapter 22. It is the night before Jesus Christ is crucified on Calvary’s Cross, and He and His disciples are celebrating the Passover. Jesus has just given new profound meaning to the bread and the wine.

A dispute breaks out among the disciples as to who is the greatest. It is almost unbelievable that that should occur at this moment. These disciples of Jesus, this group of proud men are arguing and squabbling among themselves as to which of them was to be considered the greatest. They are jockeying for position.

They…  ( Click for more )

We are reading and studying in Luke 22 and we come to verse 24. What is the setting? Jesus and His disciples are in the process of observing The Passover Meal, and Jesus has taken the bread, and one of the Passover Cups which would have been on the table, and, Jesus gives them this new meaning and significance, for the Church, for believers, for His disciples.

The Passover is celebrated to remember that night in Egypt when the doors of the Hebrew slaves were marked with the blood of the lamb and they were inside the houses eating the lamb. They were in the lamb and the lamb was…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 22 at verse 7, Jesus asks Peter and John to go and prepare the Passover Meal. Jesus is aware of all that is going on, and the meeting place is to be kept as secret as possible. Jesus has to have one last evening with His disciples, and until the teaching has been given, nothing and no-one will be allowed to interfere.

Judas was not going to be informed; not too soon, just in case.

Peter and John are such a contrast to Judas. They are in the right place going the right way, in the right direction, in the right company, doing the right thing, and most importantly,…  ( Click for more )

We are in Luke Chapter 22. It is the Passover, a most holy and sacred time for every Jew, for every Israeli, and we read that Satan entered Judas Iscariot. He was one of the twelve, one of Jesus men; yet, his heart is open to evil. The enemy of our souls needs only a very narrow gap through which to squeeze, and once he gets in, havoc follows.

Unsurrendered sin takes over. Judas was the man who would never call Jesus LORD. He would call Him, Master and Teacher, but Lord, NO. You can question a man who is only a master. You can disagree with a teacher, but you never argue with…  ( Click for more )

We move onto Luke Chapter 22. We have been reading of the last and final week of the physical life of Jesus Christ upon this earth, the things He said, the acts He did, the people who challenged Him, and the various profound lessons He taught His disciples. We have been reading of how we must be careful that we are not deceived, nor terrified by the events of the last days.

Nor are we to be asleep, or careless, or confused, but alert, awake, and prayerful.

We now near the end. We are reading the final day, and Jesus has many very important things to say to His men. At the…  ( Click for more )

Luke Chapter 21 can be a difficult Chapter to read and study. What is Jesus actually talking about and what does He really mean when He speaks these words to His disciples? This Chapter also deals with the place of Israel, and the significance of Israel, in the plans and purposes and economy of God. Our understanding of Israel is crucially important. This is a longer study because there is no way this passage can be divided. Read it most carefully and understand what Jesus is revealing.

After speaking about the danger of deception, wars and revolutions, natural disasters and increased…  ( Click for more )

We are studying in Luke Chapter 21 and let’s be honest and admit that it is not an easy Chapter. We have been reading verses about the overthrow of Jerusalem and the Coming Again of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have looked at some of these signs which Jesus gives us, in great detail. Jesus tells us what the situation will be like, and what is going to happen as the time of His Coming Again draws near.

We must not allow ourselves to be deceived. We must not become frightened, confused, or over-excited. Jesus would have His disciples be as balanced as possible. If you are a speaker…  ( Click for more )

We are reading and studying these words of Jesus Christ in Luke Chapter 21, where Jesus is warning His disciples about what will happen one day so that they are not deceived, and so that they do not become frightened.

He explains that there will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places. There will appear what could be fearful events, and great signs from heaven.

There will be happenings in our world which could very easily make even disciples afraid. So often Jesus says, “Don't be afraid and fear not”.

Understand what He is teaching His…  ( Click for more )

Following the digression over these past five weeks when I gave some attention to Debt, Adultery, the facts surrounding the birth of Jesus, pausing to reflect at new Year and the urgent desperate need for Revival, we return to Luke Chapter 21, where Jesus begins to speak about two things; the destruction of the Temple, and His Coming Again.

His first word regarding what is going to happen is, “Watch out and do not allow yourself to be deceived. Beware of false Christs and false prophets.” They do much harm. They mislead and confuse and upset and cause distress, in…  ( Click for more )

A few years ago, on the first Saturday of January, around 80 of us met in an Inverness Hotel to consider the whole matter of 'Revival' in the Church of Jesus Christ.

Led by Dr Paul Tan, a mature Chinese Christian from Singapore, three questions guided our thinking and praying. What is Revival? Is there a need for Revival? How can we help towards Revival? For a number of years many people have been meeting regularly with the specific intention of calling upon God in prayer for revival.

Revival is frequently mentioned amongst committed disciples of Jesus Christ. We know that…  ( Click for more )

At this season of the year many make time and take time to pause and reflect. It can be good to stop and think and kneel and pray. What kind of year has it been? How have you grown spiritually? Have you accomplished and achieved what you planned to do away back in January? Has the Word of God fed you and led you?

When King David reflected, he was able to see the guiding hand of God in all his experiences.

For me one real highlight, which came as a sudden and unexpected surprise, was the invitation to return to Kenya to speak and teach at Pastors and Leaders Seminars in Kisumu…  ( Click for more )

It is because I know some of you use these studies and notes for your own preaching and teaching that I am digressing again from the on-going exposition of Luke’s Gospel, to take time to deal with various relevant and topical matters. As we are in December I am taking time to write again from Luke Chapter 2.

We need to teach our people and share with those outside the Church of Jesus Christ the truth, and give men an insight into what actually happened.

The facts surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ are stupendous and astounding. So often they are clouded over by nostalgia…  ( Click for more )

In our last study I dealt with the serious issue of debt, which can suddenly become a very real issue facing many in December, but another danger is that of ‘adultery’.

December witnesses more instances of adultery that any other single month, and the ‘office party’ or ‘works outing’ is so often the scene of the sin.

If you are a Pastor or Teacher or Bible Class Leader be prepared to speak about these practical matters which our people face almost daily.

This Commandment, “You shall not commit adultery” may just prevent someone…  ( Click for more )

December 7, 2009

In our studies in Luke, as we have watched Jesus Christ set His face to go to Calvary, various other important issues have arisen. We have become aware of how false prophets mislead the gullible and how they can upset the faithful.

There is a strong warning from Jesus that when it come nearer the time for His Coming Again, we should be careful we are not deceived pr confused or afraid or overexcited.

One relevant issue has arisen which needs addressing and attention. At this time of the year, in the month of December, there comes that gentle reminder to write on ‘Debt’…  ( Click for more )

Having warned the disciples about being deceived, one of the next things Jesus says in Luke Chapter 21 is, "Do not be frightened." Verse 9. There is a lot of fear around today as well as deception and greed and corruption and warfare and immorality and almost an explosion of sin. We need this word from Jesus.

When we see and hear of certain things going on in the world, do not be deceived or confused or afraid - and not over-excited either. This is such a relevant and apposite word for these present times.

Verse 9 teaches us that there will be many disturbing events,…  ( Click for more )

In Luke 21:5, Jesus takes His disciples across the Kidron Valley, and they sit down on the Mount of Olives, overlooking the Temple. Jesus has just spoken of the destruction of the Temple, and what the disciples are saying is, "Do you really mean that, and if so then, when?" We would have asked something very similar.

How many people over these last thirty to forty years have become almost over interested in exactly when Jesus Christ will return!

Jesus speaks about two things, and these are, the Destruction of the Temple, and His Coming Again.

It is like two…  ( Click for more )

We are in the thick of things in Luke Chapter 21. Jesus has just commended that dear widow for the offering she has given in the Temple. God saw her offering, even though everything around her appeared to be so corrupt and full of sin. No matter what is going on around you and no matter how you may become upset or angry by what you see and hear, remain faithful to Jesus Christ. He sees. He knows. He understands. Always remember that.

At this point even the disciples of Jesus are taken up with the splendour of the Temple, and Jesus has to redirect their thinking. Yes, He has to…  ( Click for more )

We have been reading these opening verses of Luke Chapter 21 and we have taken time to consider the significance of this dear woman giving everything she had, and Jesus Christ noticed it and commented.

We are not told her name, but we are reading about her. Perhaps she never knew what Jesus Christ saw in her as she gave so liberally. Jesus uses her devotion, and remarks upon her giving.

Sometimes we might never know how Jesus uses what we do, nor how He might use the words we speak.

O, it can be nice to know now and again, and encouraging, to realise that people have been…  ( Click for more )

Having been considering one of the most demanding passages of Luke with its questioning and challenging, we now move on into Chapter 21.

These words are like a breeze of fresh air, after all the questioning and criticising. Amidst all the darkness it is just like a light being switched on.

People had been giving their offerings of money, while this conversation or interrogations had been going on. Religious life had been going on as usual.

Money was thrown into a great trumpet like receptacle, noisily. Hence we call people who make a show of what they do or what they give,…  ( Click for more )

Near the end of Luke Chapter 20, having been repeatedly challenged, Jesus begins to challenge, and He challenges darkness and hypocrisy. Beware of the legalists. Beware of being in religion because of what you might get out of it. What was being covered up as the teachers of the law went around in flowing robes?

The greetings and the apparent prestige was all very subtle, but it certainly did not impress Jesus. Jesus teaches. Avoid that. They liked sitting in the best seats and being regarded as important and enjoying it. Jesus words of warning are "BEWARE"!

What…  ( Click for more )

As we complete Luke Chapter 20 and prepare to move into Chapter 21, a question arises is my mind. Why is there all this challenging? Why is Jesus Christ being challenged by so many people, and when you read it, it is more than a challenge. It is attack.

Well, the Son of God, the Saviour, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings has finally arrived in Jerusalem to do His Saving Rescuing Work, and where there is life there is challenge, and where there is light, darkness will not appreciate that.

Do you not find that as you serve Jesus Christ and as you seek to serve Jesus Christ…  ( Click for more )

Oh no! Not another group coming to challenge Jesus. Jesus has had nothing but opposition from the various religious leaders since he entered Jerusalem during His final week on earth prior to Calvary and all the suffering and sacrifice which He went through there. We need to learn from this so that when we face ridicule, hardship and persecution, we will have a degree of understanding what is happening. The Psalmist has much to teach us in this area too.

We are reading in Luke Chapter 20 and from verse 27. We have been reading of various groups of people coming to Jesus Christ…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 20 verse 25, Jesus Christ calls us to give things to God - these things we have mentioned in previous studies but let me repeat them. There are times when we too have to ask ourselves. Are we giving to God what is God's? Truly? Wholly? Totally? Are we giving to Him all that He wants from us? Our lives? Our voices? Our hands? Our talents? Our gifts? Our minds? To surrender our minds to God and to begin to think the way He thinks can be one of the very difficult areas. Jesus can be very challenging, when we realise what we have to surrender to God, but that is always…  ( Click for more )

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