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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

February 13, 2017

Let me complete Galatians Chapter 1, before moving on to the 'Fruit of the Spirit' in Chapter 5. Paul is writing this amazingly practical letter to believers - to disciples of Jesus Christ, who have been deceived by false teachers. They have tasted and experienced so much of what has been real, but they are deserting and reverting to legalism. You must keep the old law and observe all the old rituals. Now I have seen this happen all over the place. This is not 'theory'. This is happening in Scotland. People revert to 'norm'. That is a very real danger. …  ( Click for more )

February 6, 2017

Let's turn to the letter to the Galatians. My desire and plan is to write on the 'Fruit of the Spirit' but an introduction to the letter might be advantageous for some. What an amazing letter this is, as it deals with some of the real problems which are presently facing the Church of Jesus Christ. Paul is writing to believers - to disciples of Jesus. He is writing to men and women who have tasted something of the Mercy and Love and Forgiveness of Jesus Christ, and of the Power of the Holy Spirit. But, they were deserting God, and they were falling back into what…  ( Click for more )

We have been reading the scene and learning something of the significance of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in Mark Chapter, and in verses 9 to 13, we read that Jesus commands His disciples, do not tell anyone until I have risen from the dead.

No one could possibly understand the significance of this incident.

When that experience is all over the disciples have questions. Why does Jesus keep telling people not to tell people who He is?

Is this not what we are supposed to do? What is going on here? The time was not right.

1 - Jesus needed…  ( Click for more )

The focus changes as Jesus Christ, the Son of God, takes three disciples up to the summit of Mount Hermon. We move on into Mark Chapter 9.

We have seen who Jesus is – now we are learning something of the purpose of His coming – what Jesus came to do.

These Chapters lead us up to that time when Jesus made His way to Jerusalem and to the Cross.

Jesus uses every opportunity to teach His disciples, and there is an increasing sense of urgency – this is what you must not forget.

As soon as Peter declares “You are the Christ” – Jesus…  ( Click for more )

Taking up our cross has never been easy and it certainly is no easier today – especially in lands where church buildings are being burned down, and where people are arrested and imprisoned simply because they believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

We seem to need to many words at times today, because people may have their own idea and ideas of Jesus Christ, and we must never move from the revelation given us in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

In Mark Chapter 8, Jesus is speaking about suffering, rejection, being killed,…  ( Click for more )

Having taken a break to Luke at the birth of Jesus Christ in Luke’s Gospel we return to the Gospel of Mark.

In Mark Chapter 8 we read for the first time that Jesus Christ must suffer – and must be rejected – and must be killed – and must rise again.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, gave His life willingly. He laid it down, we read in the Gospel of John. No man took it from Him. Man was used, yes – but Jesus Christ surrendered, and shed His blood, and gave His life willingly and sacrificially on the cross.

Blood in the Bible means…  ( Click for more )

As we launch out into 2016 may there be that dedication and commitment in your heart and mind to serve our living God, faithfully and loyally and obediently and graciously. It is going to be needed as the spiritual battle becomes fiercer.

Soldiers prepare in times of peace for times of war. That applies to solders of the Cross too.

We are in Luke Chapter 2 and at verse 25, we read of an old man named Simeon. He was righteous and devout and godly. He was waiting to see the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. Mary and Joseph had taken Jesus to the Temple to…  ( Click for more )

We come to Luke Chapter 2 and verses 21 to 40. Amazing circumstances surrounded John the Baptist when he was 8 days old. Amazing and wonderful things happened, when Jesus was 8 days old, and significant things were said. Many are unaware of the importance of what happened on this occasion.

When Jesus is 8 days old, it is time to circumcise Him, and name Him JESUS. Joseph and Mary take Him to The Temple in Jerusalem to present Him to The Lord.

These verses might appear quite unfamiliar to many. This scene is almost totally overlooked and ignored, yet this is just…  ( Click for more )

Many will be considering preaching on, and teaching, and speaking about, the birth of Jesus Christ over these next few days.

We move into Luke Chapter 2. We do need to remember too that Jesus was not born in December, but more likely during the Feast of Tabernacles.

In Luke Chapter 2 we read of a ruler issuing a decree. Everyone in the Roman Empire is to be registered. Caesar Augustus orders a census, and this involves all the heads of households - all the men folks - to go to their own cities.

For Joseph, that means an 80 mile journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.…  ( Click for more )

We are reading, and studying, these opening verses of Luke Chapter 1. Zechariah was a faithful priest in a day when there was not a lot of faithfulness around.

I wonder how many people thought, “Look at that silly old priest going away to conduct a service - and say prayers - and preach something - a message - which no-one really wants to hear.” How many people might say that of us as we meet for Worship and Prayer week by week?

Ignore it - forget it - overlook it. Let people say what they want. If you know you are right in the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ,…  ( Click for more )

December 5, 2016

There is a new battle for the truth, the authority and authenticity of the Word of God.

There always has been, but it is undoubtedly going to become fiercer as we move into 2017.

I am breaking off from Mark’s Gospel to turn to Luke. The situation has changed dramatically in the past year, in Europe, in the United Kingdom, and in the United States of America – but the Word of God is unchanging and the Word of God is relevant no matter what circumstances are.

We need to know – or have our minds refreshed – as to who the Lord Jesus Christ…  ( Click for more )

Many people had been looking for a political Saviour to set them from the rule of the Romans, but Jesus Christ, the Son of God had come to set people free from sin and self. Many today would want to be set free from certain political rulers, no matter where we live.

“We do not much like the present government but if we get a change we will like the next one!” How often has that been said? That is not the answer and never will be.

Thinking of that song, “We have a King who rides a donkey, and His Name is Jesus.” That is the King –…  ( Click for more )

As we move onto Mark Chapter 8 and verse 27, we come to what has been regarded as a significant development in the account of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as written by Mark. This is almost a watershed.

The Gospel of Mark leads up to this point, and flows from it. It builds up to a peak, as we move on to the Cross after this point. The Gospel begins at the Jordan which is low, and today we are on Mount Hermon – the highest place in Israel.

Miracles and parable almost disappear, and Jesus stops speaking about the Kingdom of God, and…  ( Click for more )

In Mark Chapter 8 verse 1 - we have the feeding the 4,000. Might this sound familiar?

These people have been around Jesus for three days. Jesus has compassion for these people.

This time we have seven loaves and seven baskets.

How can we feed them?

How could the disciples ask this question? They had seen what had happened previously. They had seen a miracle and they don’t believe that it can be repeated.

We can be like that and this indicates the hardness of our hearts. We can be very difficult and unbelieving at times – I know my own…  ( Click for more )

Jesus went into a Gentile territory. Mark Chapter 7 verse 24.

Jesus has been challenging the legalistic convenient position of the religious Pharisees.

This was part of the Promised Land although Gentile territory at that time.

Please do read the text of the Scriptures before going further. It always pays to read the actual text of the Bible. God loves to reward those who make the effort to read His Word. Be in the Word of God every day.

Jesus is not all that interested in our geopolitical squabbles. Jesus is concerned about people, and yet strong stern…  ( Click for more )

The Pharisees gave a tenth of their income, and that is to be commended. This was right, but they had taken it further than it was meant to go, and they took it in a narrower manner, to suit themselves. It was quite convenient.

We are reading in the Gospel of Mark at Chapter 7 and verse 8. The Pharisees were really good at keeping their own traditions.

CORBAN was a gift devoted to God. Learn the significance of this appalling attitude.

They could not support their father and mother because of what they were giving to God. They were to honour their parents…  ( Click for more )

The people whom you would have expected to have been Jesus' most keen supporters were opposed to Him. It is a surprise. They were antagonistic. The religious leaders did not welcome the Messiah. Here we see the contrast between Christianity and religion. This is not a religion - and we need to be reminded of that and people need to hear this truth. Chapter 7 of Mark's Gospel has much to say to us about the danger of becoming over familiar with the things of God. The Pharisees were like a political party in Israel. They were a very strict…  ( Click for more )

Jesus has just been teaching the people and feeding 5,000 men. We saw how Jesus satisfied these men and women. They were taught and fed and filled and satisfied. That is our task as Pastors and Teachers of the Word of God. We are in Mark Chapter 6 and verse 45. Jesus sent the disciples off in a boat to make their way to Bethsaida, while Jesus went to pray. There was another wind blowing trouble on these waters. Jesus saw the trouble and difficulty the disciples were in and Jesus left His time of prayer and walked down the hillside and kept…  ( Click for more )

October 10, 2016

Jesus Christ sees people as sheep without a shepherd. We see that more and more today. It is much more common than when I was 'ordained' into 'the ministry' in 1968. Many people had a 'church connection' at that time. I know not what it meant - but God knew - and God cared - and God saw the need. We come to Mark Chapter 6 and verse 34. Jesus sees these people in real need - they need care - guidance - protection - the help which only the loving Shepherd can give. Many people discover where Jesus and the disciples have gone and they make their way there. …  ( Click for more )

Jesus is constantly on the move – travelling quite a bit in these Chapters in Mark’s Gospel. We move onto Mark Chapter 6.

Jesus was so misunderstood, and Jesus continues to be misunderstood. Did Jesus become lonely? He was popular to a degree. His popularity was quite limited.

We may have been taught that Jesus was quite nice to everybody – and that is not true – and we may have been taught in early days or heard that everyone was quite nice to Jesus and that was so wrong too.

I do not remember hearing some of the passages we are read…  ( Click for more )

September 26, 2016

Have you noticed that in each section of Mark’s Gospel, Mark reveals a little more about Jesus – His power – His purpose – His self understanding of who He is.

We said it was a story – and more than a story – but Mark is an expert story teller – but at the same time Mark is a faithful reporter.

The Sea of Galilee is some 700 feet below Sea Level. This is the lowest place on the face of the earth.

The cold air from the mountains falls down upon the warm waters and there are thunderstorms and squalls.

Fishermen were used…  ( Click for more )

A prominent citizen is in need – a ruler in the local synagogue – and there is a need in his family – his 12 year old daughter – and a girl of 12 was like what our 21 used to be. She could become engaged and ready to set out on life. We are in Mark Chapter 5 at verse 21.

My daughter is in need of help – come and help – come and heal – he is quite specific. There are times when in prayer we have to be quite specific.

Jairus would be a man of understanding in the community and a man of devotion to God – and for some reason…  ( Click for more )

Jesus and His disciples have sailed across the Lake of Galilee following that sudden storm. They have emerged from what was a real moment of danger. We move on to Mark Chapter 5.

There are towns on the tops of the hills – we are in the region of the Decapolis, ten cities east of the Galilean Lake – but in the cliffs there are caves – and there were very needy people living in these caves – away from society – isolated – alone.

This man comes screaming. There is a supernatural strength here – and supernatural knowledge –…  ( Click for more )

September 5, 2016

Life is not always calm and still. Our lives are not always filled with peace.

We face various storms – and globally, storms appear to be increasing in intensity and severity. There are now storms where previously there were hardly any storms.

We move from the parables in Mark to the miracles – from words to works, and we come to Mark Chapter 4 at verse 35. Do read the text. Always check the text.

Four miracles follow – and Jesus Christ is in control of these troublesome situations – dangers – demon influences – and disease…  ( Click for more )

We are reading through Mark Chapter 4 having looked at why Jesus used Parables in His teaching, and if we turn to John Chapter 8 and verse 45, we learn that it is the truth that blinds, or deafens, or hardens!

Jesus will not cast His pearls before swine.

2 Thessalonians 2 verses 10,11 teach us that people perish because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved. God can send a powerful delusion so that some people will believe a lie.

Believe the truth. Do not delight in wickedness.

Jesus reveals things hidden in Scripture. The parables speak of this…  ( Click for more )

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