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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

We are dealing with a profoundly serious issue in this letter to disciples of Jesus Christ and it happens to be a matter not readily read and understood today. We are in Galatians Chapter 3 and verse 21 and moving on into Chapter 4.

Do you see what would have happened if circumcision had come back into the Church of Jesus Christ - and then sitting at separate tables had come back in – and then other legalistic behaviour and rituals had been allowed to creep in? This has actually happened and many are totally unaware of the dangers.

Do not think this to be so very…  ( Click for more )

We are reading and studying Galatians Chapter 3 verse 21 and moving on into Chapter 4. Paul is writing to believers in Jesus Christ who are facing that temptation which comes to us all - to compromise - to change what God has given us through Jesus Christ - to use that morsel of pride that might have remained within - and try to work our passage to heaven or to be regarded as righteous in the eyes of God, in some way, by what we do or achieve.

The law had imprisoned, and there were those who had come into Galatia seeking to re-imprison liberated released believers in Jesus Christ…  ( Click for more )

Do we not wonder sometimes just what God is doing? We are in this challenging Chapter 3 of the letter to the disciples of Jesus Christ in Galatia. Paul is seeking to answer this difficult question – what is the place and purpose of the Commandments and where does the mercy and grace and love and forgiveness of God fit into all this?

It became a real problem then and for many it remains a serious issue today. False teachers had thrown and shaken these disciples of Jesus – and wherever they appear they continue to throw and shake and even undermine. There are…  ( Click for more )

Galatians 3 verses 19 to 29 - Is this not one of the most difficult sections of Paul's letter to these believers in Jesus Christ, but we can get the feeling of what he is saying as well as the meaning.

None of us could keep all the Commandments in the Old Testament, and that is why many wonder, "What do we do with the Old Testament?"

It has been described as like a flex with two strands twined together - one linked to Abraham and one linked to Moses, and these two strands of promise and the law, lead us right through to Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.…  ( Click for more )

We are reading Galatians Chapter 3 and we have focused on verse 6. When dealing with this crucial issue of legalism and licence in the Church of Jesus Christ Paul takes these believers in Jesus back to the Scripture. We looked at Genesis Chapter 15. Experience and fads and fashions and whatever is new - no matter who brings them and no matter where they come from - is not good enough. Everything in the Church of Jesus Christ has to be based and grounded upon The Word of God. Paul refers these disciples to Abraham. There are only two religions if we dare use that…  ( Click for more )

We are reading the letter to Galatians but in Chapter 3 verse 6, Paul writes – “Consider Abraham” – and there is a significant reference to what happened in Genesis Chapter 15. We looked at the first part of Genesis 15 last week.

"Do not be afraid, Abraham. God calls him by name. I am your very great reward."

These kings had been fighting, and had offered him material goods - possessions - riches - and Abraham had refused them. He knew when to say ‘NO’.

And now GOD is reassuring him. I am your very great reward. …  ( Click for more )

In Galatians Chapter 3, we are reading of how to avoid some of the greatest dangers which can confront believers in the Church of Jesus Christ - legalism - carnality - and witchcraft. Men like to make rules and regulations - even believing that if you keep these, these could make you right in the eyes of God - righteous in the sight of God.

How did you begin asks Paul - was it by keeping the law - the laws of the Old Covenant - or was it when you came to believe in Jesus Christ? Was that how you were filled with the Holy Spirit - by doing and striving and keeping and sacrificing?…  ( Click for more )

We come to Galatians Chapter 3 verse 2 - these people were Pentecostals or ‘charismatics’ - people who were born again - filled with the Holy Spirit - and birthed into the Kingdom of God under the ministry of Paul, but they had lost their vision of the Cross. They had been influenced in a negative way. They had been bewitched - it was as if they were a spiritual daze. Someone had looked at them as if to say - don't think Jesus Christ is enough - you need the law - circumcision - you need to keep the Ten Commandments, for righteousness in the eyes of God. …  ( Click for more )

Galatians 3 and verse 1 - what a verse! Paul is writing to those fairly new believers in Jesus who have been duped and deceived. It is a tragic situation - a situation which is presently confronting the visible church. This letter is so relevant to what we are currently facing today. These Christian Fellowships had turned away from their initial desire to serve Jesus Christ in the Power of the Holy Spirit, and flow in that anointing of living water. They were slowly turning to rules and rituals and regulations. Trivial matters were becoming important. Irrelevant…  ( Click for more )

In Galatians Chapter 2, Paul has been pleading with Peter - and more than that - confronting Peter - "Peter, don't slip back into legalism".

Think of what is at stake - the Gospel of Jesus Christ - our freedom in Christ. We are saved - rescued - forgiven - shown mercy and love - we receive peace from God - and we do not have to do anything to merit all that. It is a GIFT from GOD - yes, a very costly gift. Let me define Legalism - "Legalism is an attempt to achieve righteousness with God by keeping a set of rules. Legalism is adding requirement for righteousness…  ( Click for more )

In Galatians Chapter 2 and verse 11, we read of Peter coming to Antioch, and Paul opposes him, face to face. Why? Because he was in the wrong. What was the problem? Peter had been set free from eating only with Jews, but now he would not sit down at the table of the Gentiles - non-Jews - and have a meal with them.

Somebody came to him and tapped him on the shoulder and said, "Peter, you should not be eating with Gentiles. They are not of our denomination. Peter withdrew. Peter stopped eating with the likes of us Gentiles, and had his meals only with Jews, which…  ( Click for more )

We are in Galatians Chapter 2 and verses 11 to 21. In this letter, Paul is dealing with a question which is facing the Church of Jesus Christ today. It is not a new question. This is not a new problem. In fact, there are very few new problems!

It is the question of Legalism and Licence - whether or not we are under laws or whether we are free in Christ.

These are places where Paul had preached and taught and founded fellowships, and he is seeing his work undermined, but more importantly - he is seeing the Gospel of Jesus Christ undermined.

We know these believers…  ( Click for more )

In Galatians Chapter 2 and verse 2, Paul is deeply concerned that these disciples did not take a stronger stand where it was necessary to do so - and in Jerusalem he did all this, privately, among those who seemed to be leaders. Then God had it all written down, that we might read and learn and understand. A massive danger was avoided.

Paul defends his calling. He wanted what he was preaching and teaching to be protected, and not just validated.

If the leadership had buckled under, on this matter of circumcision, or on any other issue of legalism, he felt he would…  ( Click for more )

Following that incident outside Damascus when the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, apprehended and arrested Saul of Tarsus, the exciting adventure and narrative continued.

We are in Galatians Chapter 1. The apostle Paul spent some three years in the wilderness. Jesus spent His first 30 years in obscurity. Moses was 40 years in the desert looking after sheep.

These can be dark days, but there are treasures in the darkness. Sometimes to find the real treasures we have to go through days of darkness, whatever they might be for you.

God had His…  ( Click for more )

We have spent some time considering the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians Chapter 5. I return to the opening Chapter of Galatians before going to further studies in Paul’s profound letter.

In Galatians Chapter 1, God is saying to us through the opening words of this amazing letter - Do not mess with the message and do not mess with the messenger”. It is all there, and it is so relevant today, because there have been those, and there are those, who are tampering with the content of the Gospel and various messengers of the Gospel.

Paul, the servant of Jesus…  ( Click for more )

We come to this final segment of the fruit of the Holy Spirit – self-control – one fruit – nine segments, like an orange. O, how many people would like to be able to exercise self-control! Our loving gracious concerned caring God desires to grow this quality within the lives of disciples of Jesus Christ. Read them again - there is almost a sense of blessing in reading them - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control. Now there is no law against any of these nine qualities. There is no law which…  ( Click for more )

We come to look at the eighth of these qualities or characteristics in the fruit of the Holy Spirit - Gentleness - or Meekness - or Humility. We always need to remember that these are not natural qualities and characteristics - but supernatural. These words have become part of our everyday language, but we are looking at the fruit of God the Holy Spirit in the lives of disciples of Jesus Christ. We have been looking at the Love of God - the Joy of God - the Peace of God - and we are considering this as the Gentleness - or Meekness of God. Meekness is NOT weakness.…  ( Click for more )

Faithfulness is a commodity that is in short supply. Faithfulness - or fidelity - is that quality of reliability - or trustworthiness - which makes a person someone upon whom you can utterly rely - and whose word you can believe receive and accept. That is in short supply - even within the visible Church.

We are reading slowly of the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians Chapter 5. Jesus Christ wants to grow in us, through the Holy Spirit, this quality of faithfulness. Jesus is showing us how to live in the Kingdom of God while still around in this present world - this…  ( Click for more )

Goodness is part of the fruit of the Spirit. We are looking at the fruit of the Holy Spirit in Galatians Chapter 5, and we have spent time meditating upon these first five - and we come to this word GOODNESS. When Jesus Christ comes to a man - meets a man - changes a man - there can be such an amazing transformation. And then when that man surrenders totally to the Lordship of Jesus Christ - giving all to Christ and for Christ - when there is such a positive response - remarkable fruit can be produced in that life - as it is presented to God and surrendered to God.…  ( Click for more )

We are spending time looking at the fruit of the Holy Spirit – in Galatians Chapter 5 – one segment of the fruit at a time - that fruit which God grows within us - as He works upon us - fashioning our character - changing us and transforming us.

Love - Joy - Peace - Patience - and we now come to KINDNESS or GENTLENESS. All around us we see revealed - the hatred and violence and wickedness and sinfulness of men - and we see in Jesus Christ, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, and this supernatural characteristic, Kindness. There are certain things which do…  ( Click for more )

We are spending time looking at the fruit of the Holy Spirit - nine characteristics in the ONE FRUIT - and today we come to Patience – or longsuffering. We have been reading of what has to be removed - and weeded out - and then what is to be encouraged and cultivated. Remember these words of Jesus in John 15 - "Apart from me you can do nothing." He is the vine - we are the branches - if you are apart from ME - severed from ME - wandering away from ME - you can do nothing - strong challenging words indeed. But what does Jesus mean - because you can do…  ( Click for more )

Love, Joy, Peace – the fruit of the Spirit – we have looked at these first two and today we come to Peace. In John 14 verse 27, we read of Jesus Christ's last will and testament. This was His only legacy. He had nothing else to leave. He had no material possessions of any kind which could be divided up among the men He had chosen and loved.

He bequeathed the one thing in His power to give - PEACE. Could there have been a more priceless possession? Can there be a quality more precious than the peace of God? So many people seek after PEACE. They will…  ( Click for more )

We are in Galatians 5 looking at the fruit of the Holy Spirit - what should appear and grow when God the Holy Spirit is at work in those who belong to Jesus Christ the Son of God our Saviour and Lord. We move right on to this word JOY. Just one brief word of recapitulation – God has been telling us in this section of Paul's letter what to get rid of - what to root out of our lives - and crucify. And then, we are told what can grow when we provide the right conditions, and do all we can to cultivate our branch in the vine. Jesus gives us all we need to let these…  ( Click for more )

We have reached these thrilling verses in Galatians 5 where we learn that God the Holy Spirit wants to grow fruit in our lives. He wants to take these lives of ours - rescued from sin by Jesus Christ the Son - and His desire is to produce fruit on these branches of the vine. Now if that does not excite a man, I do not know what will. We looked briefly at this first word 'love'. Remember the setting. We do not want to take this word out of context. We have been reading of what to get rid of, and what to cultivate. Ugly things can raise their ugly destructive heads,…  ( Click for more )

Having spent two weeks looking briefly at the Galatians Chapter 1, let's now move on to Chapter 5 verse 22, where we come to look at the 'fruit of the Spirit' - the fruit of the Holy Spirit - the fruit which God desires to produce in our lives. These articles are bit longer than previous pieces, simply because of the nature of the subject. Verses 22,23 must be among the most beautiful words which you could find to read anywhere - listen to them again. Read them yet again. Is there anyone who could suggest any improvement? It would be a daring man who would seek…  ( Click for more )

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