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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

In Exodus Chapter 2 a baby is born. It is Moses and his mother is Jochebed. For the first three months after the birth of Moses, this man who would become the leader of the people of God, would have been kept in the woman’s part of the house or tent. Can you imagine that primitive domestic……  ( Click for more )
In Exodus Chapters 1 and 2, the Hebrew people began to grow and multiply and increase – becoming a real threat to Egypt – and tensions rise. Whenever you get a minority group increasing and growing it can become a threat. Are we not seeing that in our own nation in these times? A new……  ( Click for more )
Pharaoh in Egypt feared for the growth of the Children of Israel – hardship arises. Finally, a leader is born – during the first pogrom – how did all this happen? The Hebrews are slaves in Egypt, which was heavily fortified country – and God is their Redeemer – the God and Father of our……  ( Click for more )
Exodus Chapter 1 – Let’s read something of how it all came about. EXODUS means ‘going out’. This is a book about leaving one place and arriving in another place. It is a highly exciting escape story – and one of the greatest dramas in history. Over 2 million people……  ( Click for more )
Leviticus 23 verses 33 to 43 - where we read about The Feast of Tabernacles. What is the significance of the Feast of Tabernacles - for the Jews - and for those of us who are disciples of Jesus Christ? Well - for us - this is the time of year when probably Jesus was born - but also - this is a season……  ( Click for more )
That most solemn day for Jews, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is remembered this week. The day begins on Sunday 24 September and last for 25 hours. It is Predictive and Prophetic. (We take a brief break from our readings in Philippians.) The Lord spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons……  ( Click for more )
We read this final section of Paul’s letter at Philippians Chapter 4 verse 13 – I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. These words are penned by a man in prison in Rome. Even if I have nothing, I can do whatever Jesus Christ wants me to do because He will give me strength.……  ( Click for more )
In Philippians Chapter 4 at verse 10, we read that Paul had received a gift from these disciples of Jesus and he is so grateful. Did he need the gift? Well, yes and no! Yes, he needed the gift to meet his physical needs – but he had also learned to be content – gift or no gift – and……  ( Click for more )
With what does God want us to fill our minds? Here is the answer in His Word – and we find it in Philippians Chapter 4 and verses 4 to 9. Read them carefully. Our thought life is so vitally important – what we think about – what we dwell on, and oh how we are assailed and attacked……  ( Click for more )
Does God care more for His pets and His plants than His people? No! No! And Jesus makes that so clear and evident in Matthew Chapter 6. Our gracious loving God is so concerned about people. We read in Philippians Chapter 4 and verse 6 - In everything, by prayer, and petition,……  ( Click for more )
August 14, 2023
Philippians Chapter 4 verse 1 – Therefore my brothers – stand firm. His brothers were also his friends! Therefore – as a consequence of all that has gone before – stand firm! What has he been sharing with these dear brothers in Christ – because of my chains……  ( Click for more )
Philippians Chapter 3 and we are in verse 7 following – although we have been reading of Paul recounting what he had been, and to some people all this mighty appear highly impressive. It is his C.V. – before Christ! It meant absolutely nothing compared to having met……  ( Click for more )
In Philippians Chapter 3 verse 4 onward, Paul goes on to give another aspect to his testimony, as he lists the things he thought which might have commended him to God. These were worthless. When it came to self-righteousness, it would be difficult to beat Saul of Tarsus. This man had everything……  ( Click for more )
We move on to Philippians Chapter 3 verse 1 – Preachers and teachers can derive great comfort from these opening words – Finally – and he is only halfway through – ‘moving on’. Paul is writing to brothers. This document is not primarily for the world. This is for……  ( Click for more )
We are reading Philippians Chapter 2 and we move on from verse 19 – Paul plans to send Timothy – to cheer them up – and so that he can be cheered up too. That implies something – he was not always cheery. This is a very real personal and practical letter, and Paul reveals a lot……  ( Click for more )
We have been reading in Philippians Chapter 2 of how Jesus Christ, the Son of God, laid aside all his glory and came to earth to save us – to rescue us – to heal us – to give us light – to love us with a love we could never have experienced anywhere else. He descended not only……  ( Click for more )
We are reading in Philippians Chapter 2 and verses 5 to 11 – it is a wonderful hymn or poem of the early Church of Jesus Christ. Jesus allowed men to strip him of everything and nail him to a tree. It was a humiliating death! Look at what he permits as he comes clothed in humility. What……  ( Click for more )
Philippians 2 verses 5 following, continue the challenge. Your attitude should be the same as that of Jesus Christ. We need to recall the words leading up to this verse. If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ – if you have experienced anything of His comforting love……  ( Click for more )
As we read these opening verses of Philippians Chapter 2, see clearly that the first thing to which Paul appeals is Jesus and his love. His love holds you in certain situation. You may have wanted to run away, but if Jesus has held you in his love, then we have something on which to build our Christian……  ( Click for more )
We are in Philippians Chapter 2 – To be called to preach and teach and explain the Word of God to others is always an awesome task – and sometimes it can be harder than at other times, especially when you come to a passage like this. We have seen how Paul is so very personal – sharing……  ( Click for more )
We come to Philippians Chapter 1 and verse 27 where we learn that Paul’s main concern is for these people –– this colony of heaven at Philippi could be destroyed by cracking up from the inside, or by external danger. Paul wants to speak to these disciples of Jesus about this. They……  ( Click for more )
We come to Philippians Chapter 1 and at verse 19 where Paul now turns to the future. He could soon be in his grave. He is facing death. The Word of God should always be preparing us to face death. This subject is still taboo today, because people are not prepared for death. Death will either come……  ( Click for more )
Paul is writing to the Church of Jesus Christ in Philippi from prison in Rome. Rome was the only church he wrote to that he had not been instrumental in founding. Paul had experienced the Sovereign Grace of God. He knew how God worked and moved. It is good to learn from a man who knows – especially in this……  ( Click for more )
Philippians Chapter 1 and verse 12, where Paul writes – I want you to know. There are truths and lessons which our gracious loving God wants us to know. It is Satan’s work to spread lies and rumours – but he could not do it – unless he had someone who would do his dirty work……  ( Click for more )
In Philippians Chapter 1 at verse 8, Paul reveals something of his pastor’s heart. Verse 8 – I feel homesick for you – I carry you in my heart – I yearn for you. What an extraordinary sentence and expression. Heart and lungs and kidneys are the organs that……  ( Click for more )
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