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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

We are in these opening words of the Gospel of John, where John goes right back to the beginning. You cannot go further back than the beginning! What John is saying is that even at the very beginning, even at Creation, He already existed.

God the Son Who became the Man Jesus Christ has always been. Before anything else was, He existed, and Jesus lives today, and He always will.

You come across people who still ask that silly question, “Who made God, then?” It is like asking where is the beginning of a circle! If only people would take up the Word of God and read…  ( Click for more )

We have been looking at why there are four Gospels and what were the main reasons for John writing his account of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, because it is so very different from the other three.

John 1 verse 1. John wants us to believe and to believe correctly, and to believe what is right, and to believe what is worth believing. We cannot afford to base our life’s work on something that is untrue, or on a myth, or a legend, or rumour or hoax, and having been a disciple of Jesus Christ, and a preacher and teacher for some 60 years, John saw some funny teachings…  ( Click for more )

Having given just a brief introduction to the Gospel of John we still have one or two issues to look at before we go to the text.

Why was this book written? Does it have any specific and particular purpose?

In Chapter 20 verses 30,31, we read, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God, and that believing you might have life through His name.

Not even John could write everything down. No-one could do that. John had to select. John had to pick and choose, but note his motive, “that you might believe”.

Around 100 times John…  ( Click for more )

Having completed Acts and the Gospel of Luke we now begin reading and studying John’s Gospel. Why are there four Gospel and not just one account?

The Gospels are not photographs of Jesus. They are more like portraits.

Mark relied upon Simon Peter for much of his information, then Matthew and Luke wrote their accounts of the life and ministry of Jesus, and they concentrate upon what Jesus said and did. Matthew writes from the angle of the Jews and it is very much a Jewish view or standpoint. Luke appears and writes as a Gentile and almost for Gentiles – that is…  ( Click for more )

We were reading of these two disheartened and downcast disciples of Jesus Christ as they left Jerusalem on resurrection afternoon to make their way to Emmaus. It is all recorded for us in Luke Chapter 24. The conversation is serious and these men are disappointed or angry and we might even suggest depressed.

In verse 25 Jesus takes over. How foolish and how slow you are to believe, ALL THAT THE PROPHETS HAVE SPOKEN.

The risen Jesus gave them a Bible Study, from Moses and the prophets. Some people think Bible Studies are dry dull and boring. Not a bit of it!

Jesus acted…  ( Click for more )

We come to this final section in the Gospel of Luke. We are in Chapter 24 and at verse 13. Jesus Christ is risen and alive, and it is mid-afternoon on Resurrection Day. A lot has been going on. These past two weeks have been fairly traumatic for everyone and we have looked at the events in some detail.

Two disciples of Jesus are walking the seven miles or from Jerusalem to Emmaus.

They appear to have so much to say to each other. They have been in Jerusalem and they had seen Jesus Christ crucified, and now they think it is all over. Do you ever think that?

Do you ever…  ( Click for more )

Problems and fears arise when we forget the Word of the Lord. This is what happened to the women when they made their way to the tomb on Resurrection Morning. They were hearing what common sense was saying, and they had forgotten what Jesus had said.

Never forget what Jesus Christ has said and taught. If we do, fear and doubt and confusion and worse can wriggle their way in.

We saw Him taken down from the Cross. He was dead and laid in the tomb, therefore He will remain lying there. They were so wrong. Things had changed. They had expected things to be as they had always…  ( Click for more )

Now, we come to that other vital aspect which lies right at the very heart of our Christian Faith - the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - that amazing event for which words are inadequate - we can but Worship and give thanks.

No other faith in the whole world has a Leader Who is Alive. Are the others not simply philosophies where one tries one best but that can never be good enough?

In Luke Chapter 24 we read of some women making their way through the streets of Jerusalem. It is around half-past five in the morning. It must have been a long wait, since the body of Jesus Christ…  ( Click for more )

Over these past two months, reading from Luke Chapters 22,23, we have moved slowly through, from that Passover meal in the Upper Room in Jerusalem through the Garden of Gethsemane and the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Saviour and Lord. Consider some of the people in these verses.

Firstly, Pilate. Pilate wanted to do the right things, but he didn't. It is so strange. Why? He knew what he ought to do but couldn't bring himself to do it. He had power. Politically he was the most powerful man on the scene. In one sense he had the power of life and death.…  ( Click for more )

We have been spending weeks looking at some of the details leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In Luke Chapter 23 and verses 39 to 41, we read that Jesus is crucified between two criminals.

It is interesting that Jesus does not correct their thinking on capital punishment. At this time of writing I have just been asked to give two talks on “The Biblical View of Capital Punishment”. We cannot go into all the salient details in this study but it is an important topic. Murder is not only theft. Murder is sacrilege.

Today, the television…  ( Click for more )

“For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?”

One friend, when he has gone on speaking engagements, has read these words and then has asked, “Now where does this sentence come from? Old Testament, New Testament, or William Shakespeare?” The majority have usually been wrong, and yet these words are spoken by Jesus as he approaches Calvary.

We are in Luke Chapter 23 and at verse 31. Is this the most unknown verse in the New Testament? These words are spoken just before Jesus Christ is crucified. What does He mean?…  ( Click for more )

After a most exhausting and draining thirty hours or so, Jesus Christ is led away to be crucified. We are in Luke Chapter 23 and at verse 26. The authorities force a dark skinned man from Tripoli to carry this heavy wooden beam. No Roman would carry the cross, and the Romans would not ask a Jew, not in this situation, in the middle of a Religious Festival. It was the Passover.

Simon of Cyrene carries the cross of Jesus, and this man received a mighty reward. It appears from Mark 15 and verse 21 that he and his wife and two sons became disciples of Jesus.

No man carries the…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 23 and at verse 24, Pilate caved in, and gave the people what they wanted. He is so weak. He is so spineless. He has no moral backbone, and just goes along with the critics of Christ Jesus and with the crowd.

In reality, it was not Jesus who was on trial. It was them! Jesus is going to the Father, admittedly by a very painful route, but it was essential. The sacrificial lamb has to be slain.

Pilate's pathetic actions, and Herod's rage, and the evil plans of the religious leaders, cannot stop Jesus Christ from fulfilling the will of the Father and doing His…  ( Click for more )

We are in Luke Chapter 23 and in verse 12 we read Pilate and Herod, who had been enemies, became friends that day.

Foes of God and enemies of Jesus Christ, frequently become friends, and begin to talk together, conspiring against the body of Christ. This is happening all across our world as people oppose the Word of God and the Church of Jesus Christ.

I wonder how deep their friendship was, and how long it lasted?

I know we are moving quite slowly through this section in Luke’s Gospel but there is much to take in and study. When you are taking your people through…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 23 the whole united assembly march Jesus Christ off across town from the House of Caiaphas the High Priest to Roman Governor Pilate.

There is an array of false charges and when they cannot get Jesus on one charge they changes the charge. In verse 5 the charges change again. Now, these men are becoming annoyed and rattled, and they are becoming fiercer.

They say that Jesus is a troublemaker who is stirring up the people and upsetting everyone everywhere with his teaching.

As soon as Pilate hears the word Galilee, he says, O Jesus is from Galilee? It is Herod…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 22 from verse 63, we read of Jesus Christ being persecuted for righteousness sake. He said this would happen and now it is happening and we need constant reminding of how this wave of persecution is causing much suffering within the body of Christ around our world in these present times and the ferocity of this persecution appears to be escalating. We have seen this happen within our own nation over these past months, particularly when men speak out clearly and distinctly for the uniqueness of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the upholding of biblical standards in…  ( Click for more )

Once these soldiers and religious leaders escort Jesus Christ across town from the Garden of Gethsemane to Caiaphas the High Priest’s house further wickedness explodes. We are studying in Luke Chapter 22 and we read of what happened at verse 63. Luke 22 is a long chapter. For Jesus Christ it had been a long day and it was going to be a long night.

Inside Caiaphas’s house those whose job it was to guard Jesus mock Jesus. We are reading now of terrible behaviour, and during the Passover, and led by the religious leaders in the house of the High Priest. They mock and…  ( Click for more )

We have been reading of Jesus Christ being betrayed in the Garden of Gethsemane following a time of intense prayer. Sometimes painful experiences can result following a time of real prayer. We have to come to terms with that possibility because there is an enemy of God who detests our fellowshipping and communing with the Father through Jesus Christ the Son.

Jesus is led away, by some 200 soldiers and leaders of the religious establishment.

We are studying in Luke Chapter 22.

Peter follows, but keeping a safe distance. That is always a dangerous place to be; trying to…  ( Click for more )

We have taken a longish time look in detail at this last day in the physical life of Jesus Christ as Dr Luke relates it in Chapter 22, but it is important that we do not hurry over the crucial issues raised in this passage. It is also helpful too to read the parallel passages in Matthew Chapter 26 and Mark Chapter 14. These accounts are given to us for a very real purpose.

In verse 54Jesus is led away, humbly but with dignity, and Peter follows, afar off and at a safe distance.

There is no safe distance when you are distancing yourself from Jesus. Peter is watching, trailing…  ( Click for more )

We are studying the detail in Luke Chapter 22 at verse 47 where Judas and that gang approach Jesus Christ to have Him arrested.

It is possible to be physically close to Jesus Christ and have rebellion in your heart. Jesus makes no attempt to frustrate Judas's hellish scheme. Jesus is calm and poised and in control.

Jesus knows what has to happen, that we might be saved, rescued, washed, forgiven, justified, sanctified, and anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus shows no fear as he faces the enemy. Jesus is Master of the whole situation.

Judas had started well,…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 22 at verse 45, we read of Jesus being in anguish in prayer and we also read of the disciples asleep. What a warning to us all. What a warning to each of us.

These disciples do not realise what is going on in the world, this spiritual battle. They couldn't at that point, of course. Sin had blinded them. Arguing and squabbling had opened the door to the evil one. We have seen that.

But we also see that Jesus has to do this work on His own. Prayer is hard work.

In so many places around the country the poorest attended meetings in The Church of Jesus Christ…  ( Click for more )

We have slowly reached, and deliberately so, Luke Chapter 22 and verse 39, where Jesus Christ leaves the Upper Room where they had celebrated The Passover, and He makes His way to that place to which He resorted when He wanted peace and quiet and space, to pray.

There would be a full moon, giving sufficient light to see where you are going. It was Passover.

Jesus tells His disciples to pray so that they would not fall into temptation. They did not pray, and soon fell.

First they fell asleep, then they fled, and to flee is to fall.

It pays to pay attention to what Jesus…  ( Click for more )

We have been ‘lingering’ around these verses 31 to 33 in Luke Chapter 22, where Jesus Christ tells Peter that he is going to be sifted. Why have I ‘lingered’? We all go through the most awful experiences at times, but Jesus prays that our faith may not fail, and Jesus sees and soothes.

Peter's self-confidence is dealt with drastically. Peter's physical failings and failures are known publicly, as well as the powerful ministry he later was to exercise following the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Temple. We read of that in Acts Chapter 2.

And Jesus…  ( Click for more )

In Luke Chapter 22, we read of that scenario in verses 31,32, where Jesus is informing Peter that he is about to be sifted, but Jesus also reassures this man who is to lead the early church that he is being prayed for. We need to know this too in these challenging and peculiar days when so much of what we have been used to is being undermined and shaken just as the Scriptures depict.

There are times when we are sifted like flour, and put through the mill and pummelled as the dough is prepared. And after all that it is the fire to bake the bread! Read how the showbread was prepared…  ( Click for more )

Peter was going to have a wild 24 hours, and be in tremendous turmoil over these next three or four days, but Jesus had prayed for him that his faith would not fail.

We are reading and studying in Luke Chapter 22 and we move on from verse 31.

Jesus knows that Peter is going to have a very difficult few days ahead of him and Jesus reassures Peter that He has prayed for him. It is so good to know that Jesus Christ intercedes and prays for us and it is particularly reassuring to have that confidence when we are going through a challenging season.

Peter is to be sifted and…  ( Click for more )

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