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The Focus

    by Dennis Wheeler

July 7, 2004

This past Sunday morning at our Men's Prayer Breakfast a young believer in Christ raised his hand and said, "Can you explain this 'grace' thing to me?"

As several men jumped into the conversation and as we attempted to define 'grace' ... it kind of struck me that there are probably many folks who have been a Christian for a long time and yet need to be reminded of the 'grace' thing! I know as a youngster I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was in the 3rd grade and I knew that I had been saved by God's grace. But I continued to live my…  ( Click for more )

In just a few days our nation will celebrate her birthday...the Fourth of July!! We are so privileged to live in a wonderful nation overflowing abundantly with many, many blessings!!

But just think how much greater this nation could be if God's church were truly unified? Wasn't that the final prayer of Jesus (John 17) just prior to His arrest and crucifixion?

I believe sincerely that one of the things that breaks God's heart today is for Him to see how His 'church' has become so fragmented and divisive. It seems that so many churches just huddle…  ( Click for more )

June 23, 2004

Have you noticed this incredible phenomena?

It's incredible...but it's true!!

There are literally thousands upon thousands of folks in the church today who have received a gift...but they have NEVER opened that gift!!

Can you believe that??

Yep! It's true!

You see - - when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and we are adopted into His family...He gives us a gift! It's the gift of 'service'.

Yet many, many Christians attend their delegated one-hour of worship on Sunday morning and hang on tightly to their unopened gift. How…  ( Click for more )

June 16, 2004

There is a very sad story found in the Old Testament in 2 Samuel chapters 13-14. It's the story of King David's family...specifically dealing with his children Absalom, Amnon and Tamar. Amnon lusted after his sister Tamar. But she rejected his one day he overpowered her and raped her. Their brother Absalom was devastated over what happened and began to seek revenge. He waited two years for the perfect opportunity to kill his brother Amnon.

This act of violence drove a wedge between Absalam and his father, King David. So, out of fear & shame, Absalom…  ( Click for more )

June 9, 2004

One day President Thomas Jefferson and a group of other men were crossing a swollen stream on horseback. A man standing on the bank of the river waited until several of the men crossed. Then he waved to Jefferson and asked him to take him across the river on his horse...and the President gladly obliged.

When the man reached the other side he got off Jefferson's horse...immediately one of the other men asked him, "Tell me, why did you select the President of the United States to carry you across the river?"

The man replied, "I didn't know he was the President! All…  ( Click for more )

We are so privileged in live in a nation that enjoys FREEDOM! The freedom that we enjoy today as Americans was preserved because of the sacrifice of thousands and thousands of individuals who served in World War II. I'm so thankful that there has finally been a memorial erected and dedicated to the sacrificial service of the World War II generation. I watched the dedication of the World War II Memorial this past weekend on C-Span and my heart swelled with pride as the camera spanned the crowd and I saw the proud faces of men and women who are so deserving of my thanks!

I…  ( Click for more )

May 26, 2004

At Central Christian Church in Jonesborough, Tennessee we are currently in a message series entitled "7th Heaven" - dealing with how to strengthen and fortify our marriages and our families. In light of what is taking place in Massachusetts with the recognition of same-sex marriages...the traditional family/marriage is in need of a major boost!

This past Sunday we specifically discussed as to how we can preserve our marriages. One particular point that seemed to hit home with several folks was that we need to keep on dating our mate. (In fact, I know of two couples that left…  ( Click for more )

May 19, 2004

During my lifetime I have met many Christians who live their lives viewing God's judgment and condemnation, instead of living with God's love and approval. In fact, I used to live that way...and let me tell you - it ain't no fun!!

You see, when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior - - our sins are totally forgiven, God's justice has been satisfied, and we are no longer condemned! Romans 8:1 underscores this..."So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you through Christ Jesus..."…  ( Click for more )

May 12, 2004

Did you know that sheep aren't very smart?

Listen to this...they tend to wander into running creeks for water, then their wool grows heavy and they drown. They need a shepherd to lead them to 'calm water' (Psalms 23:2).

They have no natural defense - no claws, no horns, no fangs. They are totally helpless. Sheep need a shepherd with a 'rod and...walking stick' to protect them. (Psalms 23:4).

Sheep have absolutely no sense of direction. They need someone to lead them 'on paths that are right'. (Psalms 23:3).

Are you thinking what…  ( Click for more )

May 5, 2004

Doug & Phyllis Fox are a wonderful Christian family and are an active part of the body of Christ at Central Christian in Jonesborough. After much prayer and seeking God's direction - - Doug & Phyllis announced this past Sunday morning that they have decided to enter full-time Christian ministry. Doug will be resigning his secular job in the next two months and they are absolutely open to where God will lead them. Needless to say...they are apprehensive and excited at what awaits them down the road!

Do you ever look down the road of life and become a bit overwhelmed at all…  ( Click for more )

This coming Sunday (April 13) is "PALM SUNDAY". Churches around the world will recall Jesus' triumphant entrance into the city of Jerusalem...riding on a donkey as the people joyfully waved palm branches and put their coats down on the road for the donkey to step on. They all shouted enthusiastically 'Hosanna!! Bless the King who comes in the name of the Lord!"'

But Luke reminds us of something else that happened on that same day as Jesus is entering the city of Jerusalem.

In Luke 19:41-44 we read that as Jesus saw the city of Jerusalem ahead of Him...He began…  ( Click for more )

Last week in 'The Central Point' we touched on the issue of FORGIVENESS. Let's continue thinking about that subject today...because FORGIVENESS is such a grace-filled word.

When we trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as our Savior - - our sins are forgiven...God's justice has been satisfied...and we are no longer under condemnation. Romans 8:1 promises..."So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus." (NLT)

Yet I meet many Christians who continually carry a feeling of condemnation or punishment. Why do we feel this way?

Could…  ( Click for more )

I had lunch with a friend yesterday and we were discussing some possible sermon topics for the coming weeks and months. We talked about a subject that is drawing a lot of attention today even in the secular market...the issue of FORGIVENESS.

Dr. Phil is talking about the healthy benefits of forgiveness...books on 'forgiveness' are becoming shows are even jumping on this bandwagon.

And yet, the Bible approached and handled this topic many years ago!

Mark 11:25 - "When you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so…  ( Click for more )

April 14, 2004

Have you ever witnessed a scene like this?

Desperate young parents are frantically searching a large department store for their two-year old child. Somehow, somewhere, their baby had wandered off when they were looking at new furniture. Store security is collecting information from the panicked parents...strangers join the search efforts...the young mother is on the verge of hysteria.

Without warning, a grandmotherly woman walks into view with the child in her arms. She has saved the day! But even as the little boy sees his mother, he continues to sob uncontrollably. The…  ( Click for more )

Jesus never claimed to be one of many ways to God. In fact, He made many exclusive statements such as..."I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6 - NLT)

Of course you will hear folks say things like..."all religions lead to God" or "all roads lead to heaven." Well, if that's true then that would be like saying in order to call home all you need to do is simply dial any seven digits you choose. All calls end up in the same place. Wrong! If you want to call me at my home...there is only one set of numbers that…  ( Click for more )

March 31, 2004

I was blessed to be raised in Ironton, Ohio...a wonderful little city nestled along the Ohio River. One of the bragging rights of Ironton is that they have the nations oldest Memorial Day Parade! Every Memorial Day thousands and thousands of people converge into Ironton to enjoy the 2+ hour parade. It's quite an extravaganza...beautiful floats, marching bands, the Shriners, Military units & veterans, clowns, cheerleaders, government officials and dignitaries, etc.

As you stand along the parade route you will notice one thing in love parades!!! The children…  ( Click for more )

March 24, 2004

Chelsea was born with Moebius Syndrome. No matter how much she wanted to smile, for the first seven years of her life, she couldn't. It was physiologically impossible. Little Chelsea was born without a key nerve that transmits the 'smile signal' from her brain to her face. As a result, even when she was happy, her face was sad.

Fortunately for Chelsea, a team of physicians operated on the seven-year-old in 1995. They removed a muscle and a nerve from her leg and transplanted them beneath the surface of her face.

Today...Chelsea Thomas has something to smile…  ( Click for more )

March 17, 2004

Sometime within the next four weeks you are certain to hear the old spiritual being sung..."Were you there when they crucified my Lord?"

Obviously, we can't answer a literal 'yes'. We are fully aware that Jesus Christ was crucified over 2000 years ago. Those who were there, standing at the foot of that blood-stained cross, included disciples, soldiers, religious leaders, a few friends, and some passersby.

They saw more than they could fully understand. The sinless Son of God was subjected to cruel punishment and a heinous execution. But the true injustice…  ( Click for more )

March 10, 2004

Have you ever seen the stunning painting that depicts Christ's amazing love? A person stands behind a dark-haird man who is no longer strong enough to stand on his own. But it's not just anybody who is holding him up with strong embracing arms. It's Jesus!

If you examine the picture a little closer, you see some fascinating details. The man being held up by the Lord is stained with blood. In his limp hand, he still grasps a hammer. From the context of the scene, we are left with the impression that Jesus is holding the person responsible for His crucifixion.

But...that…  ( Click for more )

March 3, 2004

In the next three months I am privileged to be participating in several marriage ceremonies...and I must admit I look forward to being a part of each celebration.

What do you like most about going to a wedding? Honestly, I have to admit, one of the things I enjoy about a wedding is the reception and getting a big ol' slice of the wedding cake!! Ummmm! For most of us, though, it is the atmosphere of joy and beauty that surrounds the occasion. It is an event that is far from ordinary. The music is carefully chosen and well rehearsed. Family members will travel great…  ( Click for more )

February 25, 2004

This past Sunday in the our morning study we briefly touched on the subjec of 'fearing' God. We did not go into great detail of what 'fearing' God means. However, I know growing up I was literally afraid of God. I really did FEAR Him. I was afraid that I would die and stand in front of His judgment seat and He would shake a crooked finger at me and sentence me to the depths of hell. I was afraid that He was ready to zap me for everything I had ever done that was bad....and He would have had PLENTY of reasons to zap me!!!

But then I learned that the word…  ( Click for more )

February 18, 2004

Here at Central Christian Church, during the month of February, we are recognizing and honoring our many, many wonderful ministry team volunteers who serve Christ and His church faithfully throughout the year. During the morning worship services we have had our volunteers stand and we applaud their sacrificial service...and this coming Friday evening we are honoring our volunteers and their families with a delicious meal, inspiring music & speaker, and even a gift of appreciation.

To encourage others to get plugged into ministry and becoming involved in 'serving' we…  ( Click for more )

Here at Central Christian Church we are encouraging folks to see the upcoming film "The Passion of the Christ" and to invite their non-Christian friends. We have pre-sold tickets and are offering free childcare to folks who are attending the movie.

I believe this film will open the eyes and hearts of a multitude of folks who never envisioned that Christ could relate to them, love them, and save them. I believe that for the first time many will comprehend that Jesus was not exempt from suffering...that Jesus was sometimes lonely...that He was tempted to be discouraged...and that…  ( Click for more )

February 4, 2004

I love worshipping on Sunday morning with my church family. Singing His praises, studying His Word, participating in His communion meal, sharing with Him in corporate prayer. I leave the church house on Sunday morning all pumped up and ready for a new week.

But then, I don't know about you...on my daily journey through the new week I tend to lose focus. As the week progresses I begin to shift my eyes off my Savior and begin to intently gaze upon MY agenda, MY concerns, MY schedule, MY issues, MY problems ...and I forget to look to Him and live for Him.

One of my favorite…  ( Click for more )

January 28, 2004

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek me." Hebrews 11:6

My good ol' Webster Dictionary defines 'earnestly' as "with serious purpose, zealousness, or intensity."

Sometimes our prayers will be mere pleasure in God's company...sitting by a mountain stream, taking a walk on a beautiful spring day, enjoying an evening out with good friends - - - being thankful for the sweet blessings in our life and we share it with Him.

But other times…  ( Click for more )

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