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The Focus

    by Dennis Wheeler

January 21, 2004

The "Sanctity of Human Life" is being celebrated this entire week with the emphasis and focus being upon restoring the choices that honor all humanlife.

Since 1973 more than 40 million babies have been sacrificed on the altar ofabortion. The push to legalize euthanasia and human cloning are also eroding the respect for human life. There are those who are arguing that stem-cell research is offering the best chance of a cure for Parkinson's disease. Yet, Dr. James Dobson reports that there is not a single documented case of Parkinson's disease or other neurological disorders…  ( Click for more )

January 14, 2004

In the days that followed September 11, 2001, the world was introduced to an American hero...Todd Beamer. Todd was one of those on the United Airlines plane that crashed in rural Pennsylvania, a plane that was likely headed toward another target in Washington, D.C. Todd and others on the plane with him are credited with leading an attack against the terrorists who had killed and commandeered the cockpit. Realizing he was about to die, Todd used the onflight phone to call home. Unable to reach his wife, he prayed the Lord's Prayer with the Air Fone operator as a testimony…  ( Click for more )

January 7, 2004

I just can't let this event go by unnoticed...HOW ABOUT THOSE OHIO STATE BUCKEYES??!!! What a joyous victory! However, my heartfelt sympathy certainly is extended to all the University of Michigan and University of Tennessee fans who are in deep, deep mourning!

Whether your team won or lost or maybe never even made it to a Bowl game...I think you'll agree with me that there is nothing quite like being in a college football stadium on a brisk Saturday afternoon in the autumn. The music of the marching band echoes through the stands. The stomps and cheers of approving…  ( Click for more )

"More than five million breakdowns could be avoided each year if motorists performed a simple and quick inspection of their tires, belts and hoses," said Ed Schatzman, of AAA Auto Club. It makes a lot of sense to change your oil and make sure your car is in good working order before you proceed to drive it.

However, have you ever considered how many of lifes 'breakdowns' could be avoided if you, yourself, were prepared? Colossians 4:2 reads..."Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart." (NLT)

As we embark onto the new year of 2004...God's…  ( Click for more )

December 24, 2003

Every year at Christmas you always hear people begin to discuss as to whether Christians should decorate their homes. You'll hear some say, "After all - that's giving in to pagan traditions." Or..."You're helping to commercialize the season."

You want to know what I think? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway! I say...decorate your home & hearth to the max!! Decorating your home at Christmas is neither surrendering to pagan traditions nor is it submitting to commercialism.

I like what Jack Hayford says... "If God commissioned angels to roll back the night…  ( Click for more )

December 17, 2003

Question for the day:      If you planted apple seeds in your yard - what would grow?

Well, I'm not a farmer, but I think I can figure this one would produce an apple tree!!

Can you imagine planting apple seeds hoping that you'll reap a crop of oranges??!!

O.K. - let's go a little bit further with this question:      If you planted seeds of sin in your life - what would grow?

I'm confident I know the answer to this would produce a harvest of sinful consequences.

Just wondering...why is the answer…  ( Click for more )

December 10, 2003

What did you express 'thanks' for during your Thanksgiving celebration? One of the aspects of my life that I praise God for on a daily basis (and not just at Thanksgiving) is for my many friends. I absolutely cherish my friends. I was so saddened this past weekend to hear that a good friend in Florence, Kentucky had passed away. Velma Kircher was not only a dear, sweet friend but she was my 'sister' in the Christian faith as well. I will miss her infectious laughter and positivie attitude.


How many good friendships do you have? I can remember…  ( Click for more )

December 3, 2003

In our Sunday morning worship services at Central Christian Church...we are currently discussing the topic "Why Should I Give?"

To be honest...being giving and being 'generous' are not natural characteristics. You don't believe me? Just go to a local day care center and watch the children play and interact. They will squabble over who goes first, whose piece of cookie is bigger, and who plays with their toys.

Even as adults...we do the same thing...especially in the area of our finances. The choices we make often reflect the desire to keep what is ours and…  ( Click for more )

November 26, 2003

Last night I took my family on a 'Family Outing' to one of my favorite places...WAL-MART!! Our journey to Wal-Mart was for one purpose only - to get the necessary food items to prepare the Thanksgiving feast for the guests and family who are coming to our home on Thanksgiving Day. I absolutely LOVE shopping at Wal-Mart...however I cannot say the same for my wife. She despises even having to drive onto the parking lot and search for a parking space!! When someone asks me to go to Wal-Mart...I get the same sensation that men do up north on the first day that deer hunting…  ( Click for more )

November 19, 2003

I really like an editorial by Mark Taylor that I read in the 'Christian Standard'. I'll share a portion of it with you...

"Can money buy happiness?

Most Christians answer 'no' and surprisingly, secular research comes to the same conclusion. The October 6 Time magazine carried a short piece by columnist Jean Chatzky on data gathered for her new book, You Don't Have To Be Rich. The book reports that for most Americans, an extra $1000 or even 10 times that amount 'isn't going to bring lasting happiness."

One line from the column…  ( Click for more )

Yesterday our nation observed Veteran's Day. Originally this day was set aside by President Woodrow Wilson to commemorate the termination of the hositilities in World War I (11:00 a.m., November 11, 1918) and to eulogize the war dead.

On November 11, 1921, an American unknown soldier was entombed with special ceremonies in Arlington National Cemetary in Virginia. Since that time Veteran's Day has received a broader significance in honoring all U.S. Veterans.

On this day I pause to reflect about how thankful I am for my grandfather, my father-in-law, my uncles,…  ( Click for more )

God is sooooo good! On my way to the office this morning, around 7:10 a.m., the car starting shaking violently and I realized that I had a flat tire. Not just a flat tire...but a shredded tire! So I pulled off to the side of the road. But, God provides so incredibly! Sharon usually carrys our cell phone but this morning she said, "Why don't you take the cell phone might need it." So...immediately I turned on the cell phone and called AAA to come and tow me. (I might add that I just signed up for AAA a few weeks ago! - God provides & prepares the way once again).…  ( Click for more )

October 29, 2003

I arrived at the church office early this morning while it was still dark. Bleary-eyed I stumbled into my office...turned on the computer...and opened my email. One email note that caught my attention stated..."It's time to reclaim America". I opened the email and attached were petitions to sign and show support for the life of the unborn, support the traditional marriage, support the display of the Ten Commandments on public property, and still another petition that supports "One nation under God" in our pledge.

Isn't it incredible that these items have become questionable…  ( Click for more )

A famous writer once remarked that he never bothered to read the newspaper or watch the news on television because if something important were to happen, he knew his friends would tell him about it! Can you believe it? He was trusting his friends to keep him 'in the know' regarding the important events of everyday life.

But what happens if his friends let him down? What happens if his friends let some important news just slip by? What happens if his friends get too busy and don't bother to clue him in to the latest news?

The most important, earth-shattering,…  ( Click for more )

My Tuesday has not started off very well!! On my way to the church office this morning I stopped at a 'quick lube' place to get my car serviced. When they finished and as I was paying for the service the clerk said, 'Oops! I almost charged you too much. I can save you $2.50.' She promptly gave me a Senior Citizens discount!!! I do have a birthday coming up this Saturday...but this lady certainly didn't make me feel excited about it!!

Well, let's move on to some more encouraging thoughts...

Have you ever felt as though your sins were so…  ( Click for more )

October 8, 2003

This past Sunday morning in our study of God's Word we were encouraged & challenged with this statement..."WE HAVE GOOD NEWS AND WE NEED TO BE BOLD IN SHARING IT!" There are so many people held captive by the philosophy and the pleasures of this world and they desperately need to hear the Good News proclaimed to them clearly and boldly. And it is our Lord who has asked us to do this!

I read this story from Max Lucado in his book "On The Anvil"...I hope it encourages you this morning...

On Friday, May 7, my calendar reads 'Juan - lunch'. The lunch date never…  ( Click for more )

October 1, 2003

Do you ever look down the road of life and become a bit overwhelmed at all the tasks, expectations, responsibilities and challenges?

Boy, I sure do!! I start to fret and worry and think..."Oh, I need to do this!" "I had better be preparing for that!" And before I realize it - - my life is in a panic mode!!

I wonder if Moses felt this way when God called him to lead the Israelites out of captivity? Think about this...God says, "Hey, Moses! Why don't you get things ready and lead the Israelistes out of their bondage into a dry and barren wilderness. You might want to…  ( Click for more )

September 24, 2003

Worry plagues our culture like the common cold: it's easy to catch and hard to shake. And sooner or later, everybody has it! We worry about money; we worry about our kids; we worry over our jobs; we worry about the future. The list is endless. In fact, sometimes we even worry about not worrying! At least when we worry, if feels as if we're doing something!

But when we worry, of course, we are actually accomplishing nothing. What worry gains us is increased anxiety...the more we worry, the more we think of to worry about. We also gain decreased joy, diminished peace,…  ( Click for more )

When our youngest daughter, Kendra, was about four years old, we were strolling through a suburban mall and it was unusally congested with excited holiday shoppers. In the hustle and bustle - Kendra's hand got loose from mine and she was swept away by the crowd. My eyes frantically searched the sea of unknown faces. But then, in the midst of all the hub-bub and noise I heard a familiar voice, "DADDY! DADDY!" I followed the worried, trembling voice and found my scared little lamb! For the rest of the shopping trip - she wasn't content to hold my hand - she wanted me…  ( Click for more )

September 10, 2003

"Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, making music to the Lord in your hearts. And you will always give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." -Ephesians 5:19,20 (NLT)

It is said that during World War II there was a Greek immigrant, by the name of Gus, who walked from Lewiston, Idaho all the way to Washington, D.C. This man dearly loved his adopted country. He was too old to fight, but he wanted to find a way to help pay for the freedom he enjoyed. Gus decided he would use his feet and his willpower…  ( Click for more )

September 3, 2003

Jesus never claimed to be one of many ways to God. In fact, Jesus Himself stated confidently "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me." (John 14:6). But this exclusive stance really irks a lot of the contemporary critics of Christianity today.

I heard someone joke and say..."To believe that all religions lead to God is like saying that to call home all you need to do is simply dail any seven digits you choose. All calls end up in the same place! Only a fool would try that approach. Obviously, every set of numbers but one would…  ( Click for more )

August 27, 2003

Early one morning two college students (probably Ohio State University students!!) were walking across the campus when they came to the snow-covered football field. One guy said to the other, "I bet you can't walk across the field - goal to goal - and leave a perfectly straight line of footprints in the snow."

"Whoa buddy! Just watch!", said the other guy. And off he went - stepping off from one end zone he carefully moved down the field. He kept his eyes focused on his feet and occasionally would glance up to see how much further he had to walk. When he was finished he…  ( Click for more )

"Let us continually offer our sacrifice of praise to God by proclaiming the glory of His name. Don't forget to do good and to share what you have with those in need, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to God." - Hebrews 13:15-16

"Did you get anything out of church today?"

Ever heard that question asked after a Sunday morning church service? Sadly, that very comment is heard in many cars between the church service and Sunday lunch. In many situations, the sermon may not have been well prepared or the worship service may not have been planned so that…  ( Click for more )

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." (Romans 12:1-2)

The Scripture listed above is dealing with 'repentance' - "do not conform any longer...but be transformed." You see, repentance is not a once in a lifetime commitment. It's not simply an apology with a promise to do better. Repentance is a whole new lifestyle.

Repentance…  ( Click for more )

Well, for the past few weeks, in The Central Point, we have been examining how to offer our bodies as living sacrifices to our Holy God. We have talked about offering our ears, our eyes and last week, our mouth.

Today let's take a look at our 'thoughts'!


I know that your thoughts are not physical parts of your body. But they are inseparable from your body. Your thoughts reflect and direct what you do with your eyes, your ears, and your mouth.

Review these Scriptures about how to offer your thoughts to God as an act of worship... "Whatever…  ( Click for more )

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