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Word from Nairnshire

    by Sandy Shaw

September 11, 2012

We hear little about Reformers these days. Pastors, church planters, praise leaders, and youth ministries, are frequently mentioned, but seldom Reformers.

The title Reformer is regarded with suspicion. Reformers can be considered as headstrong individuals who might divide, cause confusion, or even destroy what exists.

Zeal is certainly the mark of a Reformer, but not the only one, and zeal without wisdom and love can be very destructive.

Jesus Christ was Saviour and Lord and King, but also very much a Reformer.

A Reformer challenges the status quo, bringing about…  ( Click for more )

September 4, 2012

What a horrendous mess man gets into when he turns away from, and rejects, God’s ways, as revealed in the Word of God.

Nowhere is this more clearly seen in these present days than on the political, economic, and financial front in this crucial area of debt.

One might wonder if anyone in Italy has a Bible, and if so, does anyone read it, and pay attention to its light, guidance, and direction?

Much of the Scripture was written either in Greece or to Greece, but its teaching has been deliberately neglected and ignored, involving suffering for millions of people. …  ( Click for more )

August 28, 2012

Many have commented on the Queen’s Christmas Day address, even going as far as suggesting that Her Majesty said more in a few concentrated minutes, than all the other religious leaders put together, who aimed at making political comments, rather than focusing upon what was central.

Consider these poignant words of Her Majesty. They ought not to be discarded with the transient trappings and temporary trimmings.

“Finding hope in adversity is one of the themes of Christmas. Jesus was born into a world full of fear. The angels came to frightened shepherds with…  ( Click for more )

August 21, 2012

Twenty years ago it would have been preposterous to think that, in Scotland, anyone in Government would have seriously considered introducing legislation permitting same sex marriage.

For centuries, heterosexual marriage has been recognised across cultures as the most successful building block for sound solid society.

Marriage recognises and acknowledges the uniqueness of the complimentary genders of male and female, and their ability to produce children.

Jesus Christ honoured marriage and put his imprimatur upon this holy institution.

When people have asked if marriage…  ( Click for more )

August 14, 2012

David Hume, the philosopher, was hurrying along the streets of Edinburgh, when he was asked, where he was going.

“I am going to hear George Whitefield preach.”

“But you don’t believe a word George Whitefield preaches” retorted his inquisitor.

“No, but he does!”

People know when a man of God is for real. They certainly knew that when Jesus Christ walked onto the world’s stage.

Disciples were chosen and called, and they arose and followed.

Lepers were cleansed of that horrendous affliction, and bad spirits were…  ( Click for more )

August 7, 2012

When King David was near to death there was a family explosion and that is one thing a man should avoid at all times, but particularly at such a moment in life.

David had been through a lot, and physically he was frail and fragile. He remains King of Israel and anointed of God, but nearing the end of his days upon the earth.

He had difficulties and trouble right to the very end. It is a sad tale.

One of his sons, Adonijah, makes a move to become king, and preens himself for that possibility.

His father had never disciplined him, trained him, discipled him, and brought…  ( Click for more )

July 31, 2012

We draw to the close of a year that has seen political and financial upheaval in Europe, warring turmoil across northern Africa, and the serious issues in Iraq and Afghanistan show no signs of being resolved.

Persecution among disciples of Jesus Christ continues to be fierce in many nations, and subtle in others.

Jesus said it would be like this. In this world you will have trouble.

Having problems and difficulties does not imply that you are a fake, a fraud, a failure, or the focus of God’s displeasure.

The storm tested the wise man and the foolish man, but…  ( Click for more )

July 24, 2012

King David was a worshipper, a singer, a poet, a brave man who had many weaknesses, as well as various strengths. He is such a mixture, just as we are.

David discovered what could result when Almighty God was one’s rock.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, and David knew that the God of the Old Testament was reliable and consistent.

When being hunted by men he experienced having to hide in crags and caves, as well as stand on that rock.

Just as David had to hide at times, we too hide, in a sense, when we come to worship, not because we are…  ( Click for more )

July 17, 2012

Is not the supreme purpose for the birth of Jesus Christ so relevant and significant this year, as we appear to be facing storms of increasing intensity? The main reason is always important.

When Mary informed her fiancé Joseph that she was carrying a child, Joseph was on the point, quite understandably, of breaking off the engagement. He thought she had been playing around with some other man.

An angel appeared to Joseph and explained exactly what was happening.

Almighty God was breaking through into this broken, pained and suffering world.

God was coming…  ( Click for more )

July 10, 2012

When Peter writes his letters to the Church of Jesus Christ he is responding to the real needs of those persecuted disciples.

He is reacting to their pain and deep distress, and it is because he is so clear in his teaching that he is able to give strong encouragement.

Peter knew what it was like to be persecuted and imprisoned, and so could write from personal experience.

The early Church appeared to be married to poverty, prisons and persecution, whereas today one could say the emphasis can be on prosperity, personalities and popularity.

Some argue that you should…  ( Click for more )

July 3, 2012

Alongside the Reformation, some 400 years ago, there was another influential movement called the Renaissance, but the Renaissance produced no martyrs.

It was very different, involving the quiet pursuit of scholars, belonging to the area of the intellect, and so was of no great threat to Satan.

The challenge of the Word of God results in quite different consequences. There is a power behind the Scriptures which guides and encourages and rescues, or can infuriate individuals, as man is brought to face his sin and do something about it.

When you read the life of Jesus,…  ( Click for more )

June 26, 2012

Did anything strange strike you as reports came in last Wednesday of disruption, delays, and inconvenience?

It was what is called, St Andrew’s Day.

Had the lessons from Andrew’s life been taken seriously, the events taking place might have produced positive experiences. Why?

Andrew was always bringing people to Jesus Christ and seeking to introduce people to Jesus.

He brought a little boy with his packed lunch to Jesus, and Jesus took his piece and fed five thousand men, plus women and children.

In Jerusalem, Andrew introduced some Greeks to Jesus. …  ( Click for more )

April 10, 2012

People are yearning and longing for something today, but many do not know what for.

There was a period in Samuel’s life when things became exceedingly serious.

National circumstances declined over some twenty years.

What was this man of God doing during this critical time?

He was travelling around four or five centres, exercising an itinerant ministry, faithfully teaching the Word of God year after year. He was founding mini theological colleges or divinity schools, or house groups and small fellowships of worshipping people.

Samuel had an immense impact…  ( Click for more )

April 3, 2012

These are times when we just have to get over things, and get on with what is next.

The leader of the nation, King Saul of Israel, had proved inadequate, disobedient, and consequentially disastrous.

The man of God, Samuel, is told not to go on mourning for ever. We are moving on. Life has to go on!

God has one further significant task for Samuel. He was the last of the prophetic judges and there was no one else in the nation qualified to fulfil this vital role.

David was to be anointed to become future king of Israel.

The Spirit of God had left Saul. David must…  ( Click for more )

March 27, 2012

There are times when God by-passes the church of the day. He may even by-pass the king of the day, when a fresh move is necessary.

Eli had been a priest in Israel, with two badly behaved sons who profaned the sanctuary. Eli heard what his sons were doing, and how they were living, but he failed as a father, and went soft on sin.

The people told him what was going in the place of prayer. His response was feeble. He did not tell his sons to stop. He failed in his spiritual and parental responsibilities.

Parenting is not for cowards. Parenting can involve being tough.

Had…  ( Click for more )

March 20, 2012

Guidance is one of the most vital issues in our lives, no matter what age we might be, but it is always wise to receive sound guidance as early as possible, and particularly in the areas of vocation and marriage.

Following the death of King Saul, David was now the man who would assume authority and leadership in the nation.

This could sound such a romantic story. Shepherd boy becomes king. Youngest son is anointed of God.

There are those who consider the days of the Covenanters, around these parts, to have been romantic times to serve the living God.

Being hunted…  ( Click for more )

March 13, 2012

The cost for error is high. Nations need authoritative wise leaders.

Harvesters from Beth Shemesh, some 15 miles west of Jerusalem, rejoiced when they witnessed the Ark of the Lord returning from the Philistines.

Ah, here comes God! It is just like old times. No, it was not like old times.

There was no reverence whatsoever for the things of God.

Experiencing rejection by men, he is still God’s man, and Samuel is thrust forward to rescue the nation, as the people wanted to sort out the appalling mess they were in.

They wanted to return to God, and to the…  ( Click for more )

March 6, 2012

When true worship declines idolatry flourishes.

There has never been such worship in our nation for years, but alas, much of it is idolatrous.

The captured Ark of the Lord had been with the Philistines for seven months, and they have experienced nothing but sadness, pain, and death.

The Ark had to go back to Israel where it belonged, but the leaders knew they had to return it with accompanying gifts because of their guilt and their sin.

People have an innate awareness of sin, although they may be most reluctant to admit it.

They knew they had to appease the God…  ( Click for more )

February 28, 2012

Having slaughtered 30,000 Israeli soldiers the Philistines seized the Ark of the Lord, took it to Ashdod, and placed it in their temple, beside Dagon their false god.

The Ark had never previously been captured while under the care of those ordained and appointed to guard it.

The Philistines boasted, and they had much to boast about, but one salient lesson emerges.

If you start a fight with God, you are sure to lose!

The Philistines thought they had defeated Israel. It looked like it. What a victory they had, but then it all went wrong.

Did they think the God of…  ( Click for more )

February 21, 2012

They thought they had God in a box. Whatever made them think that, and why?

The people of God had experienced a significant defeat. The Philistines defeated the Israeli army.

They wondered why they had been overcome. The defeat made their hearts sink. They should have known why!

It was the result of their sin, their disobedience, and their appalling behaviour at Shiloh.

They panicked. Bring the Ark. Bring our God in a box.

This is terrible. They thought the symbol was all that was necessary.

The Ark was not a charm or talisman. It was only a symbol to remind…  ( Click for more )

February 14, 2012

How can such success result in suffering, antagonism, and danger?

When David floored Goliath there were various repercussions.

News from the battlefield travelled fast and women wrote and sang a new chorus, and King Saul became jealous.

Jealousy is a powerful and dangerous emotion.

David was quickly promoted and that pleased everyone, except Saul who promoted him.

David was gifted with natural talents and abilities, and with the anointing of God upon his life, these attributes would be enhanced and enriched.

A man can be doing his very best for God and king…  ( Click for more )

February 7, 2012

It was harvest time and David and some of his men were helping out, looking after the land, animals, and belongings of others.

They had to work, pay their way, and make a living. There were no social security benefits under Saul’s kingship.

The boss man, Nabal, was stubborn, greedy and churlish, and would not pay David’s men, although they did not ask for much.

He was of the aristocracy of Judah and knew very little about David.

A great inheritance and pedigree can bring pride, and make a man judgmental and critical of others.

Nabal fell into the trap…  ( Click for more )

January 31, 2012

Is the Word of God as we have it in the Bible concerning the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, reliable, accurate, and trustworthy?

At the beginning of the Gospel of Luke, we are told that many had been writing about Jesus, and we have some of these writings which are not in the Bible.

There were rumours and myths and stories and fanciful legends going around about Jesus. This invariably happens with someone unusual or famous.

Luke investigated everything from the beginning, with the aim of reassuring people that what they believe about Jesus Christ is true.

Luke…  ( Click for more )

January 24, 2012

Although many would deny it vehemently, people appear to know that there is life, or something, after death.

One only has to read the special messages placed in newspapers.

There came a day in King Saul’s life when he was desperate and he needed a word, and it did not matter where that word came from.

He was surrounded by the Philistine army.

Samuel was dead. Saul had played the fool, and received no answer from God.

David was in hiding, Saul was in fear, Israel was in turmoil and leaderless.

Saul issues one swift wrong command demonstrating his impatience…  ( Click for more )

January 17, 2012

David is determined that he can defeat this giant Goliath, who is defying and mocking the army of the living God.

His courage had developed while looking after sheep in the harsh Judean wilderness. He knew that the enemy was not afraid of the flock and occasionally the shepherd had to deal with whatever dangers appeared.

The spiritual learning and discipline of our early years can be so vital.

David did not fritter away his time on superficial activities. What an advantage that can be later on.

David was not a hunter, but a shepherd. His objective was not to kill…  ( Click for more )

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